I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2101

"Destroy? Hahaha... The real Holy Spirit has nothing to do with me, just rely on that false Holy Spirit? However, it is true that thanks to you who revived the real love song, Master can make me appear again." Revelation Behemoth shot He patted the black mud wrapped in the demon bodhisattva, and said: "This traitor is still useful to the Master, so I can't give it to you. Goodbye, Ai Ge. I look forward to the return of the real you."

The Apocalypse giant smiled, and then slowly sank into the black mud.

"Master Xuanzang, don't let him escape!" Ayaka said hastily.

"The poor monk knows. Five Elements Mountain Sakyamuni Tathagata Palm—!"

With a soft shout, Xuanzang slapped the Sakyamuni palm with the power of an enlightened being, and the endless Buddha's light turned into a giant palm, crushing towards the giant beast of the apocalypse.

"The Enlightened One...Hmph!"

The Apocalypse giant snorted coldly, and two mud dragon heads rushed out of the sea of ​​mud, and they actually strangled Sakyamuni's palm, making it difficult for him to walk.

Sakyamuni's palm is transformed by the Buddha's light, it is energy and has no substance, but the two clay dragon heads are like being bitten in the palm of the flesh.

Looking at such a familiar scene, Fujimaru Tachika muttered to himself: "The False God Seat..."

This ability to immobilize energy and matter is the ability of the false god seat.

"We will meet again, love song, and, the seventh beast."

The Apocalypse giant grabbed the mud ball that wrapped the demonic Bodhisattva, slowly submerged into the black mud and disappeared. Everyone knew that He entered the dark side of the dimension through the black mud, and left this chaotic land that had been assimilated by the black mud of [Shatiao Love Song].

And with the departure of the Apocalypse monster, the mud sea completely lost control, and the waves were turbulent, overflowing in all directions.

"Can't let those mud flow to other places, otherwise, other places will be assimilated!"

Aige frowned, and then his eyes fell on Xuanzang.

At this moment, only Xuanzang, who has awakened Buddha nature, still possesses great power.

Xuanzang nodded, Sakyamuni turned into a huge mountain, trying to use the mountain as a barrier to block the sea of ​​mud, but once it fell into it, it was assimilated into black mud, adding fuel to the flames.

"No, I'm afraid only an enlightened person like my master can dissolve this mud." Xuanzang shook his head and said.

Aige clenched her fists tightly, in this case, she can only suck the mud back.

However, if the mud is sucked back, will [she] wake up again?

Ai Ge is not sure, but she can only do this. If the mud continues to grow violently, the entire pan-human history will have been assimilated before the Lord of Relief has appeared.

When Ai Ge was preparing to act, countless roots appeared in the mud sea, and then connected to each other to form a giant tree, which fixed the mud sea.

Aige turned her head with a face full of surprise, and saw Fujimaru Tachika clenching her teeth, her eyes flickering with strange light, it was obvious that she was exerting her animal power.

The seventh animal nature can indeed hold the evil king's mud, but Fujimaru Tateka only has half of the seventh animal nature, and more than half of his strength has been squandered, less than one in ten. How can he stop the tide of mud?

Soon the mud tide collapsed the giant tree and rushed towards them.

Xuanzang looked at the raging tide of mud unwillingly, she could tell that the mud came from the [root], it was the deformed malice of the [root], and was peeling off the surface of the planet, which she could not transcend and fix. Only by fixing the surface of the planet can these mud be fixed.

But each star anchor has its own owner, and the star anchor in the land of Western Europe is owned by Shirou, but Shirou is missing at this moment, and his star anchor also disappeared along with Grey due to the attunement of the emperor.

So, where did another star anchor come from at this moment?

Thinking like this, the mud was extremely turbulent and rushed towards Xuanzang, but when it was about to fall into Xuanzang's Buddha light, it was fixed as if it had lost water.

"what happened?"

Several people looked in amazement, only to see majestic starlight shining in the mud sea, and the nine-ringed tin staff slowly rising from the mud sea, submerged in the giant tree of Fujimaru Tachika.

The giant tree got the power of the nine-ringed tin rod, its whole body was shining with starlight, and its root system grew vigorously. In an instant, like a Nordic world tree, it grew into a towering giant tree with black mud as its soil!

"The surface of the planet was fixed by Master Xuanzang's nine-ring tin rod!" Ayaka said in surprise.

"Strange, the nine-ring tin staff should not have this ability." Xuanzang looked puzzled, then looked at the nine-ring tin staff in surprise, and said, "That's not the poor monk's tin staff! It's—— "

"The anchor of the monkey's star." Ai Ge looked at the anchor in the giant tree like a needle that fixed the surface of the planet in surprise.

The nine-ring pewter rod has lost its camouflaged skin. It is not a Buddha-nature treasure from the Pure Land, but another star anchor that maintains the skin of the planet!

Xuanzang finally understood. It turned out that the reason why Shirou was able to use the nine-ring tin staff after being sealed by the "ring of thorns" was not because Shirou activated the ability of the "nine-ring tin staff", but because of the "nine-ring tin staff". The tin stick" borrows Shirou's hand to protect a person.

And that person was none other than Xuanzang.

"The poor monk kept calling Wukong for help, but he didn't want Wukong to protect him all the time." Xuanzang sighed.

Thanks to the maintenance of another star anchor, the planet skin of this land was re-maintained, and the malice from the [root] was covered by the planet skin, thus being fixed.

Not only that, thanks to the re-covering of the skin, the original concepts of time and space assimilated by the mud have also returned to this land.

And accompanied by it, there is also a towering giant tree.

After the matter was over, everyone could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Ai Ge looked at Xuanzang and asked, "Don't you take the magic needle back?"

Xuanzang shook his head, "The origin and the extinction, the fate is over. It will naturally go back."

"That's it..."

Xuanzang looked at Aige with a smile and said, "Almsgiver, arrogance, greed, anger, ignorance, and doubt are the five poisonous minds. That Bodhisattva is trapped in the two thoughts of anger and ignorance, but the donor is trapped in the thought of doubt." , I hope the benefactor can calm down."

Ai Ge nodded: "Teachable."

"Then, the poor monk will take his leave." Xuanzang clasped his palms together.

Ayaka looked at Xuanzang in surprise, and asked, "Master Xuanzang, aren't you going back to Tiernano?"

"The poor monk knows why the poor monk came, so he will not go back. I just hope that the benefactor will return a word to the benefactor of Bedivere for me."

"What words?"

"Wherever you come and go, everything is up to you. Amitabha."

Xuanzang clasped his palms together, turned and left.

After Xuanzang left, only Aige and Ayaka were left here, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

Aika glanced at Ayaka, then turned around.

Fujimaru Tachika asked, "Are you leaving too, Aika?"

Ai Ge nodded, pointed at Ayaka and said, "She will take you to find your sister."

Fujimaru Tachika hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Do you want my seventh animal nature?"

"I can't beat you, but one day, I will take it over."

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