I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2102

"Is that so..." Fujimaru Tateka lowered her head, her face a little lonely.

Aige looked at Fujimaru Lixiang in distress, and said, "Lixiang, I don't know what you think... But, I'm not your friend, and I can't be your friend."

Aige thinks that Fujimaru Tachika will redeem her soul, maybe because she feels guilty that she failed to save Olga Marie back then, but maybe, she naively thought that she could be friends with her, right?

Otherwise, why was the look in his eyes that extended a helping hand to her so sincere?

But, no.

She can't be friends with anyone.

Even if it hurts this person's heart, I want to break her innocence.

Aika thought so, but Fujimaru Tatsuka showed a strange look.

"Of course we are not friends anymore. I just wanted you to be my companion, but I never thought you would be my friend. My friend must always exist in my life. People who are fleeting like fireworks, I'm not going to be friends because that would just make me miserable. And Aige, you're the one who disappears like fireworks, right?"

Aiga stared blankly at Fujimaru Tachika, there was no lie in her eyes, full of innocence and purity.

Yes, I misunderstood it from the beginning.

In Fujimaru Tachika's cognitive view, companions are not equal to friends.

But now, Aige also understands that the person in front of her is not really sincere, but just like her, like a demon bodhisattva, a sad person with a huge hole in her heart.

No wonder she has bestiality.

No wonder she would want to redeem herself, to make herself her companion.

Because, she herself is actually longing for spiritual salvation.

The person she wants to redeem is actually herself.

Fujimaru Tachika, where does your suffering come from?

Aika looked at Fujimaru Tachika sadly and sympathetically.

She was both sad that she was denied by Lixiang, and felt sympathy for the huge void in Lixiang's heart, but in the end, her eyes calmed down, and she turned and left.

Li Xiang looked at Ai Ge's back and couldn't help but said: "Don't die, I haven't given up on making you my companion!"

"I won't die until I pay off your favor."

Love song left.

Fujimaru Tachika and Ayaka prepare to return to Tirnano.

On the way back, Kirshtalia arrived with the Heroic Spirit.

"Where did you go, Kiel?" Fujimaru Tateka looked at Kirshtalia in surprise.

"I met those imperial troops again, so I fought for a while, team leader."

"Oh, it turned out that those imperial troops didn't show up because of you! Mum, that's great! You really deserve to be my companion!"

"But now it seems that a lot of things have happened here, the team leader." Kirshtalia looked at the immobilized mud and the giant tree, "By the way, my name is Kirshtalia Ya, not Kiel."

"Okay, Keel."

Kirshtalia sighed deeply.

Seeing Fujimaru Tateka fighting, Ayaka pursed her lips.

She didn't expect that the killing courtyard had such a past, but it was obvious that the killing courtyard had forgotten that bad memory and only remembered the good ones.

Perhaps, this is the difference between her and the Devil Bodhisattva. Or maybe, the Demonic Bodhisattva took away all the unbearable memories of the Shashengyuan.

But no matter what it is, this matter, this secret, she will keep it secret.

A breeze blows, and a leaf goes with the wind.

And then left, what else?

Is it the painful truth, or the beautiful illusion?


Chapter 81 Foreign enemies across the sea!

Shirou withdrew his distant gaze and frowned.

"What's wrong with you?" Witch Artoria looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"No, nothing."

Shirou shook his head, just now he had a feeling of heart palpitations facing the Lord of Rescue, he thought that there was something wrong again, but soon the feeling of palpitations disappeared.

After a pause, Shirou looked at the witch Arturia and said, "Go ahead."

It has been several days and nights since they were teleported to this steel world, and Shirou and the witch Artoria are already quite close to the destination of the breath of the stars.

And on this road, they didn't see any living things, and the places they passed were not abandoned steel, but black oil and bare soil.

There are no beautiful flowers, nor clear rivers, just like crawling forward in a post-apocalyptic wasteland world. This made Artoria, the witch who yearned for a journey of poetry and fantasy, complain endlessly.

"Is it really possible to contact the restraining power of the planet there?" the witch Artoria asked, pointing to the distance.

"It should be possible. The breath of the planet is guiding me there." Shirou nodded and replied.

In fact, he is not sure, but right now he can only follow the intuition of [Star Blessing] and move on.

"This is really a difficult road. It would be nice if you could fly."

Mumbling to this point, the witch Artoria looked at Shirou resentfully. She wanted to sit on the staff and fly directly there, but was stopped by Shirou.

"You no longer have constancy, and your physical fitness is so poor, you should exercise your body." Shirou Quan should not have seen the resentment in the witch's eyes.

Of course he understands that it is easy and labor-saving to fly there, but the target is too big, and the maneuverability and evasion are not strong. Under the circumstances that the environment is unfamiliar and being hunted down by the empire, the risk of being hunted down is too great.

After another journey, as the planet rotated, the sun gradually turned to the other hemisphere, and the sky gradually dimmed.

Shirou and the two found a stronghold where they could hide among the ruins of steel.

The witch drew a secret word [Fire] on the ground, and an orange-red flame burst out suddenly, swaying with the wind, bringing warmth.

Shirou projected two blankets, one was draped over his body, and the other was handed to the witch.

"I don't need it." The witch waved her hand and said.

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