I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2103

"You still want to have a fever?" Shirou asked back.

The witch had no choice but to take it and put it on her body.

"You are no different from me now, you are both mortal, so protect yourself." Shirou reminded again.

"I know……"

The witch muttered, then took out a piece of bread from the backpack beside her, and handed it to Shirou.

Shirou took it, there was some dust on it, he gnawed it without looking at it.

Strong wheat aroma.

The bread was thrown to the witch by her master Taito when she left Avalon.

That elf, who was not tall and looked a little dull, was probably the first to notice that the witch had turned into a human being.

"I don't know what happened to Master and the others..."

Thinking of Taito, the witch couldn't eat anymore. The Empire attacked Avalon, and Tito teleported them out, but he was still in prison.

"Avalon is the ideal land. The ideal land will not be destroyed." Shirou put down the bread in his hand and said, "If you are still worried, you can try to contact Avalon when we return to Tiernano. Walloon."

"I didn't say I was going to Tirnano with you."

"You have nowhere to go but Tiernano."

Hearing this, the witch let out a "woohoo", turned her grief and anger into food, and bit the bread fiercely.

"Eat sparingly, my [projection] food is not edible." Shirou reminded.

His projection magic is almost omnipotent, but the essence of the projected object is the ether of overhead elements, and the cells of the body cannot convert it into life substances such as amino acids and glucose under the primate law.

After eating, Shirou used the original runes to set up several defensive spells, rolled up the bedding, and was about to go to bed, but seeing the witch still writing, he couldn't help shaking his head. The witch summed up her schedule and experience every day, and he was used to it.

"Go to bed early."

After exhorting, Shirou lay down and closed his eyes.

Just as he cleared his mind and was about to fall into a deep sleep, suddenly there was a "boom" breaking through the air, whistling past.

Shirou opened his eyes suddenly, lifted the futon and sat up.

The witch stopped writing, and looked at the dark outside world in surprise: "What sound?"

"Go and see."

The two put down what they were doing, and leaned out from the gate of the stronghold to look around. There was darkness all around, and there was a strong smell of gasoline rushing towards them, and above the dark sky, there was something like a meteorite, carrying a The long tail of smoke cloud fell straight down.

Shirou took a closer look, his face full of surprise, where is the meteorite? That is a fighter plane!

The whole body is pitch black, and its appearance is similar to that of an F22 jet fighter!

Suddenly, the starlight flickered on the pitch-black earth not far away, and the light like a line shot straight into the sky, sweeping towards the fighter plane like a lightsaber connecting the sky and the earth.

With a "boom", the fighter plane exploded instantly and fell to the ground like a comet.

A shock!

"Go! Go and see!"

Shirou and the witch looked at each other, then rushed to the place where the fighter plane fell.

The fighter jets criss-crossing the sky had already turned into a ball of steel and burned like the surrounding steel ruins. The majestic appearance had disappeared and turned into a ball of black steel garbage.

Shirou walked closer and took a closer look. There was no fuzzy flesh and blood inside the fighter plane. It was obviously an unmanned fighter plane.

"It's a foreign enemy!" the witch said in surprise.

"foreign enemy?"

Shirou froze for a moment, he suddenly remembered the Galahad-like Gundams he had destroyed in Kamland.

"Foreign enemies across the sea?"

The witch nodded.

Shirou frowned: "What are these foreign enemies...?"

Back in Kamland, Shirou had doubts.

This is the history of pan-humanity, and the only thing that is strange is Britain, which is attuned by the emperor of heaven. So what are these Gundams from across the sea, called by Guinevere and the empire as foreign enemies?

"I don't know," the witch shook her head. "Since the empire and the history of pan-humanity have been synchronized, these foreign enemies have appeared and attacked the empire day after day. They are inexhaustible and inexhaustible. It's like another This kind of constancy. I heard from Morgan Le Fay that in order to prevent these foreign enemies from attacking the empire, in addition to [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven], the empire also set up heavy defenses in [Lundinium]. It is these foreign enemies that are on guard!"

After a pause, the witch said suspiciously: "But these foreign enemies should not be able to enter the territory of the empire..."

"It's not that they entered Britain, but we entered their territory." Shirou said in a deep voice, "Now we can confirm where we were teleported. This is Europe... and also the base of these mechs!"

"Then what should we do?" asked the witch.

Shirou hugged his chest. Although these steel mecha men are enemies of the empire, their positions are inexplicable, and it is difficult to determine whether they are friends or enemies.

It’s okay if it’s a friend, but if it’s an enemy... the ending of pan-human history is even more unpredictable.

"Go! Go to the place where the light is shining!" Shirou said, pointing to the place where the starlight was shining.

The witch nodded.

The two quickly rushed towards the star-studded place where the fighter plane was shot down.

Right now, although Shirou and the Witch are both mortals, they are superhumans with magical powers and treasures after all. They run extremely fast, and the surrounding scenery reverses as quickly as light and shadow.

"Boom, boom, boom—!"

There were extremely dull footsteps ahead, as well as the "clang" sound of iron and steel. Both Shirou and Shirou understood that they had arrived at their destination.

Shirou gave himself and the witch three layers of [Concealment C], hid in a pile of steel, looked forward, and saw a dense black ground, or steel mech men, or Tiger tanks and Bastion tanks.


The flames of the machine guns on the chariot danced wildly, the artillery shells of the Tiger tanks blasted out continuously, and the photon energy cannons of the steel mechs blasted out continuously.

There was a hail of bullets, and countless attacks were like annihilating a city, attacking towards a place, as if they were going to physically destroy that piece of land directly!

Suddenly, there was a sound of "clank", like a sword being unsheathed, and a starlight rushed out from the area covered by firepower, sweeping away like a half moon, no matter whether it was a steel mech, a tiger tank, or a fortress chariot, all were cut into pieces. The two halves turned into a steel dump.

However, this did not completely wipe out the Iron Legion. More steel torrents gathered around, and the sky continued to "rumble". One after another, fighter jets and bombers flew by, casting a destructive bombardment towards the shining land. bomb.

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