I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2202

"Goodbye, me. And... my cowardice."

With tears streaming down his face, Saseiin pressed the trigger.

[Tianshou]'s black light, like a pillar, penetrated the core of Demon King Bo Xun.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

The core shatters like glass.

The killing courtyard burst into tears, and she couldn't stop crying.

From today onwards, there will never be anyone who loves her unreservedly like the Demon Bodhisattva, and no one will always be in the dark, protecting her in every detail.

The Devil Bodhisattva emerges from the black lotus.

She gently held the face of Shashengyuan in her hand, and said softly: "Why are you crying? You won. You defeated the demon king Bo Xun who could not be defeated even by the awakened ones."


"Don't cry. This doesn't look like a winner at all."

Moxing Bodhisattva gently wiped away the tears from Sashoin.

"Well. I won't cry anymore. I will never cry again!" Killing Yuan said seriously.

"That's good." The Demonic Bodhisattva smiled, and then said seriously: "Saseiin, you must get the future from the Lord of Relief. Tell Mr. Shiro, my Master, the Lord of Relief, has actually appeared a long time ago. It's over, and it's been by his side since the beginning!"

"Everything about us, everything about him. Except for the [Akasha's Arrow], not even His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, or the Restraining Force-Ideal King, or the reaction of the Enlightened One, have not escaped. The palm of the Lord of Relief. Listen clearly, you must bring this information to Mr. Shirou! The true identity of the Lord of Relief is—"



"Impossible—impossible—— Demon King Bo Xun actually, unexpectedly——this is impossible!"

Apocalypse cried out.

With the collapse of the Black Lotus Fantasy Tree, [The Heaven of Desire Realm-Heaven of Other Transformations] began to shatter, and the apocalypse that became the spirit of [Heaven of Desire Realm-Heaven of Other Transformation] also began to fall apart.

"It seems that the Killing Institute has succeeded." Ai Ge said.

Skadi looked at the collapsed Apocalypse, and said coldly: "Let you collapse by yourself... It's cheap for you, Apocalypse!"

"It's unbelievable that even after being reduced to Bo Xun Demon King, he can still maintain his own intelligence... The obsession of that demon bodhisattva has reached this level!"

Revelation gritted his teeth and collapsed.

He stared at Skadi and Aige coldly, and said, "The matter is not over yet. We will meet again soon. You will all become my bargaining chips for revenge against the Holy Spirit! Soon, soon—"

With a "click", the Apocalypse completely collapsed and completely disappeared from [The Heaven of Desire Realm-Heaven of Other Transformations].

And with the collapse of [Desire Realm-Heaven of Others], the covered Fermor Abyss also began to collapse.

"Take the Killing Academy and let's go. The Fermor Abyss left over from the Age of Gods... will disappear completely!" Skadi said.

"The Killing Institute will be fine, you go first. I still have something to do."

After all, Aige rushed towards the collapsed Black Lotus Fantasy Tree.

Skadi pondered for a moment, then turned and left.


"How is it possible? How is this possible? The Lord of Relief... How could it be that one?" Killing Academy was shocked: "If he is the Lord of Relief... Isn't everything meaningless?"

The Demonic Bodhisattva smiled dotingly, then stretched out his hand and pushed the killing courtyard out.

"another me--"

"We must get the future, Saseiin."

Watching Shashengyuan leave, Moxing Bodhisattva withdrew his gaze and said calmly, "Are you here to take revenge on me?"

"I had this idea before..." Ai Ge came out from the dark, shook her head, and said, "It's gone now. Besides, even if I don't do anything, you will inevitably disappear."

"Thank you." Moxing Bodhisattva looked at Ai Ge and said gently.

"Have you finished what you want to say with the Killing Academy?" Ai Ge asked.

"No... There are too many things to say. Three days and three nights, three years, thirty years, I can't finish it. I want to be with her, I want to live with her, I want to see her and my own The appearance of friends having fun and laughing together... But, my time has come." Moxing Bodhisattva said with tears.

Ai Ge was silent for a moment, and asked: "Do you regret it? Most of the time you spent with her, you played the role of a villain, hated by her, loathed by her. Just like the time at the South American connection point, You pushed her off the egg. In fact, you know that at that time, only the egg is the safest. Because Ayaka is inside, and I will not hurt Ayaka."

"I regret it, but if I do it again, I will do it again." Said the Demonic Bodhisattva.

"Why?" Aiko asked.

"Your empty heart has been blocked by someone. Do you still want to ask me this?" asked the Demonic Bodhisattva.

Favorite Song: "..."

"You already have bonds with other people in your heart. You can no longer be called a puppet. However, it is precisely because of the bonds that you feel the pain when you say goodbye. Your fate is the same as mine. I You are already ready to disappear, and you, are you ready?" asked the Demonic Bodhisattva.

Favorite Song: "..."

"Can you help me with one thing?" asked the Demonic Bodhisattva.

Ai Ge opened her eyes wide, and asked: "You have killed me many times, and you still want me to help you?"



Ai Ge sighed, "Say it."

"Although I have secretly transferred all the powers to her, I am still afraid that she will be harmed. Therefore, please help me take care of the Killing Academy. I... don't want her to cry anymore." Demonic Bodhisattva said.

"Of course."

Ai Ge turned her back and said, "My heart... also has a bond with the Killing Academy."

After that, she left.

However, what she didn't realize was that a photon burst out of the shattered black lotus and entered her body.

The Moxing Bodhisattva watched Ai Ge's back, and murmured: "If you are willing to help me...then, I will help you too..."

She closed her eyes.

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