I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2203

"Goodbye, Killing Academy. Goodbye, my beloved. You have to go the rest of the way by yourself..."

The Demonic Bodhisattva turned into a pure cloud of smoke and dissipated away.


The Black Lotus Fantasy Tree completely collapsed.



Killing Academy was sent out of the Fermor Abyss by the Demonic Bodhisattva, and before she had time to react, a huge shock wave rushed towards her.

As a result, before the shock wave rushed to the front, infinite light gushed out from behind the Killing Academy, forming a pair of huge hands, hugging her.

The berserk shock wave failed to break through these huge hands of light at all.

"Thank you, my friend. My best friend."

Shashengyuan closed his eyes, then opened them again, the hands of light had already dispersed.

She looked around, and saw Skaha and Uyf who were socializing in the air, and they were indistinguishable.

Chapter 120: Gaia-chan's Intimate Padded Jacket

A dark universe, a cold universe.

Gaia looked at the huge shining star in the distance, even with the touch of the star, she felt the unparalleled heat.

It was as hot as if it was about to be burned.

The moon under her, the brown-yellow land, has been burned red like the setting sun.

scorching hot.

Gaia and the moon, which were excluded from the solar system by the [Arm of the Emperor] after coming out of the South American junction with the moon, were inevitably attracted by the core stars of this galaxy.

Here is the galaxy observed by humans and named Scutum. And the core of this galaxy, the star named UY Scutum, has a volume of about 4.5 billion times that of the sun, but its mass is only 32 times that of the sun, so the gravitational force is insufficient. The planetary orbital structure of this galaxy is quite unstable.

But even so, wandering to the moon in Scutum.

The tiny moon is still inevitably sucked into the galaxy by the gravitational force of this red giant star, and is sucked into the star at an ultra-fast speed.

"I have sent a distress wavelength to Saturn, I hope he can catch up..."

Gaia looked at the red giant star that was getting closer and closer, and could only pray that Saturn could catch up as soon as possible.

She is just the touch of the earth's star, and the earth can still operate normally without her touch of the star, so her death does not have any burden. Although it is a bit embarrassing to say that, she is really afraid of death.

And it is the kind that is involved in the burning and destruction of stars, and even the spirit particles disappear.

——At the moment of being destroyed, it must be very painful!

Alquite is not afraid of pain, Shiro Fujimaru regards death as home, and the planet has no intelligence of any personality.

Only Gaia knew in her heart that this feeling of fear of pain was her own.

She regretted the impersonation a bit.

If I hadn't been born with a personality, I wouldn't have this fear.

The huge gravitational force of UY Scuti attracts the moon into the Scuti galaxy.

At this time, a huge planet is heading towards the moon.

Gaia knew that she was going to be cold.

The moon will be sucked into it by the gravity of this giant planet, and finally explode.

Saturn, after all, failed to catch up.

——Hope, the pain will not be too long.

Gaia sighed.

At this time, a message was conveyed in Gaia's star theory.

[Beep—message identification, identity verification. 】


Gaia asked with a puzzled face.

The star king of the solar system is special. Perhaps in the boundless universe, and in some galaxies, there are star kings. However, it is impossible for the Scutum constellation, whose orbital structure of the galaxy is unstable, to give birth to the king of stars, let alone life.

So, where does this message come from?

Is it the Pure Land of Posa?

But it shouldn't, they won't interfere with these things. What's more, I didn't see the Buddha's light in the Pure Land.

[Identification is complete, it is the touch of the mother star and the satellite of the mother star. 】

"This message, could it be..." Gaia's eyes lit up suddenly, and she asked cautiously, "Sweetie?"

A powerful energy pulse burst out from the major planets in the Scutum constellation, connecting with each other, forming an invisible net, pulling the moon to prevent the moon from falling into the Scutum constellation.

[The satellite has been towed. The haptic analysis of the mother star is completed, try to communicate with the message...]

Endless pulses of spiritual particles came from all directions, and finally in this vast universe, a giant spiritual particle that was even bigger than UY Scutum was formed.

The spirit son giant held the moon in both hands.

In the eyes of human beings, the moon is huge, but in the hands of this spirit giant, it is as small as a grain of dust.

The spirit son giant conveyed his message to Gaia's star theory, and only then did Gaia confirm that he did not admit his mistake.

"It's really you, Sweetie!" Gaia was full of surprise.

Hundreds of millions of years have passed, Gaia never imagined that she would be here, in the shield constellation about 5,100 light-years away from the earth, and meet her long-dead UO, her intimate little padded jacket—cosmic type Alai yeah!

It turns out that in the era of the origin of the stars, in order to ensure the victory of the space war and the information life of people can travel in the starry sky, the super ancient imitated Gaia and created its own cosmic restraint, which is the cosmic Alaya.

However, after the Lord of Relief was sealed into the [root], the cosmic Alaya was destroyed along with the super ancient times.

In fact, the cosmic Alaya was not completely destroyed. It is like a network of countless servers scattered all over the universe. Although the network has disappeared, some servers still exist.

For example, the cosmic alaya in front of me.

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