I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2204

He is the cosmic alaya that was created in the ultra-ancient times back then, and it is the network node set in the shield constellation. After the destruction of the cosmic Alaya, this network node did not destroy accordingly, but absorbed the energy of UY Scutum and other red giant stars of Scutum, and maintained its operation until now.

In order to facilitate the transmission of information, the cosmic alaya's spiritual giant held the moon in both hands, and then scattered some spiritual wavelengths, taking Gaia as the prototype, and condensed a human figure similar to Gaia in front of Gaia.

"Xiao Tiantian, I finally found you~!"

Before the cosmic alaya could transmit its own message, Gaia rushed forward, hugged the cosmic alaya, and cried: "When you are not here, many people bully me! The next generation God locked me into [Nature], preying on Youxing to harvest my civilization, my brothers and sisters corrected me, and Zhu Yue deceived me. Even the branch node you left behind has rebelled and changed its methods Come and bully me. Now I have been kicked out of the planet, I am so miserable, you must be the master for me!"

Cosmic Alaya: "..."

The cosmic Alaya stretched out his hand, gently stroking Gaia's little head.

"You want to go back to the home planet with me?" Gaia asked in surprise.

She had already made up her mind to abduct this cosmic alaya.

— though not a complete Britney. But take this little sweetie back, who will dare to bully me when I see it, and won't listen to me! It's time to let them know who is the first brother in the universe!

Gaia thought.

What ideal king, what apocalypse, what predator star, what Dyson ball-chaus...as long as her sweetheart is here, who dares to mess up!

However, the cosmic Alaya shook his head and said: "Node-14752736 has been locked to this galaxy, and the node cannot be removed. The wormhole has been prepared, and the touch of the parent star has begun to be transmitted back to the parent star."

"why is it like this?"

Gaia was full of depression, and then hugged the cosmic Alaya tightly, crying: "Come back with me."


The cosmic Alaya just touched Gaia's little head without saying anything. His eyes were extremely clear, but in the depths of his eyes, there was a human-like gleam.


At this time, Saturn finally traveled through the wormhole and came to the Scutum galaxy.

He originally thought that Gaia had been swallowed by UY Scutum, but when he saw the giant spirit son sitting in space like a galaxy, he couldn't help being stunned: "Cosmic type...Alaya?"

"Saturn, you are finally here!" Gaia said in surprise.

At this time, the wavelength humanoid form of the cosmic Alaya dispersed, and the huge spirit particle giant also slowly got up, pushing the moon to the side of Saturn.

"Your UO... still exists!"

Saturn looked at this huge spiritual giant in amazement. His size was already huge, but in front of this giant spiritual, he was as small as an atom.

"Yeah, my little sweetie still exists!" Gaia said happily.

There has never been a single thing that made her happier when she saw the cosmic Alaya.

At this time, a tear-like comet passed by outside the Scutum galaxy.

When Gaia saw it, his eyes narrowed sharply, and he said, "It's the predator star! Fourteen thousand years have passed, and he has come to harvest the Milky Way again!"

At this time, the predatory planet passing by the constellation of Scutum seemed to have sensed the existence of Saturn and Gaia, and dropped a nine-body Vipal spaceship equipped with vanguard soldiers of the constellation Scutum, and shot towards the constellation of Scutum.

"It's coming towards us. Nine bodies...the number is too much, we have to avoid it first!" Saturn said.

"Not at all!" Gaia said.

Saturn looked at Gaia in surprise. In his impression, Gaia... But it has been too long, and he has never been so stubborn.

Gaia pointed at the projected nine-body Vipal starship, looked at the giant Lingzi, and said, "Sweetie!"

[Already perceived the mother star's tactile intention. This intent is without prejudice to the Universal Security Act. achievable. 】

The Lingzi giant stood up, and swung his palm towards the projected nine-body Vipal starship.

The gigantic palm of Lingzi, like a nebula, slapped over, and the endless energy pulses expanded like a supernova explosion.


The nine-body Vipal starship exploded instantly, leaving no bones left.

The predatory star passing through the constellation Scutum turned a 360-degree turn and quickly escaped from the Milky Way.

"My little sweet is invincible!" Gaia laughed with her arms akimbo: "Scared away by my little sweet! Hahaha!"

"As expected, it is used to protect the restraining power of the law of the universe. Even if it is incomplete, it still has such a powerful law enforcement force by using the spiritual fluctuations of the red giant star..."

Saturn looked at the Lingzi giant, and said in a low voice: "If it wasn't for the root evil... the cosmic alaya was completely established, perhaps, the harmonious and orderly universe that civilization expects would have been born long ago. There is no predator star , and there are no foreign evil gods. It's a pity..."

After repelling the predatory star, the cosmic Alaya glanced at Gaia, and then the huge Lingzi figure completely dissipated.

"Let's go, Gaia. [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] has been broken, and you can return to the solar system." Saturn said.

Gaia stared at the dissipation of the cosmic alaya, turned to look at Saturn, and said seriously: "Saturn, you are the most powerful UO in our solar system, and also our big brother."

"Your UO still exists, so you don't need to compliment me like this. Although my personality has not been eliminated, it is of no use to me. You have something to ask me, right?"

"You're so smart." Gaia smiled, "I have an immature idea, you must help me!"

"It's definitely not a good idea."

"But you'll help me, won't you?"

Saturn: "..."

Saturn sighed, and said: "I will help you without damaging the balance and interests of the solar system."

"That would be great!" Gaia said with a smile, "Then we won't go back to the solar system."

"you mean……"

"In the nearby galaxies, there must be Britney's nodes preserved. Find them, activate them, and connect them. Although most of the cosmic space cannot be guaranteed as before, at least it can Protect us first. Avoid the appearance of the Lord of Relief!" Gaia said seriously.

Saturn thought about it, then nodded: "I see."



In the imperial palace.

Shirou and others are constantly fighting against the ideal king.

I have to say that the ideal king is too strong. Even if he uses the power of the holy grail to become a false holy spirit, he is worthy of being in the realm of the transcendent. Shirou and other non-existent beings rushed to the top, but she still suppressed everyone with two star swords down.

Shirou used the [mortal savior] to use the record, and when he was about to start again, he received a message from Skadi using [Runas Wisdom].

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