I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2205

——Bo Xun Demon King has been destroyed. Apocalypse has disappeared, beware of Apocalypse taking away the power of the Ideal King, resurrect!

The Bo Xun Demon King has disappeared, which is really good news. However, Apocalypse is the Holy Grail. Once the ideal king is weak, Apocalypse will take back the Holy Grail, which is the power of the false Holy Spirit.

Thinking like this, when she was going to join the battle group besieging the ideal king, Shirou looked up and found that the ideal king had beaten all the people who besieged her to the ground.

Shirou: "..."

Is it too fast?

I can't accept it for a while!

The ideal king stared at Shirou with two swords in his hand, and said, "It's your turn, Guinevere. Come on."

Shirou hesitated for a moment, then said, "Boshu Demon King and Apocalypse have disappeared."

"So what?" Ideal King asked.

"Your power comes from the Holy Grail, and the Apocalypse is the Holy Grail. His next target is you!" Shirou reminded.

Ideal King smiled and said, "Why don't you know that his goal has always been me."

As soon as the words fell, Shirou saw that the ideal king's eyes were emitting black air, and the star cup floating around his body was constantly resounding with the malice of the apocalypse.

The Ideal King stretched out his hand, and tapped his head with the hilt of his sword. In an instant, all the black air disappeared.

"I can't even grasp a revelation, how can I protect my dynasty?" Ideal King asked.

Shirou understood, it turned out that the ideal king was hunted by the apocalypse from the very beginning. But the Ideal King is too strong, even the false Holy Spirit achieved with the Holy Grail, but easily suppressed the Apocalypse.

It is also for this reason that the Apocalypse turned to create the Bo Xun Demon King!

Chapter 121: King's Death

"What's the matter, won't you swing your sword at me?" Ideal King looked at the hesitant Shirou, and said, "You can't be afraid of me. If you were afraid of me, you wouldn't be Guinevere. I understand, you are Are you worried about hurting this body? Well, I can temporarily put this body down."

As soon as he finished speaking, Shirou saw Mordred's body, the holy blue eyes dimmed instantly, and then the star cup appeared from the void.

A mass of snow-like spiritual particles came out of Mordred's body, and under the light of the star cup, it condensed into a girl about the size of Mordred, about 1.5 meters.


The moment he saw the girl's true face, Shirou subconsciously said so.

The girl has long dark golden hair coiled up, and a pair of dark golden eyes on a pretty and immature face, looking at Shirou calmly. Holding two star swords in her hand, she exudes a sense of loneliness like a lone lion.

"It really is my parallel world individual..." Saber gritted her teeth and said.

Shirou looked at the girl's face, which was exactly the same as Mordred's.

Of course.

The ideal king who carries the hope of King Uther is not Mordred, but the daughter of King Uther, King Arthur, Artoria.

In other words, the ideal king is the gesture that Arturia and King Arthur will eventually arrive at.

But among countless possibilities, King Uther's ideal king was bankrupted by Morgan Le Fay's jealousy.

Whether Arthur or Artoria, in the end, they all hated the Bone Sword Hill.

But among the thousands of worlds, only the Eternal Dynasty is different.

Because of Shirou's intervention, and because of the birth of the Eternal King, Morgan Le Fay and Artoria have the same heart and mind.

The combination of the power of the island and the container of the ideal king, together with the evidence of the power of the Holy Grail.

King Uther's ideal king was completed strangely from another angle.

Thus, the restraining force of the Eternal Dynasty - the Ideal King, was born.


"I should have noticed, Mysterious Heroine X..." Shirou muttered.

The ideal king's posture makes Shirou, who is a time traveler, can't help but think of X·Alter, the mysterious heroine from the Heroic Universe, who is one of the ceilings of the Xingyue worldview.

That is the same as the Infinity Thanos, a bug that can destroy half of the existence of the universe with a snap of the fingers.

The heroic universe is a spoof world, which does not exist among the countless connection points.

Because, any connected point is a finite world.

However, the appearance of the Ideal King made Toshiro subconsciously think of the mysterious heroine X·alter.

"The Mysterious Heroine X? What is that? Forget it, I'm out of Mordred's body now. Come on, Guinevere." The ideal king looked at Shirou with those calm dark golden eyes. .

Shirou hesitated for a moment, then stared at the ideal king with those fiery eyes, and said, "If you are the ideal king, then the real emperor of the Eternal Empire..."

"Well. It's the witch of Avalon." Said the ideal king.

Shirou thought it was true, and asked again: "But, wasn't she killed by you a long time ago?"

"That's true, but the Morgan Le Fay of this world kept a hand. When she put a knife on the Emperor of Heaven, she saved her life. By the way, she left a mark on her body. So after the Emperor of Heaven fell from the Emperor's Palace , she could find her in the first time, saved her life form, and hid her in Camelot." Ideal King said: "It's just that Morgan Le Fay didn't expect that her memories and experiences accompanied her. Both of them have been snatched away by me."

Shirou thought, it's no wonder the logic of the actions of the Holy Apostle of Pendragon is so strange.

Afterwards, he asked again: "Since you knew about the small actions of that holy apostle, why didn't you stop them? You wouldn't keep your hands on people other than the 'Eternal Dynasty'... Wait a minute, could it be that—"

——I hope we are friends, not enemies.

Shirou remembered what the Ideal King had said to the Witch when he disguised himself as Mordred, and also remembered what the Witch said that the Holy Apostle of Pendragon once wanted the Witch to become a Holy Apostle.

He suddenly understood, and said in surprise: "You want her to become you!"

"As expected of Guinevere, he easily sensed my thoughts."

Ideal King looked at Shirou with admiration, and then said lonely: "It's a pity. You won't be on my side."

She looked at the incomplete Holy Grail floating aside, and said: "The power of the Holy Grail is exhausted. As a false holy spirit, I will leave with the Holy Grail. I want her to replace me and become the new one, to ensure that the new history will continue forever." Inhibition. This is the reason why I turned a blind eye to her. Morgan Le Fay of the Empire more or less guessed this. In order for her to live, she must cultivate the loss of the past according to my wishes. her. It's a pity—”

"It's a pity that she escaped. She escaped from the protective circle created by the Holy Apostle Pendragon, and even rejected you." Shirou said, looking at King Ideal.

"indeed so."

Ideal King paused, looked at Shirou calmly, and said, "I know what you're planning, Guinevere. But you have to understand that delaying time is meaningless to me. Because my attunement is always going on. !"

Shirou squeezed his hand tightly.

"I understand you too well, Guinevere." Ideal King said.

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