I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2206

"You understand Guinevere, but you don't understand me, Shiro Fujimaru!"

With a kick of Shirou's footsteps, the sword in the stone in his hand slashed towards the Ideal King.

At the same time, Shiki pulled out the chrysanthemum character, cut in from the right side, and only took the ideal king's vitals.

However, all this failed to escape the eyes of the ideal king.

She swung the sword across, and with a "clang" sound, she held Shirou's sword, and at the same time exerted the basic force of [time], reversing Shiki's time action logic.

However, Shiki saw through the root of [time].


Cut with one sword!

Time tampered with, killed.

However, when Shishi cut through the root line of the basic force of [time], the sword of the ideal king pierced straight away like cause and effect.

Shi moved his sword horizontally and was about to block it, but Ideal King kicked him sideways and flew out backwards.

At the same time, Jiu Jian, Attila and others rushed forward.

The ideal king amplified the basic force of [Power] to himself, and blasted it all out with infinite force.

At this time, Tiamat gathered all the mighty power in the Deviation Sword, and then blasted out with one sword.

She could feel that Chaos' aura still existed.

[Akasha's Arrow] has disappeared. If Chaos can be summoned this time, with the power of Chaos, it might not be able to accelerate the consumption of the Holy Grail power of the Ideal King.

As long as the power of the Holy Grail is completely consumed, the ideal king will not be so invincible, and he will not even be able to maintain his existence!

However, the ideal king just glanced at it, and then used the basic force of [space] to reduce the space-time domain where Tiamat is located to a second-dimensional paper, thus directly isolating Tiamat.

At this moment, Alquette rushed forward.

Ideal King turned around and raised his sword towards her, but she didn't detect any hostility from Alquite.

The cold sword couldn't help but pause.

It was this insignificant meal that made Alquette come close and grabbed the ideal king's wrists.

"Stop it," Alquette looked seriously into the eyes of Ideal King, and said, "It shouldn't be..."

Before Alquite finished speaking, the Ideal King raised his foot, kicked her in the abdomen, and kicked her out directly. With a "boom", a pillar collapsed.

"Arquite!" Shirou yelled.

Ideal King turned around and stabbed Shirou with his sword.

At this moment, Vivienne clasped her hands together and was about to perform the goblin secret technique. The ideal king turned to look at her, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

In an instant, the basic force of [soul] spread towards Vivian like waves and ripples.

Vivienne, whose existence form was somewhat close to the message life form, was suddenly dizzy from the shock, as if she had been put on a magic spell, she couldn't help squatting down and hugging her head tightly.

Seeing the ideal king approaching, Shirou quickly used [mortal savior] to switch the usage record from [style] to [ideal king], and slashed towards the ideal king with a sword.


With the sound of shattering glass, Shirou's sword shattered and dissipated the ideal king like a mirror.

A gust of fragrant wind came from behind, Shirou's eyes narrowed suddenly, and then he saw a sword coming towards him at a speed beyond his thoughts.

Undoubtedly, this is the [reality] of one of the six fundamental forces.

However, just as the sword of the Ideal King was about to fall, the Shiki who was knocked out slipped the word Kikuichi.

In the blink of an eye, the Ideal King turned his wrist, and the Star Sword in his hand slanted, and there was a "Keng", a crisp sound, which suddenly resounded in the imperial palace.

Ideal King put down his sword, and a look of surprise flashed in those calm dark golden eyes, "I have already hidden my origin, but you can see my lines. It seems that the degree to which you have been assimilated It’s much higher, Shi.”

Although Ideal King was a little surprised, the people who were really shocked were everyone.

Everyone is convinced that the root line of the ideal king was cut just now!

But the ideal king was unscathed.

Is she immune to the damage of the root thread?

No, it was she who blocked the destruction from the root!

No one can stop the disillusionment from the source, but the ideal king as a transcendent can!

"It's unbelievable, what kind of monster are we facing?" Even Altila, who is the star soldier, couldn't help but say so.

"The first magic..."

Jewel Weng clenched his teeth.

The embarrassment at this moment reminded him of the embarrassment in front of that man two thousand years ago.

He is a contradictory old man who laughs at justice but is indignant at evil.

But in fact, as early as two thousand years ago, in the era of the beginning of AD, this was not the case.

At that time, he was a reckless and hot-blooded boy who declared justice.

It was only later that he was taught a lesson by that man, and then he witnessed the end of that man, the man who was the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, and finally became like this.

Ideal King took a step forward, and everyone subconsciously took a step back.

"What's the matter? Are you not coming? Is your resistance over?" asked Ideal King.

Everyone gritted their teeth.

Of course it can't stop here, but the ideal king is impeccable at all.

Even Apocalypse, the spirit of the Holy Grail, had nothing to do with the ideal king, so he had to turn his target to the demon king Bo Xun.

It can even be said that even if there is no [Arrow of Akasha], as long as the Ideal King exists, the Lord of Relief will not be able to interfere with the present.

At this time, there were several "crash, clatter" sounds, and the sound of gravel was heard from the collapsed pillar, and Alquite finally woke up from the faint.

She clutched her stomach and stood up from the gravel, her legs were splayed out, her lower plate was very unstable and quite soft.

Obviously, even she, who is known as the meat tank, really can't stand the heavy legs of the ideal king.

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