I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2207

"It's too much..." Alquette covered his stomach, and said with an uncomfortable face: "I really don't understand, why? You are the restraining power of the Eternal Dynasty, and you don't want to hurt us... We should be friends, But why did it become like this?"

"You really want to say such naive words..." Ideal King said with a sigh.

"I don't want to hurt each other with my friends. I don't understand, how naive is this?" Alquette asked loudly.

"Friend? Thank you for treating me as a human being, as a friend. But what a pity, I'm inhibition."

Ideal King's eyes fluctuated slightly, but she quickly regained her composure. She stood alone in front of everyone and said, "You want to resist my new history and destroy what I protect. That's not allowed."

Speaking of this, even Elquite understands that unless one side falls, this battle cannot end.

Alquette gritted his teeth unwillingly.

She really didn't understand why the world was full of so many powerless and helpless things. She and Roa are like this, Zhuyue and Artoria are like this, False God Za and Shirou are like this...and now, Ideal King and Pan History are like this.

Contradictory, yet painful.

Maybe, if you lock yourself in that thousand-year-old city forever, you won't experience these pains and helplessness, right?

However, the joy of meeting Shirou, the joy of making friends, the romance of adventures with everyone...you won't experience it, will you?

The Ideal King holds the Holy Grail in both hands.

The incomplete Holy Grail exudes a dazzling holy light.

Invisible fluctuations, from the perspective of spirits, are tampering with the source of all history.

"She is overturning the fixed tape of quantum recording!" Jiu Jian said in amazement.

"We've reached this point. We can't hesitate anymore, fight!"

Ideal King glanced at the crowd rushing forward, his mind moved slightly, the six basic forces came out together, turned into the infinite wheel, and pressed towards the crowd.

Shirou talked to her in order to give everyone a chance to breathe, and she would answer Shirou's question, maybe she was preparing to subvert the quantum recording fixed tape.

"As long as the fixed band of quantum records is subverted, and the fixed band of quantum records of the Eternal Empire is superimposed on it, the outline of a new history will begin to be born."

Interlaced lights and shadows emanated from Ideal King's body, which was her wheel of inhibition.

One, two... Countless figures with blurred faces slowly appeared with her at the center.

These are all people from the Eternal Dynasty.

They were infected by the Star Grail. Although they died, the records and messages could never be released.

So, she was included into the wheel of suppression.

"Soon, you will get a new life. At that time, you can embrace the beautiful life you are looking forward to."

The ideal king looked at these people and said seriously.

Those figures looked at each other and talked a lot.

The ideal king looked at these figures with blurred faces, and there was a smile on that cold, calm and emotionless face.

It was a smile that melted like ice.

Apocalypse is the Holy Grail. He should be able to take away the power of the Ideal King, but she counteracts it.

The star cup is the half body of Satan, which can tempt her will to sink, but in the end it becomes her treasure.

The [Arrow of Akasha], created after the root, cannot be controlled even by transcendents like enlightened beings, and even Shirou, the authentic heir of Uzumaki, cannot use it, but she can.

She is impeccable.

And her invulnerability comes from this.

from these people.

Ideal King closed her eyes, and her consciousness recalled what she had seen and dreamed of.

That was the picture of the joyous feast at the time of British reunification.

At that banquet, everyone was smiling with pure joy. No sorrow, no worries.

That, perhaps, was the happiest day in that period of history.

And what she has to do is to ensure that every day in the new history becomes that kind of day.

This is what she, the ideal king, is also the restraint, what she should do.


"forget it."

Among the figures with blurred faces, such a voice came out.

The ideal king suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the figure who heard the voice, and said in amazement, "What did you say?"

"Forget it," said another.

"We're dead," said another.

This is like a signal, people no longer hide their feelings, and speak freely.

"Yeah, forget it."

The ideal king's cold face could no longer keep calm, and he asked in amazement: "I...I will be able to revive the dynasty immediately. Why...why do you have to say it?"

"Because we're dead," someone said.

"Yeah. The real us are dead, we are neither souls nor real people, just a memory. So forget it. If there is our reincarnation among the current people, the birth of a new history is not to put our Was reincarnation killed?"

"No! You are not dead at all!" The ideal king denied, and said loudly: "You are still alive! If you are dead, then what is it that exists here?"

"What is it? It's probably unwillingness. I didn't do anything, I didn't do anything to help, but I became an accomplice in the destruction of the dynasty, and now I stand on the opposite side of the kings and the knights of the round table... …so, forget it.”

Someone sighed and said, "It's not easy for you...so forget it, please don't be trapped by us."

Ideal King's eyes suddenly tightened into needles, and he lost his voice: "This shouldn't be what you said!"


It shouldn't have developed like this!

forget it?

In this way——in this way—wouldn’t it negate everything about her?

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