I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2208

Obviously all she has is this...

This obsession, this unwillingness!

"Mordred... Mordred..."

Ideal King muttered the name, and she suddenly remembered it. Before, Mordred used the Star Cup to connect to her Wheel of Suppression!

At this time, Mordred's body, the slender little fingers moved slightly, and then she woke up.

Mordred touched his head, sat up, looked at the Ideal King muttering his name, and asked, "Are you calling me, Ideal King?"

Ideal King turned his head suddenly, stared at Mordred closely, and asked with gritted teeth, "What have you done?"

"I... just admitted my mistakes and made up for my mistakes." Mordred stood up, looked at the Ideal King seriously, and said, "I——, liberated them who were polluted by the star cup. "


Ideal King's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he turned his head suddenly to look, and saw the figures of the people who formed the wheel of restraint, turning into clouds and slowly dissipating, and she yelled: "Don't——!"

She reached out to grab it, but even if it was a transcendent, her hand still passed through those figures.

It's like the moon in the water, you can't catch anything.

She lost her voice: "Did you forgive her just because she apologized? Could it be that the hatred and grief that have kept you lingering in the world for thousands of years is only at this level?"

"Although what Mordred did was right, we couldn't convince ourselves to forgive Mordred. It's just...forget it. We are not souls, nor real existence, but just a memory. What really constrains us Yes, it's not the star cup, but our obsession and anger towards ourselves. Mordred, let us forgive ourselves. So you have to forgive yourself, restraint..."

The figures of the people slowly dispersed.

"no, do not want--"

The ideal king went crazy to catch it, using the fundamental force of the universe to catch it, but he couldn't catch anything.

Just like that dream.

Everyone left, only she was left behind.

Everything about her was denied.

Not by Shirou, not by Mordred... but by everything she gave.


The Holy Grail fell to the ground.

The Infinity Wheel that suppressed Shirou and the others also dissipated.

Ideal King sat on the ground, staring blankly at the Holy Grail spinning on the ground.

"This blow..."

Vivienne couldn't bear to watch Ideal King.

Perhaps, only Emiya Kiritsugu can understand the feelings of the Ideal King at this moment, right?

The feeling of being denied by what you firmly believe in and everything you dedicate.

Shirou was silent for a moment, and when he was about to walk towards the ideal king, there was a "boom", and the holy grail spinning on the ground slowly floated into the air again.

The synchronization of the new history, after a moment's cessation, unexpectedly started again!

The faces of everyone changed suddenly.

Mordred asked loudly: "What you guaranteed is no longer there...do you want to continue?"

"...disappeared?" Ideal King stood up, gritted his teeth and said: "As long as a new history is born, the things that disappear will come back to me! The things I guarantee... exist now! In the future, they will also has always existed!"

Chapter 122 I don't want to be alone

With Mordred freeing those cursed by the Star Grail, everything that the Ideal King insisted on was negated.

Who can understand this emotion?

To be insisted on, to be pursued by everything, the feeling of being denied.

But even so, Ideal King still insists on completing the creation of new history.

Mordred looked at the Ideal King sadly.

She liberated all the people cursed by the star cup, but she couldn't liberate the Ideal King.

The ideal king used the infinite light wheel to suppress everyone, holding the holy grail, and injecting infinite power into it.

In an instant, the incomplete Holy Grail burst out with incomparably dazzling light like a lighted candle, but its volume almost dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the endless light, the ideal king couldn't help but ask himself, is it really impossible to come back?

There are no more people in her wheel of restraint, but the king and knights headed by Shirou, who created the eternal dynasty, are doing their best to resist themselves.

It seems that creating new history is just her wishful thinking.

Ideal King thought of that dream.

A dream of being left alone.

In the impeccable mind, a huge loophole appeared.

——I have finally waited for this opportunity! My power, it's time to come back!

A message suddenly resounded from the Holy Grail.

Immediately afterwards, the Holy Grail in the endless radiance was covered with a layer of black mist, and a huge dragon head protruded from the Holy Grail.

Seeing this, Shirou quickly reminded: "Be careful, it's the Apocalypse!"

He is reminding everyone, and he is also reminding the ideal king. Apocalypse, come to take back his power.

Shirou and the others went on guard, and now there is a hole in the ideal king's heart. Once Apocalypse takes the opportunity to regain the Holy Grail, what they will face is the complete Apocalypse!


Alquite couldn't help shouting, but before she finished speaking, Ideal King stretched out his hand and grabbed Revelation's neck.

"No, it's impossible—!"

Apocalypse looked at Ideal King in horror, "The primate message that maintains your wheel of inhibition has disappeared, how could you—"

"Just because of you, do you want to block my way?"

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