I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2209

"You, you monster—"

Before the spiritual words of Revelation were finished, Ideal King's eyes were as cold as ice, and with a sudden force, the spirit of Revelation burst like a bubble in an instant.

Was purely crushed to death!

The Ideal King injected all his power into the Holy Grail, and the Holy Grail accelerated its dissipation. At the same time, the ecological environment and quantum record fixed zone of the entire planet began to be covered.

Heroic spirits, steel warriors, humans... even Shirou, even Shiki and Attila, all exude a faint reiki.

The figure began to become unreal.

"Our existence is beginning to be overwritten!"

Gem Weng's complexion changed.

Even his presence is beginning to be overridden.

He can clearly feel that this kind of coverage cannot be avoided even if he hides in the cracks of the dimensions!

beyond the earth.

The Aristotles who were constantly bombarding the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] also noticed the changes in the earth's environment and accelerated the speed and intensity of the bombardment.

But those attacks that were enough to knock down the stars, fell on the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] but failed to set off even the slightest ripple.

The dead bones of the sky gritted their teeth and said, "What's the matter with Saturn and Gaia? The planet is about to change hands, won't it come back?"

Oort didn't say anything, but just accelerated the attack speed.

However, this is of no use to 【Arm of the Emperor of Heaven】.

As Ideal King speeds up the process of coverage, the earth's environment has undergone drastic changes that can be called a world-changing change.

There is no doubt that the Ideal King is burning himself, burning the Holy Grail, and completing the Eternal Empire and Pan-History in harmony.

"Synchronization... as long as the synchronization is completed. Everyone, everyone... will return to me..." Ideal King stared hysterically at the Holy Grail.

All her extravagant hopes have been hung on the Holy Grail.


With a "boom", a beam of starlight cut through the space and shot towards the Holy Grail.

The Ideal King didn't have time to think about it, and subconsciously reached out to block the starlight.


The ideal king's palm left burns and emitted a faint white smoke.

Ideal King looked down at the burn on his palm, then raised his head, gritted his teeth and stared at Mordred who put down his sword, "Modred——!"

"Sure enough, you are no longer invulnerable!" Mordred said.

"You actually ruined my good deeds over and over again!" The ideal king stared at Mordred with gritted teeth, and asked, "Don't you, don't you want the dynasty that you destroyed and the dynasty you killed to be revived? "

"I really want to. But—" Mordred looked at the Ideal King sadly, and said, "She won't come back."

"No! She can come back!"

The ideal king yelled, picked up the two swords, and rushed towards Mordred.

Her eyes were bloodshot, and she would not let Mordred spoil her again.

Seeing the ideal dynasty rushing towards Mordred, Shirou, who was suppressed by the infinite light wheel, quickly shouted: "Don't fight her head-on! Mordred, get out of here!"

However, Mordred neither listened to Shirou's words nor launched a counterattack. Instead, he withdrew his sword and opened his hands without reservation.

With a sound of "cha", the ideal king's sword pierced her chest, and blood flowed. But she embraced the ideal king who rushed forward.

The shocking scene now stunned everyone present.

Even the Star Cup was dumbfounded, and quickly shouted: Mordred, use me quickly. Without my strength, you can't stop his blow at all! Stop being a fool! Hurry up and use my power!

However, Mordred didn't pay attention to the message from the star cup, but hugged the ideal king tightly, letting the blood flow from his abdomen, and said, "You... are lonely and in pain, right?"

Gritting his teeth, the Ideal King froze in place.

"As a conscious existence with intelligence, but can only watch the story of the eternal dynasty like a bystander, the loneliness that can neither be understood nor communicated with others. As a restraining force, but can only witness what you protect People are helpless towards disillusionment. No one can understand you, no one can approach you, it must be very lonely and painful, right?" Mordred asked.

"Why...why is it you..."

"Yes. It's me...the one who killed the Eternal Dynasty, so I can understand your loneliness and pain. All you want is for everyone to be there. But, she can't come back. The Eternal Dynasty, That country, that period of history, she can't come back." Mordred said.

Ideal King woke up instantly, pushed Mordred away, and said bitterly: "You lie, she will come back!"

The Ideal King turned his head, pointed at the exhausted Holy Grail, and said, "Did you see it? The Holy Grail has been exhausted, and the Eternal Dynasty is coming back!"

"But, look around. Is there anyone you want to see?" Mordred asked.

Ideal King turned his head and looked around.

Shirou with a plain face, Alquette in pain, Vivienne in sadness, Shirou with worried expression, Merlin with frowning face...

The ideal king was in a trance.

"Actually, after I liberated people's information, you already have the answer in your heart. She can't come back. Even if you create a new history, it's the same. She can't come back, because she has been in another place .”

"Where is it?" Ideal King couldn't help asking.

"In your heart and mine," Mordred said.


The ideal king laughed, and mocked bitterly, "You, like the knight king, want to influence me with words? Ridiculous! I don't want to listen to your ridiculous remarks anymore, disappear, Mordred!"

The ideal king raised his double swords, and the two star swords gathered together, shining like pillars of light.

Mordred sighed in his heart, she still failed to touch the ideal king's heart.

She can feel the loneliness and sadness of the ideal king, because she has also experienced that loneliness and sadness.

However, the ideal king's heart is even more closed than her!

The ideal king's star sword was shining, and she had to fight back in order to save her life.

"Wait a minute, you can't win, Mordred! Dodge—!" Merlin shouted hastily.

"Let's sleep forever——, the home in memory."

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