I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2210

However, Mordred slowly released the Noble Phantasm, and the Twisted King Sword attached to the star cup was dropped by Mordred first, blasting towards the Ideal King like a pillar of starlight.

Merlin closed his eyes unwillingly, he knew that Mordred was dead.

Confronting the Ideal King... Here, no one can win!

Everyone couldn't bear to turn their heads away.

They all knew that Mordred, who didn't escape, would be crushed to death by the light of the Ideal King's Star Sword.

Only Shirou sighed heavily.

But at this time, facing the light of Mordred's sword, the ideal king slowly lowered his sword.


Mordred's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he wanted to withdraw his sword, but he couldn't.


The ideal king closed his eyes, and then there was a "bang", and the endless light engulfed the ideal king.

Wait until the light dissipates.

All is gone.

Everyone watched this scene in shock, at a loss.

"Mordred... Mordred won the Ideal King?"

People were stunned.

They are quite sure that no one can win the Ideal King, at least not here.

However, Mordred defeated the Ideal King.

what is this?

Merlin came to Mordred's side, happily patted Mordred's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Well done, Mordred!"

Mordred didn't speak, just looked down at the sword in his hand in a daze, and muttered to himself: "Why... why... I, I killed her... twice."

The ideal king disappeared.

It was wiped out by Mordred's sword.

Although the result was very bizarre, the main purpose was achieved and everyone was very happy.


"What's going on?" Old Sword pointed at the Holy Grail in astonishment, and said, "The ideal capital has disappeared, why is the Holy Grail still operating?"

Saber seemed to have thought of something, her face changed suddenly, and she shouted: "Destroy the Holy Grail quickly!"

Everyone also remembered what the Holy Grail was, and the old sword quickly released the savior sword.

However, when the light of the Savior Sword was about to fall on the Holy Grail, the Star Cup of the Ideal King came out of the void, blocking the light of the Savior Sword.

"I really didn't expect that monster to give up resistance by itself... It's unbelievable, but I have to thank you, Mordred. Without you, I can't break through the constraints of that monster! Hahaha——"

The laughter of the apocalypse sounded in the star cup.

There seems to be a resonance between the Star Grail and the Holy Grail, and a distorted light emerges from each other, envelops each other, and rushes out of the imperial palace directly.

"He is going to restore his body!"

"We can't let him recover his body!"



Jiu Jian and others hurriedly chased them out.

"Mordred..." Merlin looked worriedly at the silent Mordred.

Mordred got up, looked at Merlin, and said, "Don't worry, Merlin. Let's——let's go too! My star cup, but it's been urging me all the time!"

Merlin nodded.

Mordred paused, looked at Vivienne who was looking around, and asked, "What are you looking for, Teacher Vivienne?"

Vivian asked anxiously, "Have you seen the king, Mordred?"

"Father?" Mordred was taken aback, "Isn't he here?"

"Before the Apocalypse appeared, he disappeared!" Vivian said anxiously.

"Let's hunt down Apocalypse first. Father, he has his own ideas and things he wants to accomplish." Mordred said.

Vivian hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Several people also chased and killed them.



Shirou walked slowly to the lowest level of the Imperial Palace.

His fiery eyes looked at the collapsed ruins with a bit of worry.

"Did you guess this ending from the beginning, Guinevere? I...would give up."

The rubble of the ruins fell away one by one, showing the posture of the ideal king.

At this moment, she is extremely weak, her complexion is pale, and her figure has become a little illusory, but she looks at Shirou with a peaceful expression.

"No," Shirou shook his head and said, "I didn't guess the ending, so I was shocked the moment you put down the sword."

Hearing this, Ideal King smiled, looked at Shirou, and asked, "Didn't you come to tell me this?"

"Yes," Shirou nodded, and then took out the eternal crown from his arms.

He looked at the golden crown carefully, and then handed the eternal crown to Ideal King without hesitation, and said, "I'll give it back to you."

"Have you really decided to let go of everything about Guinevere Pendragon?" Ideal King held the golden crown, looked at Shirou, and asked.

Shirou nodded and said, "I have borrowed the kingship for too long, so I should return it to you."

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