I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2212

"You haven't thought about it, Holy Spirit? After so many years, I'm back! I want to take my hatred and go to the kingdom of heaven, so that you can taste my hatred!"

The voice of Revelation is cold and hateful.

The cup of chaos spun at a high speed.

On the earth, the people of the Eternal Empire and the relics of the Eternal Empire all turned into pure spirit particles and scattered like snow.

The two spirit particles gathered together, surged up into the sky like an ocean of light, and rushed into the cup of chaos.

At the same time, infinite anti-particles overflowed from the cup of chaos, covering the entire sky.

In fact, the Apocalypse, or the Holy Grail, is actually a transformer.

In the beginning, the Holy Spirit created him to use him to transform the evil in the world into good, and to reproduce the kingdom of heaven in another land. However, the more malice he transformed, the more he questioned the goodness that the Holy Spirit spoke of.

In the end, instead, He changed from the Holy Grail to the Antichrist.

"Although Bo Xun Demon King didn't succeed in creating it. However, I have absorbed the seeds of [Desire Realm-Hehua Free Heaven], and then transform this galaxy into an anti-spirit galaxy. Even if it can't destroy you, it can at least destroy you." Fall to your heaven!"

Apocalypse laughed.

His spirit, as if passing through the vast universe, saw the entrance of the nebula 650 light-years away.

He gritted his teeth.

He knows that it is not the kingdom of heaven, but in the nebula known as the "eye of God" by human beings, there is a boundary latitude entrance connecting the kingdom of heaven to this galaxy.

He wants to transform the solar system into an anti-spiriton galaxy first, and then send it directly to the kingdom of heaven through the entrance of that latitude.

The Book of Revelation knows that even an anti-spirit explosion the size of a nebula cannot destroy the Holy Spirit, but the kingdom of heaven created by him, those angels, may not be so.

At this moment, a beam of starlight flickered from the illusory imperial palace, rushing straight to the cup of chaos.

However, before approaching the cup of chaos, it turned into pure spirit particles and dissipated.

The spirit of Apocalypse looked at the source of the starlight, where Mordred, who had already turned into a Star Cup demon king, stared at the Chaos Cup with a serious face.

Next to her, there are other people who participated in the crusade against the ideal king.

"I forgot, Satan still has a half body, with you, Mordred!"

Mordred stared at the spinning cup of chaos seriously, and said seriously: "Your plan will not succeed!"

"Just you? Just rely on you small humans? Hahaha——"

The spirit of Apocalypse laughed, pointing to Mordred and the others and said: "A dead civilization transformed by a predatory star, a mother of gods betrayed by the gods, a container that will become the Lord of Relief, and There is a group of subjugated people. You can't even control your own destiny. What can you do? However, I do have to thank you, Mordred. If you didn't kill that monster, I wouldn't be able to resurrect !"

Mordred clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "She...isn't a monster!"

"Human emotion? It's really boring and insignificant. Let you see what is truly sublime!"

As soon as the words fell, infinite dark spirits overflowed from the spinning cup of chaos, and in an instant, infinite black mist enveloped the entire planet.

The sun's rays were gone.

There is only pitch black, deep darkness left in the world.

At the same time, with the cup of chaos as the center, a huge, distorted [seat] like a giant dragon completely appeared from the sky.

The moment they saw that [seat], Kamo and Merlin's eyes suddenly narrowed into needles, and they lost their voices: "It's the seat of false gods!"

Gem Weng couldn't help frowning, feeling extremely unhappy in his heart. After all, he was once eaten by the false god seat.

"You are no longer useful. Disappear—"

As the words of the Apocalypse fell, the planet's isolation dimension collapsed instantly, and an infinite giant arm of the sky appeared in the sky.

At the same time, the ground of the imperial palace also cracked, and countless rock arms broke through from the realm that maintained the concept of "earth", and attacked Mordred and others.

"Sure enough, it's this one!"

Jiamo clenched her teeth, she would never forget this nightmare scene, she took the lead in attacking the giant arm of rock around her.

Unlike the teenager at that time, at this moment, she is no longer the one who needs to be protected.

However, she discovered that these rock arms are far stronger than before!

Indeed, the former False Deity Seat was already terrifying, but the Apocalypse at this moment is the false Holy Spirit that has absorbed the false Deity Seat.

The power of the false god seat exerted by him is naturally more than the false god seat itself.

— Be careful, Mordred.

Star Chalice - Satan sends a reminder to Mordred.

"You don't need to tell me, I know it too!"

Mordred protruded left and right, but it was extremely difficult to break through the encirclement of the giant arms.

Gem Weng opened the dimensional entrance of the parallel world, and a multi-world ensemble cannon that condensed the source of the parallel world directly blasted towards the seat.

Old Sword, Tiamat, and Attila turned to concentrate their strongest light cannon attacks, and blasted away at the same time.

In everyone's hopeful eyes, the huge energy beam that gathered multiple forces, before rushing to the front of [Zuo], was caught by the infinite giant arm of the sky above the sky.

As if grabbing a piece of thin white paper, those huge arms of the sky exerted a little force, and with a "tear" sound, the terrifying energy beam was torn into pieces.

Everyone's hearts sank suddenly.

"Hahaha——, on this planet, there is no existence that can defeat me. Even those Star Guardians who gather on the planet are the same!"

Revelation laughed, his tone full of complacency and arrogance.

Mordred gritted his teeth.

She knew in her heart that what the Book of Revelation said was true.

So far, they have been able to deal with the Ideal King without casualties, and even fought back and forth with the Ideal King, because the Ideal King never thought of hurting them.

What King Ideal wanted was to teach them a lesson and lock them up.

But Revelation is not like that.

That malice showed that the other party was absolutely impossible to hold back.

The Ideal King is a false Holy Spirit, and the Apocalypse, which has regained the Holy Grail, is also a false Holy Spirit.

On this planet, or in this galaxy, there is no existence that can resist him.

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