I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2213

what can we do about it?

Mordred clenched her teeth, she didn't need to think about any consequences at all, because even if she died, she would not take a step back!

This planet will never be given up to anyone!

"I really don't understand why that guy loves these small things so much. But it doesn't matter, you all become the anti-particles of my revenge on that guy—!"

Revelation shouted, and the [seat] that occupied the cup of chaos suddenly roared, and a huge chaos faucet lifted up from it, and opened its gluttonous mouth like an abyss.

Infinite anti-particles condensed in it, turned into extreme darkness, and then spewed down——

"Oh no!"

Mordred yelled in his heart, then turned his head suddenly and looked at Shi.

In the face of this attack, no counterattack can be launched. Because it is a light cannon of anti-particles, any light cannon, any attack will directly detonate that light cannon.

And an antiparticle of that scale, once it explodes, is enough to blow away the entire solar system!

Only the style can kill this attack.

However, Shiki showed a blank face.

She did not see the root line of the antiparticle beam.

Obviously, like the ideal king, Apocalypse also hides its own root line.

Mordred gritted his teeth, without any means of defense.

Once they counterattacked, this beam explosion would blast the entire galaxy into the air. If they did not counterattack, they would be hit by this antiparticle beam, turning into pure antiparticles, and vanishing into thin air.

Other than that, there is no ending to speak of.

But, at this moment.

"call out--"

A subtle piercing sound suddenly resounded.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of golden light suddenly rushed out of the imperial palace, rushing towards the anti-particle beam.

Oh no!

Everyone yelled in their hearts.

"Stupid, stupid! Hahaha——" Revelation laughed loudly: "How dare you fight back, and become the fireworks of the universe with this galaxy!"

Mordred gritted his teeth.

who is it?

Who launched the attack?

Once detonated... the entire galaxy will be turned into cosmic dust!

At this time, Shiki couldn't help showing a surprised face, "That's..."

During the speech, the golden streamer rushed in front of the anti-particle beam, and everyone closed their eyes, but the expected big explosion did not happen. Instead, the golden beam broke through the anti-particle beam like a catastrophe. He rushed towards 【seat】.

"Impossible! This is—"

Apocalypse's horrified voice, the next moment, the cup of chaos hiding in the [seat] quickly escaped from the [seat].

With a sound of "cha", the golden streamer pierced through the 【seat】as usual.

And the moment the [seat] was pierced, the invincible [seat], the invulnerable [seat], dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

Everyone who watched such a strange scene was dumbfounded.

"Akasha's Arrow...Akasha's Arrow...Impossible!" Revelation muttered to himself, then turned his head, gritted his teeth and stared at the place where the golden streamer shot out.

Everyone also turned their heads to look.

Teng Teng Teng -

Slight footsteps sounded from the long corridor of the imperial palace, and then everyone saw Shirou wearing the armor of the blue silver dragon, holding the bow of evil, slowly walking out of the long corridor.

And beside him was Artoria.

"Father, mother...?" Mordred looked at Shirou and Artoria in surprise.

"Fujimaru Shiro—!"

Apocalypse entrenched in the Cup of Chaos glared at Shirou with gritted teeth.

Shirou looked calm, didn't say anything, just stretched out his hand, and a golden arrow appeared in his palm.

"Ah, Arrow of Akasha..." Revelation's face was full of fear and horror: "This is impossible!"

Shirou put the Arrow of Akasha on the Bow of Evil, and slowly drew the bowstring.

"No—don't even think—!"

Apocalypse screamed in panic.

The cup of chaos spinning at high speed turned around and fled towards the universe at high speed.

run - run -

Never get shot by that arrow!

Apocalypse cried out in his heart.

There was no existence on this planet that could knock him down, but that arrow was the only exception.

Looking at Apocalypse who fled desperately, Shirou said softly, "Al."

Arturia slowly raised her hand, and in her palm was a wooden bracelet.

"That, that isn't—"

Alquite looked at the wooden bracelet in Arturia's hand in surprise, "It's Bridged's bracelet."

A ray of sunlight pierced the dark sky shrouded in antiparticles, landed on the wooden bracelet in Artoria's hand, and swept across the four words "Bridged" in sequence.

In an instant, the sky shone with dazzling light.

Endless holy light flickered from beyond the sky.

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