I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2214

The [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] entrenched outside the planet shrank instantly, like a world, trapping Apocalypse who was fleeing desperately.

"That is the swan song of the Eternal Dynasty. The Eternal Dynasty perished because of you, so you should also leave with the Eternal Dynasty."

Shirou let go of the bowstring.

With a sound of "咻", Akasha's Arrow turned into a golden streamer, heading towards the [Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] that trapped Revelation.


Apocalypse screamed in horror.

However, this did not stop Akasha's Arrow from advancing.

With a sound of "咻", Akasha's arrow hit the [Emperor's Arm].

At that moment, everything disappeared.

The resentment of Apocalypse, the hatred of Apocalypse, and everything about the Eternal Dynasty... all turned into pure spirits and disappeared.

A faint ray of light fell from the sky onto the wooden bracelet in Artoria's hand.

And this is the eternal dynasty, the last swan song.

"Ka Ka Ka -"

The imperial palace is illusory and crumbling.

Shirou put away the bow of evil, looked at everyone, and said, "The Eternal Empire is going to disappear. Get out of here quickly, don't be involved in the correction power of the stars!"

Everyone nodded and hurriedly left the collapsed imperial palace.

Mordred was about to leave, but found that Shirou and Arturia were motionless, and quickly shouted: "What are you doing? Run!"

"You go first, Mordred." Shirou said.

"I see, remember to keep up!"

Mordred gave an exhortation, turned and left.

Looking at the back of Mordred's departure, Shirou turned his head, looked at the crumbling and distorted imperial palace, and said silently in his heart, farewell, Eternal King. Farewell, Guinevere Pendragon.

He turned his head, looked at Arturia, and reminded: "Al!"

Arturia nodded, staring at the dissipated imperial palace, she said silently in her heart, farewell, King of Knights. Farewell, Eternal Dynasty.

She clenched the wooden bracelet in her hand, which was the only trace of the Ideal King.

She held the wooden bracelet tightly, looked at Shirou, and said seriously, "Let's go, Shirou."

Shirou froze for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Yeah!"

Shirou and Arturia turned and left.

A gust of wind blew by, and there seemed to be a silent voice saying: Farewell, everyone.

A fallen leaf fell from the tree, drifting farther and farther with the wind, drifting farther and farther, and finally dissipated like snowflakes.



Returning to the ground, the earth began to fission. All traces of the Eternal Empire began to dissipate, and the pan-historical landscape began to reappear.

High-rise buildings, cars, construction sites, commercial streets... all modern facilities began to appear slowly.

And the steel bodies of those steel warriors began to dissipate, and the human souls trapped by the steel were released, and the wheel of suppression began to fully operate.

"The [Parliament] disappeared, as did the Eternal Empire and Apocalypse. The destroyed human logic has basically been restored, people, everything will come back!" Liang Yiwei said in surprise.


Yes, won.

Everything that was taken away by the [Parliament], the Ideal King and the Eternal Empire will come back!

Chapter 124 The last story, you will fill it in for me!

Let's face it, they've won the war!

The Heroic Spirits were overjoyed.

But in this way, [Chaldea] and the Heroic Spirits will lose their effect, and the Heroic Spirits who signed the contract with Chaldea should also return to the Heroic Spirit Seat.

But, that's fine too.

As long as the result is good, a little sadness of parting, so what?

People were silent in the joy, they even held a party to celebrate the final victory.

The air is filled with joy, as if everything has become quite beautiful.


"It's not over yet." Shiki said: "I am the head of the [Parliament] and the container of the Lord of Relief. As long as I haven't disappeared, you haven't won the final victory."

Only then did everyone get out of their joyful mood, and looked at Shi with vigilance.

He calmly looked at everyone's vigilant eyes.

Liang Yi didn't open that sheet, and looked at her with very sad eyes.

Shirou also frowned.

Indeed, Shiki has undergone an irreversible distortion, and there is no way to save her.

In fact, the reason why she can still maintain her intelligence is because the Ideal King's [Eternal Cage] cut off her connection with the root.

But now, the ideal king has disappeared.

The eternal cage no longer exists.

Who else can help her cut off the connection with the root?

Nobody left.

Even Shirou is the same, because the Ideal King has disappeared, so the record of the Ideal King has also disappeared.

"If you don't mind, use this."

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