I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2216

"If that's the case...then everything is connected..."

Shirou muttered to himself, then looked at Seshoin seriously, and said, "Sesshoin, this matter... the true face of the Lord of Relief, absolutely do not mention it to anyone!"



"I see……"

Killing Academy nodded.

Shirou gripped the Arrow of Akasha tightly in his hand.

It turns out that the real enemy is not the parliament, but...

— Chaldea!

Prologue: Mysterious Hero T

Life is the greatest miracle in the world.

The four directions are called Yu up and down. Although there is reality in Yu, there is no fixed place to seek. From ancient times to today, it is called Zhou. Although the universe has grown, it does not know where it began.

In the vast universe and the endless starry sky, many scientists once speculated that the earth may be the only source of life.

But in today's interstellar era, the truths proven in past eras have been proven to be the lies of the ancients.

The dark universe.

A silver-white spaceship cut through the pitch-black universe like a ray of silver light, and flew forward quickly.

And behind this spaceship, there are several golden boats, chasing after and attacking.


Endless rain of light shot out, and a meteorite blocking the way was bombarded and shattered.

In the silver spaceship, a young girl is in front of the console, frantically manipulating the spaceship to dodge.

The mirror in front of the console reflected her figure.

She wears a blue college uniform, tight shorts, and a blue hat on her head.

Her blond hair was clinging to her face, covered with sweat, and panic flashed in her emerald green eyes.

"Help—help—, Nutella, help—"

The girl kept sending out distress signals, and she was about to cry: "Golden Emperor, those damned minions of Universe Gilgamesh are coming to hunt me down...Help, chocolate sauce! Hurry up and save your dear good deskmate!" ah!"

However, on the opposite side of the distress signal, there was no response.

The only ones who responded were the pursuers who were relentlessly chasing after them.


A flash of light destroyed the left wing of the spaceship, and the spaceship vibrated violently, and the warning red light flashed non-stop.

The girl firmly grasped the console, which saved her from the bumps.

"Chocolate sauce, chocolate sauce, come back—"

The girl cried loudly.

However, there was still no response from the communicator, only the blind tone of "beep".

Obviously, from the beginning, there was no contact.

The girl took out a "T" nameplate from her bosom, held it in her heart, and prayed: "Help, help, hero T!"

This is not a rescue device, but just an ordinary metal nameplate.

I don't know when, there has been such a cosmic legend.

When you encounter turbulence in time and space, or encounter an alien god and fall into the crisis of extinction, a person will appear to save you in danger.

People don't know who that person is, where he came from, and there are too many mysteries about him. They only know that every time he appears, the face of the rescued person will be covered with the character T.

Therefore, people affectionately call it the hero of the mystery T.

The girl used to just listen to this cosmic legend as other unreliable cosmic legends, but now she is in a life-and-death situation, and she starts to pray that this legend is true.

However, nothing happens.

The Golden Emperor's minions were still bombarding her spaceship, and soon her cabin was damaged by more than 40%.

"No, if this continues, I will definitely die! I have to save myself!"

The girl gritted her teeth.

She looked at the star map, and found that she had stumbled into a star field where evil gods from outside the realm were sleeping.

"Through that star field, the evil god may not be awakened, but if I don't go through that star field, I will definitely be shot down by the golden emperor's minions..."

The girl quickly made a decision in her heart, her eyes flickered with determination, she controlled the spaceship, and rushed into the sleeping star field of the evil god outside the domain without looking back.

And those pursuers of the Golden Emperor really didn't dare to pursue them.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help thinking proudly, what is the elite army of the universe emperor! Such a coward!

Just as the girl was thinking this way, the Golden Emperor's pursuers fired a star-killing cannon.

The girl quickly steered the spaceship to dodge, but before she had time to be proud, a terrifying sound sounded from the depths of the star field.

The girl's complexion changed suddenly: "Oops, that star-killing cannon woke up the evil god!"

Those chasing soldiers of the Golden Emperor also realized this, directly opened the wormhole, and teleported away.

The girl controlled the spaceship and turned to run, but it was too late.

The infinite darkness rushed out from the core of the star field, and the infinite gravity pulled her back.

"Help—help, Nutella—"

The girl shouted, but there was no response.

Not only that, but with the awakening of the evil god, time and space began to distort.

The terrifying space-time distortion almost crushed the girl into a meatloaf.

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