I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2217

dying - dying -

Consciousness became more and more chaotic, just when the girl thought she was dead, she suddenly saw a ray of light.

--what is that?

She couldn't help but have such a question.

——It’s so warm...

Leaving behind this last thought, she fell into a faint.



After an unknown period of time, the girl gradually became conscious.

She suddenly felt itchy on her face, as if someone was painting her face with a pen.


She sat up in shock, but she didn't see anyone, instead she saw a bright, garden-like room.

"here it is……"

The girl got up from the bed, looked around, and finally fixed her eyes on a mirror.

She looks at herself in the mirror with "T"s painted all over her face.

"Wow! My face is as beautiful as a flower! Who is it! Who is so jealous of my beautiful face!" The girl yelled frantically.

At this time, she heard a very small murmur.

"Can't see me, can't see me..."

The girl turned her head and saw a six-year-old girl with snow-like long hair in the corner of the wall, who was trembling with her head in her arms.

In her hand, there is a paintbrush.

The girl was angry from her heart, walked over angrily, and asked, "Did you do it?"

The girl raised her head and looked at the furious young girl, her violet-like pupils were clouded with mist, and she cried, "Dad...Dad..."

The girl put her hands on her hips: "It's useless to scribble on my face and call me Dad!"

"I'm so sorry, ma'am. My daughter is not very sensible."

A gentle voice suddenly sounded from behind, the girl was taken aback for a moment, and when she turned her head, she saw a man with a gentle smile.

The man is wearing a white shirt and trousers, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, and holding a notebook in his hand, looking gentle and elegant.

Especially those bright eyes, as bright as if an open fire was burning, gave a very deep impression and made people unforgettable.


The girl saw the man, ran out from the corner, and flew towards him.

"You're being mischievous again, Future." The man knelt down, gently stroked the girl's little head, and said gently, "Apologize to my sister."

"Yes, I'm sorry..." The girl apologized to the girl, and then hid behind the man's back, holding the man's pants tightly with her small palm, and looked at the girl timidly with her bright eyes.

"Since I apologized, forget it." The girl waved her hand.

The man stretched out his hand, and a handkerchief appeared in his hand, and he handed it to the girl.

The girl took it, looked at the man in surprise, and asked, "Projection magic? Are you a magician?"

"I'm just a traveler, and I know a little bit of magic." The man smiled and said.

"Being able to create something so easily... Projection magic with such accomplishments is no ordinary magician..."

Wiping her face, the girl suddenly thought of something, looked at the man with wide eyes, and asked, "You, are you the mysterious hero T?"

"The mysterious hero T? What is that?" The man was full of doubts, and then said: "I put your spaceship in the back mountain. If you want to leave, you can set off at any time, but don't launch that kind of spaceship again." Weapons, the evil god sleeping in this star field is a legal immigrant."

After speaking, the man left.

"Wait a minute, you must be the mysterious hero T!"

The girl chased and said.

The girl is very excited.

She felt that she had really met the mysterious hero T, one of the legends in the universe.

In fact, she is a person who likes to solve mysteries and legends of the universe, and it is for this reason that she provokes the pursuit of the Golden Emperor.

Even Chocolate Sauce, who has always been expressionless, would complain about her, for being too obsessed with the legend of the universe.

The girl decides to stay on this planet for the time being, and solves the mystery hero T.

"If you can solve the mystery of the mysterious hero T, Nutella will definitely adore me!"

The girl couldn't help but think so.

However, no matter how she tempted the man, she couldn't get any stories about him from the man's mouth, instead she revealed all the details about herself.

However, she has also gained something.

For example, that girl is called Future.

Fujimaru future.

And she also became good friends with Fujimaru Mirai.

She decided to solve the mysterious hero T from the direction of Fujimaru's future.

"Eh? Did you ask Dad about the past?" Shaking his head in the future, he said, "I don't know either. Dad, mom, and brothers and sisters never tell me about the past."

"Huh? Do you still have a mother? Why have I never seen her?" the girl asked.

"Mom is at home."

"Then you guys are..."

"Oh. My dad and I are practicing." Future said.


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