I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2218

The girl was taken aback for a moment, and thought to herself, what is this, this colorful flower, is it considered practice?

Afterwards, she shook her head and said, "It's not important, the important thing is...can you steal your father's diary for me?"

The girl knows that men have always had the habit of keeping diaries. Since you can't get any secrets out of your mouth, it's better to read the diary directly.

"Why did you steal it?" Future said doubtfully, "Dad's diary is always in the study. You can read it anytime."

It was said that the girl slipped into the man's study that night.

"I want to see, what is the secret of the mysterious hero T!"

As she spoke, the girl opened the man's diary.

After going through a series of trivial daily routines, the girl quickly found the story she wanted to read.

I saw this in the diary:

"...After bidding farewell to the Eternal Dynasty, humanity and the planet have returned to normal. However, things are not over yet. That summer was my last adventure, and it was also my, Fujimaru Shiro's last story!"

Chapter 1 Longing for life

"Shirou, Shirou..."

The call in his ear brought Deshilang back to his soul, he turned his head to look at the woman with purple long hair sitting opposite, with a smile on his face, and asked, "What's the matter, Skadi?"

This is a couple-themed cafe with very few people.

However, the laughter from the couple at the other table could be faintly heard.

"What are you thinking?" Shikadi's bright wine red eyes reflected Shirou's figure.

"No, I didn't think about anything."

"I've called you eighteen times," Skadi asked with a gentle smile, "Are you worried that Mordred won't be able to adapt to the school environment?"

"Um... She really deserves to be the supreme goddess of Northern Europe. I really can't hide it from you. Haha." Shirou scratched the back of his head and smiled.

Skadi looked at Shirou's narrow face, smiled gently, and said, "It's been half a year since that war ended. I really didn't expect that I would return to this city."

"Fuyuki City..." Skadi turned her head, looking out through the transparent window.

The spring rain was hazy outside the window, but one could still clearly see the uneven levels of high-rise buildings on the street, as well as the endless stream of people.

Then, she turned her head, looked at Shirou and said with a smile, "But it should be called Shin Fuyuki City now."

Shirou nodded with a smile, turned his head, and looked at the news being promoted on the giant LED screen on the commercial plaza building across the street——

[Thanks to the efforts of members of Chaldea, our world has been saved. 】

"Already, half a year." Shirou said with emotion.

The farewell to the Eternal Dynasty was already half a year ago.

But every time I wake up from the dream, it seems like it was just yesterday.

After the disappearance of the Eternal Empire, Alaya disappeared from Liangyi Weina's body, the wheel of restraint in the Primate's Seat was fully activated, the human law was restored, and the disappeared people also returned.

It seems that everything has returned to before the 2012 [Parliament] destroyed the foundation of human law.

However, the upper echelons of the outer world can no longer suppress the affairs of the inner world.

People knew the existence of the Demonic Dao, and also knew the existence of the [Parliament]. As a last resort, the higher-ups of the table world had no choice but to tell the whole story about [Chaldea], and made [Chaldea] into a savior, which satisfied the people. The desire to explore the inner world.

However, this has nothing to do with Shirou.

After recovering from humanity, Shirou immediately quit Chaldea, returned to Fuyuki City with his family, met his parents, and then settled down in Fuyuki City.

Not only that, but he also asked Weber and Kenneth to have a relationship, get rid of the identity of a black household, and then sent Mordred, who was yearning for modern knowledge, to the school.

"If these passers-by know that the real savior who saves humanity is here, it will be fun." Skadi said with a smile.

"Don't tease me, Skadi." Shirou looked at Skadi helplessly, and then asked, "Aren't you going back to Northern Europe?"

"Oh, I haven't been here for long, are you going to drive me away?" Skadi looked at Shirou with an aggrieved expression.

Shirou said helplessly: "Please don't learn from Mr. Scathach and my cunning little sister."

"Then who should I learn from?" Skadi asked with great interest.

"I don't need to learn from anyone. My favorite is Teacher Skadi herself." Shirou said with a smile.

How could he be fooled by such a proposition?

"It's really getting more and more cunning, Shirou." Skadi covered her mouth and smiled gracefully.

At this time, the waiter finally brought the coffee.

"You two, here's your coffee."

"Thank you." Shirou thanked subconsciously, then looked up at the waiter's face, and asked in surprise, "You——, are you Pandora?"

"It's me." Pandora, who was wearing a black maid outfit, looked at Shirou and said gently, "You just discovered me now, Yong...ah, no, Mr. Shirou."

"I remember that you were supposed to be a magical girl at the jewel-smelling old man, why did you come here to be a waiter?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

"Your Majesty Gemstone said that my expiration date had expired, so I was kicked out, so I came to seek refuge with Sister Meiyou. This is Sister Meiyou's shop, and I am helping her with work now." Pandora said.

"The shelf life has expired..."

Shirou glanced at Pandora in front of him, she was slim and tall, with a curvy figure, even hotter than Scarha, probably only under the fully grown Al. Especially after those long legs were put on black stockings, they looked quite tempting.

Well, Shirou can imagine that lolicon pervert's frantic expression.

Probably because of the reason of "you are already a big mother, you can no longer wear the sacred magical girl costume", and drove Pandora out.

"Oh, I have something to do over there, so I left first. By the way, I happened to meet you, here is this for you." Pandora handed a red letter to Shirou.

Shirou took it and asked, "What is this?"

"It's a wedding invitation."

Hearing this, Shirou blinked and asked, "Shirou...ah, no. Has Emiya and Angelika confirmed their wedding date yet?"

Pandora nodded.

"Okay, we must go..." Suddenly remembered something, Shirou asked quickly: "Ah, wait a minute, do you want some money? If so, I won't go."

"Shirou!" Skadi looked at Shirou helplessly.

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