I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2219

Shirou smiled awkwardly: "You have to understand me, Skadi. I don't have much money recently..."

"But Al is rich, you can ask her for it."

"How can this work? It's her money, not mine."

Mentioning this, Shirou felt a little depressed.

In 2004, after he left, he settled in modern Al and actually opened a cake shop, and it grew bigger and bigger. Before the elimination of human rights in 2012, it was already a well-known cake brand in the global chain.

When he first returned, Shirou was stunned.

Is this the hidden [Golden Rule] and [Leadership] addition in modern times?

"She has fulfilled my previous dream, so that I can hardly lift my head in front of her now." Shirou sighed and said, "It would be great if I could become a golden mountain."

Pandora smiled and said, "Don't be so sad. Brother Wei Gong said that it's good to have blessings, and you don't need money."

"That's really great!" Shirou said, clapping his hands.

Pandora left with a smile on her face.

Skadi looked at Pandora's back and said, "I thought she would stay in Chaldea, but I didn't expect her to leave Chaldea."

"After all, it's going to be incorporated." Shirou said with a smile.

After everything was resolved, although Chaldea was pushed to the front of people by the world, she would naturally be included.

Therefore, the Heroic Spirits have all been released from their contracts and repatriated, while those who don't like to be disturbed left Chaldea before being incorporated.

Like Shirou, like Miyu Emiya, and like Pandora.

In fact, except for some people who had no other choice, people like Shirou joined Chaldea just to save humanity. Now that humanity has been saved, there is naturally no reason to stay in Chaldea.

Therefore, the only ones staying in Chaldea at this time are some managers and those who accepted the conditions for inclusion, such as Weber.

While joking with Skadi, Shirou looked down at his watch and said, "It's time to pick up Mordred. But why hasn't the rain stopped?"

Shirou looked at the rain outside the window with a sad face.

Who would have thought that not long after the words were spoken, the dark clouds covering the sky suddenly dispersed, and the warm sunlight penetrated through the clouds and sprinkled on the earth.

Rain, stop.

The sun came out too.

"It saves a lot of money to buy umbrellas."

"You, obviously you can use magic." Skadi looked at Shirou with a smile, then pointed to Shirou's eyes, and said, "Put on the magic eye that Morgan gave you, Shirou."

Shirou nodded, took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses from his pocket and put them on.

Since the awakening of [Mortal Savior], his eyes have become brighter, and the ability of [Flower of Evil] to absorb evil is even more attractive than Diarmuid's mole.

So in order to avoid trouble, Shirou asked Morrigan to create this magic eye killer with its own shielding effect.

Shirou and Skadi left the cafe and walked towards the downtown elementary school.

"This road is also the road I used to go to school when I was a child, but it has completely changed." Shirou said to Skadi with a smile.


A long howl sounded from the sky, and a huge shadow suddenly passed by.

A huge flying bird entwined with thunder and lightning flew across the sky.

Skadi glanced at it and said, "These mutants are really increasing recently."

"Yeah, Belle..." Shirou said with emotion.

After the liberation of human beings, it is not known whether it is because the ideal king once coordinated history, or because of the transformation of the last particle of the apocalypse, the pan-historical creatures were distorted.

Some turned into giant beasts, some turned into phantom beasts, and some turned into things like alien beasts in science fiction movies.

The biological system that was sorted out over the long years was completely subverted after the liberation of human beings.

A new view of biological history began to emerge.

In order to simply call these new creatures, the international standard defines them as the Belle subspecies.

"The Land of Steel..." Shirou muttered to himself.

"What land of steel?" Skadi asked suspiciously.

"No, nothing."

Shirou shook his head.

People don't know where these biological aberrations come from, but Shirou does.

That was something he had been avoiding talking about.

The heroic spirits have already left, and Chaldea has also been incorporated.

Presumably, mankind will face more severe tests in the future.

Shirou thought so.

When we arrived at the downtown primary school, parents had already gathered outside.

"Dingling bell" the get out of class bell rang, and students poured out of it.

Shirou soon saw Mordred coming out surrounded by a large group of girls.

He waved to Mordred.

"Ah, your father is here to pick you up, Akali-chan."

"See you tomorrow, Akali-chan."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Mordred waved to them, saying goodbye like friends he knew at school.

Shirou patted Mordred on the shoulder and asked, "How do you feel at school today?"

"Stupid as always, I already regret coming." Mordred curled his lips, then looked at Shirou, and complained: "Also, the name Akali is too stupid. Even if you make up a fake name, can you add more?" Artistic sense?"

"for example?"

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