I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2220


"It's pretty good. It's a pity that your school status has been confirmed, dear Akali-chan." Shirou said with a smile.

Mordred curled his lips and said, "When I fully understand the rules of the modern game, I will change the name!"

"It's been a long time. There are junior high schools, high schools, and universities. Slowly understand the rules of the game, Akali-chan."

Mordred glanced at the father who made fun of him, curled his lips, then glanced at Skadi who was smiling, his eyes lit up, and he greeted with a smile: "Why are you here, Skadi? "

Skadi smiled and said, "Let's see how Scatha is doing recently."

Mordred glanced at Shirou, curled his lips, and said, "I don't think I'm here to see Scarha, but to see a certain man?"

Skadi's smile froze instantly.

Shirou reached out and tapped Mordred's head, saying, "Don't make trouble."

Mordred stuck out his tongue, then looked around and asked, "Where's my mother? Didn't she come to pick me up?"

"You know. She and Gray are at the main store working on new cakes."

Hearing this, Mordred's eyes flickered with displeasure, puffed his cheeks, and said angrily, "She actually likes Grey better than me. Damn it, I must find a chance to make her underwear special Lose!"

Shirou tapped Mordred on the head again.

The three of them walked towards home talking and laughing.

On the way, Mordred watched a girl sitting on her father's shoulder pass by, her eyes sparkled, but she didn't say anything.

When she came to her senses, she had already been picked up by Princess Shirou.

"Wow, what are you doing?" Mordred glared at Shirou in embarrassment.

"Let you experience the feeling of flying."

Shirou smiled, put Mordred on his shoulders, grabbed her small and delicate ankles with both hands, and said with a smile, "Sit still, don't fall off, my princess."

"This is too shameful!" Mordred grabbed Shirou's hair and said angrily, "Put me down!"

Shirou didn't take it seriously, he laughed and walked towards Mordred's ankle.

Mordred was still very ashamed in his heart, but then hummed a ditty.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy at all." Mordred said to Shirou while humming a ditty.

"Of course, how can my princess be happy because of such a small thing? But, Dad, I am very happy. Hold on tight, let's take off."

Shirou grabbed Mordred's ankle and trotted forward.

"Oh~ oh~ fly, fly!" Mordred smiled happily.

Looking at their happy smiles, Skadi couldn't help but smile knowingly: "This is the life Shirou yearns for."

When she came back to her senses, Skadi realized that Shirou's father and daughter had run away, and quickly shouted: "Hey! I don't know where your home is, but you should wait for me!"

She quickly followed.



PS: When the prologue was written, it was too late. My mind is a little dizzy, I slightly modified some subtle places. QWQ

Chapter 2 This is the justice I pursue!

In the outskirts of Miyama Town, there is a big white mansion.

And here is Shirou's home.

——Fujimaru Mansion.

This is the mansion that was assigned according to the previous land lease after the reconstruction of Shinfuyuki City after the False God Seat in 2003. Al had been taking care of it before, and half a year ago, it was returned to Shirou.

Shirou and Mordred talked and laughed and returned home.

As soon as he opened the door, before he had time to take off his shoes, a lazy voice came from the sofa in the hall:

"—You are back."

Hearing this sound, Mordred turned his head to look at the sofa, saw a lot of messy garbage bags, his smile froze, and he immediately pulled his face down: "You stinky cockroach, you made it in the living room. Such a mess!"

"Ah, it's so annoying. Why do you both call me a stinky cockroach?"

Alquette sat up from the sofa, with bags under his eyes, and a pair of bloodshot eyes looking at them very tiredly. She was only wearing a white shirt casually, and her lower body was simply wearing a pair of white underwear, like a house girl who had been home for several years, without any image at all.

"The manuscript is due, but I don't have any inspiration in my head... My inspiration has dried up. Ah, I'm going to die!" Alquette scratched his hair.

"That's not the point. The point is, when can you leave my house gracefully?" Mordred threw the potato chips spilled on the ground into the trash can, and looked at Alquette with a blank expression.

"That's what I want to ask too." Kama came out of the kitchen, looking at Alquette with a blank expression, "I can't bear it anymore. I said it at least a hundred times, right? Don't mess with my house !"

"Huh?" Airquitt showed a puzzled look and asked, "Isn't this my home?"

Hearing this, both Mordred and Gamo had the word "well" on their faces, especially Gamo had already picked up the kitchen knife.

Alquite thought about it, Mordred and Gamo teamed up, she might be pressed to the ground and rubbed for a while, and quickly waved her hand and said: "Ah, ah... I see, I will clean it up. The world It's so beautiful, but you are so violent, it's not good, it's not good."

Morrigan, who had just walked down the stairs, heard this sentence, and couldn't help complaining: "Then you pushed the mustard seed down a few days ago? You are the only one here who is not qualified to say this, Alquite!"

Shirou looked at Morrigan who was wearing a white dress, and couldn't help asking: "You are so beautifully dressed, who do you have an appointment with, sister?"

"Oh. I want to open a fortune telling shop in this city, so I asked Mustard Seed to help me find out where Feng Shui is better." Morrigan said.

Mordred asked suspiciously: "Fengshui, don't you know that?"


"Then why is it still called mustard child?"

"It's not this guy!" Morigan pointed at Alquite angrily, and said, "The other day when Heliotrope came to visit, this guy pressed Mustard on the bed. Now Mustard is very depressed, so I brought She relaxes. Really, how can someone bully people like this!"

"Where is the bullying?" Airquit said aggrievedly: "She is the only true ancestor besides me, I just want to communicate with her."

"How can there be such a communication?" Morigan glared at Alquette angrily, and then his eyes fell on Skadi, his eyes lit up, "Are you here as a guest, Skadi?"

"Finally saw me." Skadi smiled, then nodded, and said with a smile, "I'm here to visit Skaha, where is she?"

"Probably go hunting for the Belia species." Morrigan said uncertainly, "She won't be idle."

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