I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2221

Skadi nodded, she knew Eskaha's character, indeed.

Morrigan walked to the door, put on her pair of white gauguin shoes, turned her head, looked at Shirou and the others, and asked, "Is there anything I need to bring?"

Both Mordred and Shirou shook their heads.

Jia Mo said: "I ran out of garbage bags at home. If you pass by the supermarket, bring some back. Buying the whole bag is more cost-effective."

Morrigan nodded.

Alquette said: "Bring some nuclear warheads, I'm going to blow up the publishing house!"

"You tell me, where can I buy nuclear warheads?"

Morrigan complained, then turned around and left without giving Alquette any time to pester her.

After cleaning up the sofa, Alquette invited Skadi to sit on the sofa.

Mordred dragged Skadi and asked about the Nordic connection point.

At this time, Kama brought a bowl of soup and handed it to Shirou.

"You——, what are you doing, Sakura?" Shirou looked at Kama helplessly.

"There is chicken soup made for you by a super cute sister, don't you want to taste it?"

"If this can be called soup."

Shirou looked helplessly at the "chicken soup" in Kama's hand. He couldn't see the soup, nor the chicken. All he could see was a bowl full of goji berries and ginseng slices.

"Brother's body has spent many years relying on the evils of this world. Brother should understand that your body has long been empty. There is no problem now because [evil] has filled it. But it is only a stopgap measure, brother We need to make up for the shortfall. Come on, drink up." Kama said gently.

Shirou: "..."

Looking at the bowl full of goji berries, Shirou felt a little nauseous.

Six months!

It's been half a year!

Kama tricks him into eating these supplements every day, or making soup, or making wolfberry ice cream, popsicles, or mixing them in his biscuits... Although this is full of love from his sister, Shirou feels that he really can't bear it up.

However, if simple words can stop Kama, Shirou won't have to eat goji berries for half a year.

"Ah, I remembered." Shirou stood up abruptly, staring at Mordred with a serious face, and said, "You should do your homework, Mordred."


Mordred, who was talking to Skadi while playing video games with Alquite, looked at Shirou in bewilderment.

"Go, do your homework. The old man will tutor you personally!"

Shirou picked up Mordred's collar, then took the bowl from Kama, and said, "I drink while teaching Mordred."

Afterwards, regardless of Mordred's struggle, Shirou carried Mordred and hid in the room on the second floor in a panic.

Back in his room and locked the door, Shirou put the chicken soup on the desk and heaved a sigh of relief.

"You are too despicable, too selfish!"

Mordred sat on the bed, folded his hands on his chest, looked at Shirou with displeasure, and said with a pouted face, "Just hide and hide, why did you pick me up! I tell you, I'm very angry! Very angry No matter how much you can't coax him, you will be so angry!"

Shirou pointed to the computer on the desk, and asked, "Why don't you play Double Kombat together?"

Mordred clapped his hands, turned his anger into joy, and said with a smile: "Just waiting for your words! I want to choose output, you play support!"

"Why? I won't do it!"

"Whoever grabs it first gets it!"

While speaking, Mordred had already sat at the computer desk, and said with a happy smile: "I arrived first, I will output!"

"Okay, okay..."

With helplessness on his face, Shirou muttered softly, "Who is despicable?"

After several hours of playing, Mordred got tired of playing, so he took out his homework from his schoolbag, lay on Shirou's bed, and wrote his homework while shaking his legs in pink socks.

People who know Mordred's identity will definitely feel that their three views have exploded. But for Mordred, she just wants to grow up as an ordinary girl.

Shirou leaned back on his seat and looked at Mordred who was doing his homework with a smile.

Looking at Mordred who looks like a good girl, people who know her identity must be surprised, right? However, this is also the same as Mordred hoped.

She wants to grow up as an ordinary girl.

Such a miracle, even the Holy Grail, cannot be achieved, right?

And this is all thanks to the Ideal King.

That guy said he hated Mordred, but in fact, he wasn't like that?

After all, the ideal king is also Artoria.

Shirou picked up the chicken soup and drank it.

To be honest, Jiamo's craftsmanship is really good, but there are too many goji berries and ginseng slices, but my sister's heart really can't be wasted.

Thinking of this, Shirou smiled.

"Hey! It's so disgusting!" Mordred showed a disgusted expression.

"What?" Shirou asked.

"Laughing at your daughter's legs, you're so disgusting! I'm still a flower that hasn't budded yet. You don't have any plans for me, do you? I'll call the police."


Shirou said with a dark face, "Write your homework!"

Mordred snorted softly, turned his head again, and wrote his homework.

At this time, the computer beeped, and a text message came.

Shirou opened it and saw that it was a message from Gilgamesh.

"Happy birthday, Miscellaneous.

——Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and Arthur are attached. "

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