I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2222

Shirou was taken aback.

He turned his head and glanced at the lower right corner of the screen. Today is April 15th.

Oh, right.


It's his birthday!

He forgot without Gilgamesh reminding him.

However, that guy Gilgamesh actually knew his birthday. This should come from the Chaldean file, right? After all, he is the largest shareholder of Chaldea!

Shirou turned his head and glanced at Mordred who was humming a ditty on the bed while doing his homework, smiled, and then replied to Gilgamesh:

[Thank you, chop suey.

——Enclosed by Shiro Fujimaru. 】

"Dinner is ready, brother!"

Gama's voice came from outside the door.

Shirou stood up, looked at Mordred, and said, "Wait a while, Mordred. Eat first."


Mordred nodded, put down his homework, and got up.

Shirou walked outside the room, and the moment he pushed open the door, Kama and Elgui, who were standing in the doorway, fired the salute with a "snap". In an instant, the ribbons flew and landed on Shirou's head superior.

"Happy birthday, brother!"

"Happy birthday, Shirou!"

Shirou couldn't help being taken aback, and Mordred in the room pushed Shirou out and said with a smile, "Happy birthday, Dad!"

Shirou Mulen was launched by Mordred.

He looked around, and at some point, the huge mansion was already covered with colored balls, and on the wall, there were also congratulatory messages for Shirou's happy birthday.

But I don't know when, there are already many people in the family.

Miyu, Illya, Irisviel, Pandora, Angelica, Emiya, Rin, Luvia, Ayaka, Seseiin... The acquaintances who decided to stay in Fuyuki City gathered around Shirou, Smiling and clapping hands while singing birthday song.

Skadi on the side smiled and said, "Happy birthday, Shirou."

"Thank you." Shirou smiled, "I said, why did you come here from the Nordic connection point on purpose today. It turns out that you didn't come to visit Skaha, but to wish me a happy birthday."

"Why didn't you come to see me?" At this time, Scathach in a suit came out of the crowd and said with a smile, "Happy birthday, Shirou. This is for you."

Scathach handed Shirou a golden bow engraved with the secret letter of the fairy.

Shirou took the golden bow and asked, "What is this?"

"This is a birthday present from Vivian and I to you."

"Thank you. But what about Vivian?" Shirou asked.

"She's a fairy, and she can't leave the Sea of ​​Stars, so she can't come."

"That's a pity, but I still have to thank her." Shirou said with a smile.

At this time, people dispersed one after another. Arturia and Gray brought a big cake to the table and said with a smile, "Happy birthday, Shirou!"

Morrigan lit the candles she bought one by one, then put a birthday crown on Shirou's head, and said with a smile, "Happy birthday, Shirou."

"So you went to buy these things, sister." Shirou said with a smile.

"Shirou, Shirou. Hurry up and make a wish, hurry up and make a wish!" Airquit reminded with a smile.


Shirou nodded, put his heart in his hands, and made a wish: "I want a big golden mountain."

The people who were still smiling all over their faces were stunned at the time: "?????"

Mordred covered his face, what a shame!

Alquite smiled happily: "Blow out the candles and share the cake! Shirou is the birthday star, take the biggest one, I want the second biggest!"

Shirou smiled and blew out the candle. I took a plastic knife from Artoria's hand, and when I was about to divide the cake, there was a "bang", and the ground shook.

The cake sprinkled everyone's faces.

Especially Shirou, the cake with his face covered in paste.

He wiped off the cake on his face, and asked in surprise, "What's going on?"

They walked out of the door one after another and looked at it, stunned.

I saw that the originally flat land suddenly cracked, and the golden light shone in the cracks.

"Jin, Jinshan!" Pandora said dumbfounded.

Yes, in that crack in the ground is an incomparably huge golden mountain!

"Ah! Gaia told me, I forgot!" Alquette slapped the back of his head, and said to Shirou in a panic: "Don't make a wish indiscriminately, Shirou! The planet loves you very much now, if you make a wish indiscriminately, the planet will Randomly fulfill your wish!"

"Huh? That means the rain will stop in the afternoon, which means the planet has fulfilled my wish?" Shirou was dumbfounded.

"These gold probably migrated from other continental plates. Hurry up, quickly cancel the wish! Otherwise, the violent plate migration will cause violent earthquakes all over the world!" Airquit said anxiously.

"You unprecedented idiot, don't say it earlier!"

Shirou clasped his hands in both hands, and hurriedly said, "I don't want it anymore, I don't want Jinshan anymore. Hurry up and put away your supernatural powers, Gaia!"

"Ka Ka Ka -"

Only then did the earth return to calm, and the migrating gold mines stabilized.

Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

It's scary to have a birthday with dread.

"But, in this way, wouldn't Shirou's wish come true?" Artoria looked at Shirou in trouble.

"No, Al." Shirou shook his head and said gently, "My wish has been fulfilled!"

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