I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2224


Mordred glared at Alquette angrily, then turned to look at Shirou, "Dad, look at her!"

"I'm nearsighted and presbyopic, and I can't see anything." Shirou said, looking at the newspaper.

Mordred: "..."

Alquette smiled triumphantly.

Gamo sighed inwardly.

It's a pity that Mordred was too weak to kill this stinky cockroach!

There is a long way to go to eradicate stinky cockroaches, but we can only look at her, a little insect exterminator!

After playing around for a while, Morrigan looked at Morrigan and said, "Mom is not at home recently, so please pretend to be my mother tomorrow, Morrigan."

"Huh?" Morrigan was startled, and said hesitantly, "Is this... not so good? Just tell the teacher that Al is on a business trip, isn't that all right?"

"No. I want to get rid of the impression points of my family environment once and for all. So, please."

"But, you can't slap one hand." Morrigan turned his head, looked at Shirou, and said in embarrassment.

Mordred also looked at Shirou.

Shirou closed the newspaper, rubbed his shoulders, and said, "Recently, my lumbar spine is hurting a bit. Maybe it's because I've been sitting for a long time. If there is a cute little girl who weighs less than seventy-five catties, who can help me step on my back, When I’m in a good mood, I might agree to anything.”


Mordred's face darkened: "Get down."

"Just waiting for your words~"

Shirou put down the newspaper and lay down on the sofa in no time.

With a dark face, Mordred stood on Shirou's back with delicate legs wearing pink panda socks.

"is it here?"

"A little bit up... yes, yes, right, right here on the shoulder blades... what's the matter with you? The customer is God, the service must be thoughtful, draw a few circles, otherwise I won't pay."

Mordred: "..."

After playing around for a while, everyone also helped Mordred with this favor.

Mordred heaved a sigh of relief.

In this way, her perfect image will not be destroyed.

Mmm! In my second life, I will definitely not be treated as a weirdo!

Mordred thought so.

The next day, Mordred brought Fujimura Taiga home as promised.

"This is Mordred's home. The land price is outrageous now. Such a big house is really worthy of being a child of a rich family." Fujimura Taiga said with a smile: "Your parents must be an elegant couple. elite in society. You will also become an elite in society in the future.”

"You are too much, Mr. Fujimura. My father and mother are just a very ordinary, very ordinary loving couple." Mordred said with a smile: "Their education for me is to be an upright and kind person. people."

Mordred took Fujimura Taiga home.

As soon as the door was opened, it was Shirou in a suit and leather shoes who walked towards him.

"Hello, Fujimura-sensei. I am Akali's father, Fujimaru Shiro." Shirou extended his hand to Fujimura Taiga.

Fujimura Taiga held Shirou's hand, and said with a smile: "You must be an excellent father from the looks of your talents."

Mordred curled his lips, secretly thought, the nonsense is excellent.

At this time, Mordred pointed to Scatha who was wearing a tuxedo next to Shirou, and said, "This is my equestrian teacher, Scathach."

Skaha stretched out his hand to Fujimura Taiga, and said with a smile, "Hello, Mr. Fujimura."

"Hello, Miss Scatha." Fujimura Dahe held Scatha's hand, and asked suspiciously: "Miss Scathha, have we met somewhere? I always feel... I seem to have seen you ?”

"Maybe." Skaha smiled and said, "Life is like a butterfly in a dream, maybe we have seen it somewhere."

Shirou welcomes Fujimura Taiga into the hall, and asks Fujimura Taiga how Mordred is doing at school.

After a while of communication, Fujimura Taiga looked at Mordred suspiciously, and asked, "Akali-chan, where is your mother? Why didn't I see her?"


Morrigan also felt strange in his heart. According to the script, Morrigan, who pretended to be her mother, should have appeared early, but there has been no sign yet.

She turned her head and looked at Shirou and Scathach suspiciously, only to find that Shirou and Scathach were also full of doubts.

"Oh, a distinguished guest is here. I'm so sorry, it's all because Shirou loves me so much that he couldn't bear to wake me up."

Suddenly hearing a sound coming from the stairs, Mordred turned his head and almost spit out.

I saw Kama, who was wearing a golden lady's attire, covered half of his face with a feather fan, walked over, squeezed Skaha away, sat next to Shirou, and held Shirou's chest with both hands. Arm, said affectionately: "The teacher came to visit, why didn't you wake me up, Darling?"

Shirou's body froze, and his whole body was not well.

"Who is this?"

Mordred was about to introduce, when he saw Kama holding Shirou's hand, and said with a smile: "I am the mother of this child, Sakura. Guian, Mr. Fujimura."

Mordred nearly spit.

This script is wrong!

Where's Morrigan?

"Hello, ma'am. I'm Akali-chan's homeroom teacher, Fujimura Taiga." Fujimura Taiga introduced himself to Kama.

"This kid is too much trouble for you at school, Mr. Fujimura." Kama said with a smile.

Mordred looked at Kama, who was dressed like a lady in the eighteenth century, and had an extremely ominous premonition in his heart.

She suddenly remembered that there was another Wang Zha who hadn't appeared on stage.

God, God!

Don't mess around!

Mordred prayed inwardly.

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