I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2225

As if he heard Mordred's prayer, Alquette never appeared. The script has no surprises other than Gamma usurping the role of Morrigan.

Thank goodness, thank goodness!

Mordred breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, it's getting late. It's time for me to go back. It's my honor to communicate with such loving and excellent parents." Fujimura Taihe stood up and said with a smile.

"Let's see you off, Mr. Fujimura."

Fujimura Taihe waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need. I just want to borrow your family's health care home."

Saying that, Fujimura Taiga went to the bathroom.

Watching Fujimura Taiga go to the bathroom, Mordred heaved a sigh of relief and slumped on the sofa.

Shirou looked at Kama and asked, "Where is Morrigan? Where is she?"

"I don't know. I probably wanted to screw up Mordred's affairs, so I ran away. As a last resort, I came to cover the bag. Oh hehehe~" Kama covered half of his face with a feather fan, and smiled coquettishly .

Shirou shuddered and said helplessly, "I beg you not to laugh like that again, Sakura."

"Huh? Isn't it like those noble ladies? I think I'm pretty similar." Kama asked suspiciously: "In anime, this kind of character always smiles like this."

Skaha laughed and said, "It's an anime after all, it's too intrusive if you pretend!"

At this time, the screams of Fujimura Taiga and Alquite sounded in the bathroom.


Shirou and the others looked at each other in dismay, and hurried over to take a look, only to see Fujimura Taiga and Alquite lying on the ground.

They were probably in the bathroom together, so they bumped into each other.

It's just that Alquite's attire is really weird.

She was wearing a linen dress, like a village woman who came to work in the city in the 1970s and 1980s.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is, she had a big belly, clutching her belly, crying, "My child, my child. My nine-month-old belly, my amniotic fluid, isn't it broken?"

Mordred looked at Alquette with his stomach protruding, and said with cold sweat, "I...why do I feel like I'm about to have a heart attack?"

"Don't tell me, I also have a bad feeling..." Jia rubbed his forehead and said.

Shirou said in a low voice: "Quickly find a way to hold down Alquite's coffin board, I feel deeply uncomfortable..."

"Amniotic fluid?" Fujimura Taiga looked at Alquite and asked, "May I ask who you are?"

"I am the maid of this house."

"Maid?" Fujimura Taiga looked at Alquite in astonishment, and asked, "You have a nine-month-old belly, are you still working?"

"That's right. I hate that guy in my family. He is too lazy to do anything, so he sold me here from Africa."

"Sold here from Africa?" Fujimura Taihe was dumbfounded.

"Yes, I crossed the ocean and came here. I was bought by a black-hearted capitalist and became a maid here. Every day I get up earlier than chickens, sleep later than dogs, and work more than cows. I eat less than pigs. I am still pregnant. My life is so hard, so hard!"

Fujimura Taiga was dumbfounded, and Shirou, Mordred, Kama, and Scathach were also dumbfounded.

Kama muttered to himself: "My God...this is even more outrageous than me..."

"Teacher Fujimura, don't listen to her nonsense, she's just joking." Shirou said with cold sweat, and walked towards Fujimura Taihe.

"Ah, don't come here, trafficker! No, he's still a traitor!" Fujimura Taihe yelled.

Mordred was sweating coldly, and quickly explained: "She was joking, she was joking, Mr. Fujimura! My father is not a human trafficker, nor is he a traitor. No, even if he is, I am a good boy, please be sure to believe!"

Shirou: "?????"

Plastic father-daughter love?

This sells me?

At this time, Alquite stood up again, pointed at Mordred, and cried: "My child, you don't know. That night thirteen years ago, in the dark stables, sir, then, And then... ah woo woo..."

"Then what?" Mordred asked blankly.

"And then there was you!" Alquet pointed at Mordred and cried, "Your name is not Akali, but your name is Mordred. I am your biological mother, the baby in my belly My child, it's your sister!"


Mordred stared blankly at Alquette, then clutched his chest, rolled his eyes, and fell straight down.

Shirou caught her in a panic, "Be strong, be strong, Mordred! Don't die!"

"Huh? Is it really Mordred?" Fujimura Taiga was terrified.

"As expected of Alquette, it's amazing." Skaha ate the melon and couldn't help admiring: "This melon is really sweet."



"I'm back."

Arturia took off the pair of white gauguin shoes on her feet, walked into the house, and immediately saw Mordred who was chasing and killing Alquite with a sword.

"I kill you! I kill you!"

"I acted so well and cooperated with you so well, why did you kill me?"

"Shut up! Don't run, I'm going to kill you!"

"Idiots don't run away."


Arturia pointed at Mordred and Alquite, and asked with a confused face: "What's wrong with them? Alquette is playing tricks on Mordred again? And Shirou... what's wrong with you? "

Artoria looked at Shirou who was hiding in the corner, trembling, and muttered to himself, "I'm not a human trafficker, I'm not a traitor, don't call the police."

"You came late and missed a wonderful show, Al." Skaha said with a smile.

"Huh?" Arturia was taken aback.

"Speaking of which, where is my sister?" Artoria looked around, looking for Morrigan.

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