I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2226

"Ah! I forgot!"

Gamo slapped his head and hurried towards Morrigan's room.

Artoria and the others hurriedly followed, and saw Gamo pushing away the wall of the cabinet in Morrigan's room, and Morrigan, who was tied up and her mouth was taped, fell to the ground.


Seeing Kama, she screamed in horror, wriggled like a caterpillar, and turned towards Artoria with tears in her eyes.

Arturia tore off the tape from her mouth.

"Wow wow wow wow-," Moligan cried: "Al, Al."

Artoria hugged her and asked gently: "I'm here, what's the matter, sister?"

"She bullied me, she bullied me! Whoa whoa whoa whoa—"

Morrigan pointed at Kama, and cried loudly in Artoria's arms.

While comforting Morrigan, Artoria turned her head, and stared at Kamo with her piercing holy blue eyes, "What did you do to my sister, Kama?"

"No. Nothing... nothing."

Kama turned his head, and beads of sweat the size of beans flowed out.

"I'll kill you, Alquiet—!"

"Don't come here!"

Outside the door, Mordred and Alquette, who were playing a game of cat and mouse, ran past in a panic.

"I'm not a trafficker, I'm not a traitor..."

Shirou trembled.

"It's a pity that Skadi didn't come today." Skaha ate another mouthful of melon, "This melon is really sweet."

Chapter Four The Wedding in Early Summer

"I really didn't expect Wei Gong to set the wedding date in early summer."

"Yes, I heard that they invited many people. Gilgamesh, Merlin, they will all come to praise him."

"Ah? Why? On my birthday last time, there were not so many people here!"

"Have you tasted it?"

"Yes! Could it be that I am less popular than him?"

"It's nothing. It's just that at that time, the affairs of Chaldea hadn't been dealt with, and everyone couldn't rush over. Didn't everyone send emails to wish you a happy birthday? Fasten it, Shirou."

While joking, Artoria helped Shirou fasten his tie.

Shirou stood in front of the mirror, looking at himself in a suit and leather shoes in the mirror. He wiped his hair and asked, "Al, tell me, am I as handsome as ever?"

"Yes, heartthrob," said Artoria.

Shirou was a little proud.

"Then I would like to trouble you, please put on the magic eye."

Arturia smiled and handed the magic eye killer to Shirou.

Shirou suddenly turned bitter: "I hate charm!"

Artoria covered her mouth and smirked.

After walking out the door, the others had already put on formal clothes and were ready to go.

"Let's go, the place where they held their wedding is in the newly built church." Kama said.

"Oh~! There's another party to play!" Alquette said with a smile.

Mordred sighed, "A certain cockroach can go mad again."

"Party, party~!" Alquette hummed a ditty.

Scathach looked at Alquite and said with a smile: "This time someone else's wedding, don't play tricks, Alquette."

Alquite patted his chest and said: "This time, I will eat obediently. After all, I can still distinguish between big and small things."

Mordred complained: "Cooperating with my home visit, it's not a big deal!"


Alquette smiled and scratched the back of his head.

"Let's go, everyone." Shirou said with a smile.

After Shirou and the others closed the door, they went to the new church in the Shinto area.

And here, there are already many old acquaintances present.

"Oh, oh. Isn't this a miscellaneous cultivator?" Gilgamesh, who was wearing a casual attire, walked towards Shirou with a goblet filled with red wine.

Shirou looked around, then looked at Arturia next to him, and asked, "Al, did you hear anything?"

"It's Gilgamesh." Artoria pointed to Gilgamesh in front of her, and answered honestly.

"Oh." Shirou suddenly realized, "I said why I smelled a stench of garbage dumps all the way away. It turned out to be the offal of Mesopotamia!"

"You miscellaneous—"

Gilgamesh was furious, and punched Shirou with a punch. Who would have thought that Shirou was prepared, stretched out his hand horizontally, and blocked Gilgamesh's punch with a "dong".

Shirou smiled proudly: "It's a pity, miscellaneous. I have completely seen through you!"


Gilgamesh yelled.

Artoria sighed helplessly, and said, "Why do the two of them pinch each other when they meet?"

"This is probably how they get along." Arthur said gently.

"Long time no see, my dear Mordred~"

At this time, a mass of non-flammable white waste flew towards Mordred, and Mordred grabbed his head and said with a headache: "Please don't come near me, Merlin. Stay with weirdos, would be considered a weirdo.”

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