I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2227

"It's really a girl's eighteenth change. She was so cute when she was a child, and she was so close to me." Merlin bit his handkerchief, sobbing, and said, "If Vivienne comes, she will definitely make decisions for me. It's a pity that she is a goblin, so she can't get out of the stardom." Inner Sea."

Mordred's head was covered with the word "well", and he pulled out his sword with a black face, and was about to chop Merlin, but Gamo and Scathach hurriedly stopped him: "Calm down, Calm down, Mordred. Here is Someone else's wedding."

While eating pizza, Alquette pointed at Mordred and laughed loudly: "You said I would do bad things, but you are the saboteur, Mordred!"

Mordred gritted her teeth. She swore that when she returned home, she would definitely buy extremely poisonous insecticides and treat Alquite well!

"It's really lively." Romani walked over with a small cake, and asked Merlin with a smile: "This is human emotion. It's really hot."

"Yes, Romani. However, my emotions are even more intense." The Queen of Sheba walked over affectionately.

Romani trembled all over, and his whole body went limp.

"Huh? Kama?" The Queen of Sheba's eyes lit up when she saw Kama.

"Long time no see, Sheba." Kama responded with a smile.

The Queen of Sheba walked over and whispered to Kamo, "The folk remedy you gave last time is really good. Romani said that the waist is much better. Are there any other folk recipes?"

"Yes, I have recently developed a folk prescription for great tonic. I plan to mix it into my brother's meal tonight, but depending on your needs, I will teach you now." Jiamo whispered.

"Thank you so much!"

The Queen of Sheba looked at Romani with a happy face.

Romani's body softened.

Even Shirou, who had the upper hand in the fight with Gilgamesh, suddenly felt a chill in his waist, and was taken advantage of by Gilgamesh and fell into a disadvantage.

Gilgamesh walked around behind Shirou, grabbed Shirou's neck, and asked, "Do you want to admit defeat?"

"Admit defeat, admit defeat. Let go!" Shirou said, patting Gilgamesh on the shoulder.

Gilgamesh let go.

"You won this time, now it's thirty-two to seventeen!" Shirou said.

At this time, Hero Emiya and Hero Kiritsugu brought delicious food.

Shirou found it strange, and couldn't help asking: "Alaya gave you a vacation?"

"We haven't been guardians for a long time." Ying Ling Wei Gong said: "Gaia's welfare is better than that of Alaya. The most important thing is that there are fewer broken things and more holidays. So we are the same as Attila now, it is Star Guardian."

"What about the guardian?" Shirou asked.

"Anyone with cerebral palsy who wants to do it, just do it." Heroic Emiya said.

Well, the guardians of Alaya are on strike en masse.

At this time, the Emiya family came to greet Shirou.

Alquite saw Emiya Kiritsugu and stared, "Are you a literary thief who plagiarized my work?"

"How can the matter of literati be called plagiarism?"

"Shut up and die, literary thief!" Alquette stared at Emiya Kiritsugu and said.

Emiya Kiritsugu hurriedly begged for mercy: "The heroine, spare my life, the heroine, spare my life!"

Finally, the text thief was punished, and justice was proclaimed.

At this time, the wedding began.

Wearing a white formal attire, Emiya stood on the stage with a straight waist, looking quite crisp and handsome.

Shirou turned his head and said to Mordred, "I'm definitely more handsome than him in that outfit!"

Mordred asked: "Then when will you come to a wedding? Who is the object?"

Shirou almost choked to death, turned his head and avoided talking.

Mordred rolled his eyes and murmured, coward.

At this time, Angelica, wearing a wedding dress, stepped onto the stage under the escort of Illya, Miyu, Chloe, and Pandora as bridesmaids.

After the classic oath, as newcomers, they still accept the blessings of everyone.

"This feeling is really amazing, but the feeling of Heroic Emiya should be even more amazing than mine, right?" Shirou smiled, looked at Emiya, and said: "In short, I wish you a happy wedding."

"Thank you." Emiya said.

Emiya and Angelica accepted other people's blessings, but, among the blessing crowd, there was an unexpected guest.

"It's been a long time, Emiya, and, my sister." A handsome young man looked at Emiya and Angelica.

"Ju, Julian—?"

Both Emiya and Angelica looked at him in astonishment.

Not only them, but the others, Pandora, and Miyu stared nervously at Julian.

"What's wrong, Miyu?" Illya looked at the nervous Miyu suspiciously, it was the first time she saw such a nervous Miyu.

"You're still alive?" Wei Gong looked at Julian warily.

Julian is Angelica's younger brother, the head of the world of False God Seat, Aindsworth, and the one who forced Miyu to come to this world.

"You're alive, of course I'm still alive. Don't worry, I'm not here to make trouble. And with so many people present, and the savior who saved humanity, even if I want to, I can't help it. Don't worry, that world has been destroyed , I have no reason to be your enemy anymore. My sister is newly married, of course I am here to send my blessings." Julian said.

"That's good."

Although there is an episode of Julian, the overall atmosphere is still quite relaxed and joyful.

It was not until evening that people dispersed.

Shirou temporarily escapes Arturia and the others by using the excuse of going to the bathroom, and catches up with Julian.

"Is there anything you can do with me, the savior of humanity?" Julian looked at Shirou and asked.

"You didn't come here just to send blessings to Emiya and the others, did you?" Shirou asked.

"Of course." Julian nodded and said, "Someone asked me to tell you that Chaldea will be incorporated in ten days. The playing field has already been laid."

Hearing this, Shirou clenched his fists.

"My world is completely dead. I tried to be the savior, but I got nothing. But you are different. You are already the savior. So, your world... no, please. Please save this, I The world where my sister lives..."

After speaking, Julian turned into a ball of mud and dissipated away.

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