I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2228

Shirou knew that Julian no longer existed.

He came here because that person came to remind him.

His future has not yet been liberated!

"The Lord of Relief..."

Shirou clenched his fists.

Shirou calmed down and returned to the venue. Arturia, Romani and others were already waiting for him in front of the bus.

"Why are there so many people? There is still a bus?" Shirou looked at the bus with a puzzled face.

Arturia said: "Everyone decided to go to KTV, are you going, Shirou?"

"There is a place to go, why not go? Besides, if I spoil the fun, Erquite won't let me sleep tonight." Shirou pointed helplessly at Erquite who was already full of excitement.

Shirou sat on the bus, and Kamma originally wanted to sit next to Shirou, but Abigail dragged him to catch up with the past, so in the end Arturia sat next to Shirou.

"This feeling is really amazing." Artoria said: "We, who should have perished in the past and formed the foundation of human reason, are now enjoying the prosperity of modern times like normal modern people."

"What's wrong with that?" Shirou said with a smile.

"It's a pity that she can't see such a view." Arturia touched the wooden bracelet on her wrist, which was the last thing left by Ideal King Bridged.

"Perhaps, one day, we will meet someone like her again," Shirou said.

Artoria nodded, then hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Lixiang...hasn't come out yet?"

"Well. After all, the Heroic Spirits who are regarded as her family members have already canceled their contracts and left. She needs time to accept this reality. Although she is still locked at home, don't worry, at least for now, Mash is still by her side , take care of her. Moreover, there is a person who has been caring for her in the dark."

Shirou said, "She will definitely come out."

Arturia nodded.

Ayaka, who was sitting in front, turned her head, looked at Shirou, and asked suspiciously: "We are all here now. Besides Mash, who is still taking care of Lixiang in secret?"

Shirou smiled and didn't answer, but said in his heart, he is the person you hate the most.

Chapter 5 You are the real hero king!

On this day, when Gilgamesh was returning to the leased International Hotel and passing the Fuyuki Bridge, he suddenly saw Shirou and Mordred on the bridge overlooking the sea.

On the bridge, there is a constant flow of traffic.

Gilgamesh waved at them: "Yo, Miscellaneous."

Shirou turned his head and said, "Who was I at the time, it was you."

Shirou glanced at Gilgamesh's attire, and said with disgust, "Have you gone to the video game city again?"

"Hahaha——, after all, it's very interesting." Gilgamesh turned his head to look at Mordred who was eating a lollipop, and said, "You can also go and play, Mordred."

Mordred said contemptuously: "That is outdated, mobile games are popular now, old man."


Gilgamesh glanced at Mordred and said, "I don't care about children, let's eat your lollipop."

Mordred coughed dryly.

Gilgamesh turned to look at Shirou and asked, "What are you doing here, Shirou?"

Shirou leaned on the handrail of the bridge, overlooking the sea that divides Shinto and Miyamacho, then looked at Gilgamesh and asked, "Do you remember, Gilgamesh? Here, the place where we fought .”

Gilgamesh walked up to Shirou, put his hands on his chest, and said, "I don't remember trivial things."

"You may have forgotten, but I still remember it. It was the first time I had the confidence to defeat a powerful enemy and the determination to go to the future. It's too long ago. Although my soul has been reset countless times, but looking back now Wake up, maybe this is my real origin." Shirou said.

Gilgamesh snorted noncommittally.

Shirou turned his head, looked at Gilgamesh, and asked, "Are you going to see Tokiomi?"

Hearing this, Gilgamesh was taken aback, then sneered and said, "If it's reminiscing about the past, I don't have the slightest interest in it."

However, despite what he said, Gilgamesh followed Shirou to Miyama Town.

"Didn't you play with those ridiculous lambs today, Mordred?" Gilgamesh said, looking at Mordred.

Mordred ate the lollipop and said, "Today is the weekend, there is no class. My mother and Grey are working on a new cake, and Alquette is retreating to catch up with the manuscript. No one will play with me, so I came out. "

Shirou looked at Mordred and said, "Didn't Scathach invite you to practice sparring in the countryside? No matter how bad it is, there is Kama."

"Practice with Scathach, your bones will break. Follow Gamo...you will definitely become a test jar." Mordred licked the lollipop, and said contemptuously, "I'm not stupid."

The three of them chatted and laughed, and came to the door of a flower shop.

At the entrance of that flower shop, the elderly Chancheng Aoi pushed the seat, and on the seat, the once invincible head of Tohsaka, Tohsaka Tokiomi, kindly handed a flower to a couple .

Gilgamesh watched the scene calmly.

"How does it feel?" Shirou asked.

"Hmph. How do you feel? It's just a clown who claims to be a courtier and actually wants to assassinate the king. However, his ugly appearance is quite funny and pleasing."

After speaking, Gilgamesh turned his back, waved his hands, and said, "Let's go."

Shirou smiled, took Mordred's hand, and walked to another path.

The moment he was about to leave, Gilgamesh turned his head and looked at the flower shop, and saw Tokiomi plucking a flower and offering it to Aoi behind him. Aoi lowered her head and sniffed lightly. He showed a benevolent smile.

It was really hard to believe that this kind of smile like an ordinary old man would appear on Tokiomi's face.

"Hmph. Funny."

Gilgamesh turned and left.


"What's wrong, Tokiomi?"

"No, nothing, Aoi."

Tokiomi said.


Shirou took Mordred's hand and came to the seaside park.

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