I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2229

Compared with the 1990s, this place has changed a lot.

The stacked containers have disappeared, and it is a beautiful public park.

Mordred looked around and asked, "Is this the place where my mother fought you for the first time during the Holy Grail War?"

Shirou nodded, shook his head again, and said with a smile: "At that time, I was not her opponent, so I just used her pursuit of a fair duel, so I used words to encourage her not to do anything to me."

"It's really yours, Dad." Mordred looked at Shirou and said with a smile: "But if you do it again, you will be miserable. Words are useless to my mother now."

"Yes," Shirou said with a smile, "she has changed too much. Especially after Bridged left."

Mordred jokingly said, "However, you have brought her here now. Her face must be quite pretty, too. I'm looking forward to it."

Seeing Mordred's playful and joyful face, Shirou reached out and tapped her forehead, and said with a smile: "Your intestines are as black as ever."

"I'm just a child. What kind of wickedness can a child have?" Mordred blinked and said playfully.

At this time, a medical staff walked by pushing a cart.

"Please let me go."

Mordred got out of the way, but saw Shirou's eyes, which had been staring at the old man on the cart.

It was a paralyzed old man with orange hair.

"Usagi Ryunosuke..." Shirou murmured.

Mordred looked at Shirou and asked, "What happened to that man?"

Shirou pointed at the orange-haired old man and said with a smile, "That man is the first and most powerful enemy your father faced."

"Are you kidding?" Mordred's eyes widened. "That's just an ordinary human being. He's paralyzed and has brain problems!"

"I'm not joking. Twenty years ago, he was a murderer with a reputation in this city, and he specialized in hunting down cute children. Dad was the cutest boy in the world at that time, so it's only natural that he I was targeted by him, but in the end my father defeated the evil murderer." Shirou said.

"He is a murderer who targets children, I believe it. But, you are the cutest boy in the whole world? Hehehe..." Mordred curled his lips and said, "Yesterday, the teacher taught a child from the Celestial Dynasty The idiom is called 'shameless'. It just describes you."

Shirou gave Mordred another brain blow.

Mordred looked at Ryunosuke Yusheng, ate a lollipop, and said, "Unfortunately, I wasn't there at that time. Tell me, if he was after me, wouldn't things be particularly fun?"

Shirou looked at Mordred with a smirk on his face, smiled and shook his head.

Not to mention Ryunosuke Yusheng, how many people in the whole world can handle Mordred?

Not to mention, if she activates the star cup and becomes the blue flame demon king of hell, how many planets and galaxies are enough for her to fight?

Shirou watched the medical staff and pushed the paralyzed Ryunosuke Uyuu to the detention center.

He was not only watching Ryunosuke Yusheng, but also himself twenty years ago.

I can't believe it, it feels like everything in the past was just yesterday, but it turned out that more than 20 years have passed.

Shirou brought Mordred to Mount Enzo again.

He passed by Liudong Temple where the Enlightened Being once appeared, and found that Liudong Yicheng, who was over 30 years old, shaved his head and wore cassocks, became the abbot of Liudong Temple, and inherited the family business he once hated deeply. To the pilgrims who seek the Buddha, tell them about the Dharma, so that they feel at ease.

At this time, with a sound of "beep", a huge thunderbird soared into the sky from the mountains and forests, and flew towards Liudong Temple.

"It's the Belle species!"


The pilgrims of Liudong Temple panicked.

Liudong Yicheng hurriedly organized monks to appease the pilgrims, but it was useless. Because even those monks were already panicked and lost their minds.

At this moment, a black light flickered, and a thin line of mud shot up to the sky. With a sound of "cha", the thunderbird was dismembered and killed, and then it was wrapped up and disappeared.

This series of actions only happened in the blink of an eye.

It's fast enough to make people feel hallucinated.

The pilgrims calmed down.

Clothed in cassock, Liu Dongyi seemed to have thought of something, hurried out of the temple gate, looked around, as if he was looking for something.

"Host, what's wrong?"

"No, nothing."

Liu Dong Yicheng shook his head, but there was a smile on his benevolent face.

He knew that the man was back.

Back to the land, the city came.


Shirou brought Mordred to the Great Hole of Enzo Mountain.

"Is this the technique of the Great Holy Grail? However, it seems to have been destroyed." Mordred said, looking around.

"Yeah," Shirou nodded, "I destroyed it."

"What did you bring me here for?" Mordred asked.

"I didn't bring you here, but I want to come." Shirou said.

Red and black mud of chaos overflowed from his body.

The mud seemed to have intelligence, and it circulated around, as if reminiscing about something.

Shirou pointed to the red-black mud of chaos, and said, "This is where I agreed with it. I still remember that man, that sad will. He called himself Angola Mainyu."

Mordred asked suspiciously: "The evil god of ancient Persia?"

Shirou shook his head and said: "No. He is just an ordinary person, but he was advertised as Angola Mainyu by the Zoroastrians, and then he was sacrificed. It is he who gave me the seed of strength and gave me the power to regain my future. Possibility. I am very grateful to him, but unfortunately, in the subsequent adventures, I never met him again. Perhaps, it is because he has been liberated. I am very happy for him."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Mordred said without interest.

At this time, the star cup emerged from Mordred's soul, and circled around Mordred, saying, "Are humans evil? It's really a small thing, but this technique of imitating the Holy Grail is interesting."

"What are you doing out there again, Satan?" Mordred asked.

"Feel something similar to the apocalypse, so come out and see." Star Cup said.

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