I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2230

Mordred pointed to the Great Holy Grail spell and asked, "You mean this thing is the Apocalypse?"

"It's a bit like this. This technique can borrow a spiritual vein to connect to a thread of the real Holy Grail... It turns out that's the case. No wonder the guy in Apocalypse can shuttle through other connection points, and he can't be eliminated. It turns out that you humans have created the so-called Holy Grail. The condition for his immortality!" The Star Cup said with emotion.

Shirou smiled and said, "It's not the Holy Grail or the false Holy Spirit that makes him immortal, but the desires of human beings themselves. If there is no Arrow of Akasha, unless human desires are exterminated first, otherwise No one can kill him."

The Star Cup turned around and said, "That's the truth."

He wanted to say something, but was grabbed by Mordred and thrown back into his soul.

It was getting late, Shirou returned home with Mordred.

On the way, Shirou said to Mordred, "Mordred, promise Dad one thing."

"What's the matter?" Mordred's face was full of doubts, and then he hugged his chest and became terrified: "If you want my body, I will not agree! It's too sinful! This is a sin that cannot be tolerated even in the classical era." !"

Shirou's face darkened: "Why do you always think of that kind of thing?"

"After all, I'm the cutest girl in the world. It's normal for you to have such an attempt on me." Mordred said confidently.

Shirou: "..."

This obsessive confidence in one's own appearance, this shameless spirit, who did he inherit from?

"I mean, if I'm gone, you have to take care of yourself and your mother," Shirou said.

Mordred bit the lollipop into pieces, stared at Shirou with sharp eyes, and asked seriously: "Is there something you are hiding from us? Shi was sealed by the Emperor's ring of thorns to continue the root, Shatiao You still control Ai Ge's half-body mud, and you still have the Arrow of Akasha, the Lord of Relief can no longer manifest... Is there something you are hiding from us?"

"No." Shirou said.

"Then why do you say that?"

Seeing Mordred so nervous, Shirou said helplessly: "Have you forgotten, after the end of the Eternal Empire War half a year ago, the evil gentleman who picked up Abigail invited me to visit the outer universe. "

Speaking of this, Mordred remembered the incident half a year ago.

After [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven] dissipated completely, a man dressed as an English gentleman who was actually the incarnation of the evil god came from the outer universe and picked up Abigail and Betty who had been chosen by the evil god.

Before picking up Abigail and Betty, the man invited Shirou to the outer universe as a guest, but Shirou refused at that time.

After the Humanity was completely restored, Shirou immediately took them out of Chaldea and settled in New Fuyuki City.

"A few days ago, his message found me again. He invited me to be a guest in the outer universe again, so I accepted. After all, he is so enthusiastic, and he always hangs up his words. The relationship has changed from friendly to bad." Shirou said with a smile.

"Don't forget, that is the territory of the evil gods." Mordred said quietly: "Aren't you afraid of being lost without a name? I suggest not to go, anyway, you have the arrow of Akasha, in their words Speaking of which, it is the arrow of Azathoth, are you afraid that they will hit you?"

Shirou gave Mordred a brain crash.


Mordred scratched his head.

Shirou said with a smile: "You can live up to other people's kindness at will, but you can't make friends."


Back home, Shirou told everyone that he was going to visit the outer universe.

Everyone reacted differently, but in the end they agreed and told Shirou to come back soon.

After eating, Shirou came to the basement.

He picked up the Arrow of Akasha that he kept in the basement.

The dim light shone on Akasha's Arrow, and the dazzling golden light fell on Shirou's firm face.

Later, after Shirou packed his luggage and bid farewell to everyone, he walked to Binhai Park alone.


Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Shirou turned his head and saw a can of beer flying towards him, Shirou reached out to catch it, looked up, and saw Gilgamesh leaning on the vending machine, raising the can of beer in his hand towards him , then took a gulp, then turned and left.

Shirou was stunned, then opened the can, drank the beer in the can, then raised the can towards Gilgamesh's back, turned and walked across the sea.

Gilgamesh turned his head, looked at his receding back, and said silently: "Shirou Fujimaru, you are the real king of heroes. So, never lose!"

Chapter 6 Lord of Relief, the final battle!

Shirou walked across the sea, heading towards Chaldea.

Wherever he passed, the sea water seemed to feel something, and the entire ocean "bang" directly diverted, exposing tens of thousands of feet of deep sea floor.

And the creatures living in the ocean jumped with joy as if they had sensed the arrival of the Star Lord.

But those Beli subspecies that have already undergone distortion are running away crazily. Among them is a huge alien whale with a height of 100 meters, soaring into the sky and running away quickly.

This scene was observed by the international agency that accepted the task of incorporating Chaldea.

The observers were stunned and shocked beyond measure.

"—Moses divided the sea?"


"What happened here?"

"Right now... a great change that subverts everything is happening on this planet..."

People murmured.

The surfacing of the other world, and the emergence of the Belle species have repeatedly challenged common sense.

As a result, the new common sense has not yet been established, and even more phenomena that destroy common sense have appeared.

"Hurry up! Those Beli subspecies, that sea-dividing monster, are coming towards us, towards Chaldea! Today is the day for the international news conference and the inclusion of Chaldea, so no mistakes! Get ready! This It's not a drill! Get ready!" the officer shouted hastily.

All of a sudden, the soldiers responsible for receiving Chaldea on the island, as well as the magicians, started to move.

The defensive cannons were activated one by one, and the defensive spells were constructed one after another.

However, these people don't know that Shirou, who caused such a huge battle, has already mixed into it.

Shirou leaned against the door, glanced at the soldiers in disorder outside, and said silently, thunderstorm.

In an instant, the originally clear sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder flickered.


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