I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2233

Shirou covered his whole body with [evil] to resist the coldness of the universe, and at the same time gathered the oxygen elements in the universe to make nourishing qi, so as to ensure that he would not be asphyxiated due to lack of oxygen.

And after doing these basic survival moves, the huge gravitational force of the Dyson ball has already hooked Shirou to the huge Dyson ball.

And at this moment, an extremely huge message rushed into his mind.

[During the substance detection... it is defined as a carbon-based life form, and the label of the friendly star field has not been identified. Warning—warning—, please leave my core star field! Otherwise, expulsion measures will be initiated! 】

The indescribably huge message, like an ancient patron saint, fixed Shirou's body.

Shirou asked, "Who are you?"

[I am Alaya System. You have broken into my core star field, please leave, please leave. Once again, please leave! 】

Shirou quickly shouted: "Wait a minute! I'm from Earth!"

[Scanning——, the composition of the body conforms to 97% of the earth's matter. Wavelength scan, 35% compliance. Judgment, hostile elements disguised as Earthlings. To be wiped out...]

Shirou's heart sank.

[Detected mother star blessing, veto judgment. Blocking has been revoked. Please come in, Gaia Starfield, welcome your arrival——]

As the cosmic Alaya revoked the interception system, Shirou suddenly felt that the huge message restraining him disappeared, and his whole body was also sucked towards the Dyson ball.

And, guided by the message of the cosmic Alaya, they came to the Earth Fortress in the third row.

After falling on the Earth Fortress, Shirou got up and looked around, seeing magnificent buildings everywhere, and also a sense of singularity as if the time and space were distorted and expanded.

It's like coming to the legendary Heavenly Palace.

It's just strange that in this magnificent and spectacular building like a heavenly palace, there is no one person, not even a life.

"Who are you?" a voice asked him.

"We haven't seen you." Another voice sounded in my heart.

It was like seeing a ghost, no one could be seen, but the voice echoed in the soul.

Shirou murmured, "The message life..."

"You lied to Alaya, didn't you? We haven't met you. You are not from Earth because you are a physical being." A voice said.

"But it's so strange. Why do you have the blessing of Gaia on your body? There are also blessings from other star kings, so strange." Another voice said doubtfully.

Shirou shook his head and said, "I am from Earth. I am from the future!"

"Are you from the future?"

"You are lying. Your quantum structure is stable, there is no resonance response, the wavelength of thinking is constant, and there is no symbol of time and space travel. The most important thing is that the quantum time of the Gaia star field is constant, and there is no basis for time and space travel. said a voice.

Shirou didn't quite understand what they said, but this was probably the principle of time travel.

Shirou could only helplessly explain: "I am really from the future."

"We don't believe it. Come with us to see Gaia. Otherwise, we can only send you as the Golden Emperor, pretending to be an enemy who sneaked in." A voice said.

"Okay, I'll go with you guys to meet Gaia." Shirou nodded in agreement helplessly, and then asked, "But where are we going to meet Gaia?"

Gaia in Shirou's era had already gone to the surrounding universe star fields to find the surviving network nodes of the cosmic Alaya.

Where is Gaia in this era, and how to find her, Shirou doesn't know.

"This is simple—"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shirou felt his body lighten, and saw a white hole appearing under him, sucking him in.

When he came back to his senses, he was already standing in front of a shining tower of light, and under his feet was a foreign land dotted like a starry sky.

Shirou looked at the shining Tower of Light in amazement, and said in his heart, Star Anchor!

And in front of that shining tower of light, there is a pure white king's throne.

"Gaia, Gaia. Someone who claims to be the future has broken into our core star field."

The shining tower of light flickered, and a message jumped out: it should be a spy who sneaked in by the golden emperor and killed him.

Shirou instantly felt unparalleled malice erupting around him.

At this time, a somewhat familiar voice sounded: "But, he has your blessing on him, Gaia."

"My blessing?"

As soon as the words fell, the tower of brilliance flickered, and countless star lights condensed on the king's throne, and then formed a figure of light.

Sitting on the throne of the king, He hooked Shirou and said, "Come here."

Shirou walked over.

He lightly picked Shirou's chin, looked left and right, and said suspiciously: "It's so strange, why is there my star power? And... there are other star kings' star power?"

Being treated so frivolously by Gaia of origin, Shirou felt a little helpless, but in order to gain trust, he could only endure it for the time being. However, he decided to put this account on the head of Gaia in the future era, and he will get it back when he goes back.

"I told you, I'm from the future." Shirou said helplessly.

"No, you are not." Genesis Gaia vetoed.

"Why?" Shirou asked suspiciously, he didn't understand why Gaia was so decisive.

"You actually asked me why? I can tell from your attitude. Is this your attitude towards the noble Star King?" Origin Gaia asked.

"That's—that's——you must be a spy sent by the Golden Emperor!"

The life of those messages echoed the Tao.

"How could this happen? I have great respect and longing for the noble King of Stars, His Highness Gaia." Shirou said.

"I see. It seems that you are a person from the future. Although I don't understand that the quantum time of my star domain is constant, the spirit has no resonance response, and you are actually a material life... However, this respect for me, As well as my blessing, it can be proved that you are a human from my star field." Origin Gaia said.

Shirou: "..."

He finally understood that it wasn't that Gaia was not influenced by Alquite's personality to become a sand sculpture, but it should be said that Alquite was influenced by Gaia to become a golden retriever!


What kind of super star king is this?

Even Zhu Yue is more reliable than him!

"You speak ill of me in your heart, future man?" Origin Gaia asked.

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