I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2234

"No no no, how could it be? My feelings for you are only respect and respect." Shirou said.

He understood how to get along with Gaia, sweet mouth is the foundation.

Closer to home, Shirou had gotten rid of his doubts, so he began to tell Gaia the origin of the reason why he came to this era of origin and what would happen after that.

"The Lord of Relief? The Gate of Truth? The Arrow of Akasha?" Origin Gaia asked in doubt: "What is this?"

"Don't you know?" Shirou asked with a blank face: "It is you who sealed the Lord of Relief, the evil of the first cause, into the true gate of Jialan Cave!"

"No, I really don't know." The Origin Gaia shook his head, then looked at the invisible information life, and asked, "Children, do you know?"

"I don't know." Message Life said in unison.

"Besides, we will perish? This joke is colder than the joke of Moramaya. The Golden Emperor has nothing to do with us."

"That's right!"

Origin Gaia looked at Shirou and asked, "What is the process of our demise, future people?"


Shirou was dumbfounded.

He only knows the result, how can he know the process?

And looking at the origin of Gaia and the meaning of these message life forms, there is no Lord of Rescue, no door of truth, no Arrow of Akasha... and that golden emperor... Could it be that the time when the Lord of Relief opened, isn't it?

"Forget it, but there is just one thing that needs you, future people. Be moved, be honored, you have been expropriated." Origin Gaia pointed to Shirou, and said.

Shirou: "?????"

Origin Gaia pointed at Shirou and said, "Thetis, I'll leave him to you!"

"I see. Please leave it to me."

At this time, the voice of the previously familiar message sounded.

Shirou finally understood why the voice of this message sounded familiar.

This voice belongs to Thetis!

The original owner of the Mortal Vortex, the original fairy Thetis!

"Please come with me."

As soon as the words fell, another white hole appeared under Shirou's body, sucking Shirou in, and the surrounding environment became a strange rainbow light space.

It's a bit like the legendary God's Gate.

"I said, are you all so casual in teleportation, Thetis?" Shirou asked helplessly, "Can you give people a little time to prepare? Otherwise, where is human rights?"

"What human rights?" Thetis asked suspiciously.

Shirou said helplessly: "Can you stop teleporting like this? And it still uses wormholes. Please give people a little time to prepare."

"Teleportation? No, isn't this an idea?" Thetis was a little confused, and then asked: "And according to what you said, you are a descendant of our civilization, right?"

Shirou nodded, "Yes, what's the problem?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shirou felt an invisible hand touching his head.

"In the future, seniors and children should be orderly. You must pay attention to the names you call your elders. You must call me Grandma Titis." Thetis said earnestly.

Shirou: "..."

He suddenly thought of the picture of Thetis living in the body of the Barbie doll back then, touching his little head, and his face instantly turned black.

Shirou reached out and patted his own head, trying to slap Thetis' invisible hand away, but he couldn't even hit the air.

Shirou didn't take it seriously, and said, "Original Gaia asked you to take me, what can I do for you?"

Shirou decided to find out the situation of this origin connection point from Thetis, and finally find the answer to destroy the Lord of Relief.

"Create physical life." Thetis said.

"Create physical life?"

Shirou made a puzzled expression.

Thetis asked suspiciously: "As a future person, don't you know what we did? Or did we fail? Strange, if we failed, how did you come here? Singularity Paradox It’s useless to us. Or, did you deceive Gaia’s judgment about your true identity, the spy of the Golden Emperor?”

Thetis' tone became a little wary.

Shirou said in his heart that it is indeed the creation of Gaia, it is really carved out of the same mold.

However, if it loses Thetis' trust, it will be difficult to move forward in this era, especially if the outside world is still covered by the cosmic Alaya.

That's a real boss.

Shirou explained: "Didn't you say it before? There is a fault in the fire of civilization. And I don't quite understand, you are the earth... Ah, no, are you the life of this Gaia star field? And you have entered the message life body The ultimate form. Why would you want to create physical life?"

"That's because Gaia Asia is lonely. Although we have become immortal and eternal information beings, we only need one thought to create laws and change laws. Whether it is a black hole or a white hole, it is meaningless to us, but mother But there is no life on the planet. Look at this huge building, it’s empty, how lonely, how lonely? So, I want to create a batch of new material life for Gaia and the parent star.”

"But unfortunately, the material life I created will die out and become extinct in the process of time evolution. So I want to hear your opinion from a future person who has successfully created material life and continued."

Shirou understands, Titis is going to be a creator!

"I understand, there is something I can help. Please leave it to me, Thetis." Shirou said.

However, Thetis asked, "Are you Shirou, a descendant from the future?"


Shirou nodded.

Titis stroked Shirou's head with his invisible hand again, and said earnestly: "Mr. Shirou, the elders and children are orderly. You must pay attention to the way you address your elders. You should call me Grandma Titis."

Shirou: "..."

Chapter 8 Super myth, the origin of life!

"Speaking of which, it was Gaia who created you, right? Why didn't He recreate a physical biological system?" Shirou asked.

"Mm. Gaia said, this is a test for us. In short, since Gaia entrusted me with this matter, I must handle it well. That's right. You see, this is a set of physical biological systems I created before. .”

Standing in front of him was a girl whose body was about the same as Mordred's, shrouded in light.

However, Shirou's attention was not on the girl at all, but on a set of biological system panels drawn by the girl.

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