I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2235

Those are some indescribable creatures, which are very different from the modern biological system subjects, but the whole body has one characteristic, that is, it has a ferocious face, many mouthparts, and an astonishingly large body.

The smallest ones are fifty meters tall.

Simply a titan.

"Isn't that good?" Shirou asked.

"It's not good at all. According to my timeline calculation, if we put them on the earth, after 317 years, this biological system will become extinct."

With a swipe of her hand, the girl showed Shirou the result of her calculation.

Of course, this can't be called a calculation, but the result that she puts down, is retrieved from the other side of the timeline, and displayed in front of Shirou's eyes.

This is unimaginable for ordinary people, but for girls, it is as simple as an idea.

Because this girl is Thetis.

The girl who appeared in front of him was actually a quantum body formed by Titis for the convenience of communicating with Shirou.

Shirou looked at the results extracted by Thetis. After Thetis released this Titan biological system to the earth, the creatures lived in harmony without any struggle. After that, in 317 years, they competed to die of old age and became extinct. .

"It's really strange. If you are a person from the future, it proves that my material biological system is successful. However, so far, I have created 372 sets of material biological systems. But the result of each system, None of them survived a thousand years."

Thetis said dejectedly: "What's missing? Do you want to add an infinite lifespan to them? But, Gaia said, it is not allowed to create eternal life."

"Do you feel that you let them live too harmoniously?" Shirou asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Titis looked at Shirou.

Shirou said, "Let them fight and see."

Thetis' eyes changed: "You are indeed a spy sent by the Golden Emperor."

Shirou said weakly: "Brother, you asked me for advice, let's try it first."

Thetis dubiously gave these titan creatures a militant attribute, and as a result, they lasted from 317 years to 1300 years.

"Strange, why did the fight last longer?" Thetis murmured suspiciously.

"Probably because of competition." Shirou said.

"Competition?" Thetis looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"The common sense of our era cannot be applied to this era. However, using the understanding of our era to explain, competition can stimulate vitality, and vitality can survive." Shirou said.

"What a barbaric act. Isn't this the same as the Golden Emperor's idea? Could it be that our descendants have gone astray differently from us?" Thetis asked suspiciously.

"Isn't this supposed to be true? In fact, we haven't entered the interstellar era, and we are not as developed as you. Besides, what kind of golden emperor are you talking about... what is that?"

"That is the Cosmic Emperor from the Golden Universe, who is also our origin. He advocates destroying the chaotic order of the universe, so he also proclaims himself the God of Cosmic Destruction. All the weak civilizations in the universe are afraid of him." Thetis said.

Shirou asked: "Is it creating Gaia, the kings of the stars, and leaving behind the civilization of the Mooncell Observatory in the moon?"

"Eh?" Thetis looked at Shirou suspiciously, "Don't you know?"

"It was the dead bones of the sky, Tiamat, and the future Gaia who told me. However, I only know a little bit." Shirou added in his heart, telling me, and the future you.

"That's really strange. Since the future Gaia will tell you about this, why didn't he tell you the whole story?"

Shirou said: "I don't know about that. But looking at her, it seems that she has only a half-knowledge of what happened. Besides, it seems that there are some taboos that cannot be expressed to others."

"Can't express it? Is the medium of message transmission interrupted? Is there anyone who can do this kind of thing? And Gaia also has a half-knowledge? Could it be that the Tower of Stars has collapsed?"

"Star Tower? Is it the one you saw before?" Shirou asked.

Thetis said: "That's right. It was created for the star kings when we were still in the material age, the star brain. With that thing, the star's sense of touch can be gathered into one, so that it can think and communicate like material life. Store memory. It can be said to endow the planet with soul and intelligence."

"If that thing is broken, the star kings will turn back to pure star touch, unable to understand or communicate. However, this should be impossible, this is our core star field, even if it is the golden emperor, You can't get in without destroying the defense line of the outer star field."

After a pause, Thetis asked again: "By the way, Xiao Shirou. What are Tiamat and the corpse of the sky?"

Shirou said, "One is your starship, and the other, Aristotle of Venus."

"Our starship? It's really strange. It's safer for us to travel across the star sea with our thoughts than with a starship. Why do we use a starship? That kind of thing should have been discontinued and scrapped a long time ago. And Yaris Dodd... oh, I see. It's King Venus' little garden, right?" Titis asked with a smile.

"The remains of the sky? The small garden of the King of Venus... I can understand this. But, if there is no starship, how can you defeat the Golden Emperor?"

"Why should we go to war with him?"

Thetis asked with a puzzled face: "Although in the material age, He always came to harass us, and we created many weapons and starships for this. But since we got rid of matter and became information life, He He found that we were not easy to bully, so he signed a truce agreement with us. If he doesn’t come to fight us, why should we go to war with him?”


Shirou discovered that this era of star origin is very different from what he described in the future Gaia, Tiamat, and the remains of the sky.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that this is just a false origin era created by the Lord of Relief?

However, these people, these existences, are so real.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the current era of origin is different from what I know.

So, where is the answer to completely destroy the Lord of Relief?

Could it be that this was a deception by the Lord of Relief from the very beginning?


Shirou knows this very well, because the Lord of Relief needs the vortex of mortal nature, the arrow of Akasha, and those animal natures to open the door of truth, so that the real him, the real root of evil, can come from the door of truth liberated.

In this era of origin, there is the key to open the true door of the Lord of Relief, and at the same time, the answer to completely destroy the Lord of Relief!

However, what are the keys to open the door of truth and the answer to destroy the Lord of Salvation?

Shirou felt a bit of a headache. Although he likes to use his brain, it is far behind Holmes' good brains, not to mention that there are no clues at the moment, and even the rare cognitions heard from others are not comparable to those of Sherlock Holmes. The reality of this era of origins absolutely does not match.

Having a headache, Shirou simply sat down, opened his backpack, took out a bag of potato chips, grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

Perhaps it was because of half a year of health maintenance that Shirou developed the habit of binge eating when he was relieved of stress.

"What are you doing?" Thetis asked suspiciously.

"I'm eating." Shirou said.

"Eat? Oh, I understand. It is to absorb energy and maintain the energy level of life activities, right? Although it is a material life, will our offspring be so troublesome? Don't you absorb high-energy radiation from the universe? Or energy circulation?"

Shirou rolled his eyes and asked, "When you were still in physical life, didn't you maintain your life in this way?"

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