I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2236

"Of course, why not?"

"You can absorb cosmic high-energy radiation to maintain your life," Shirou looked at Thetis' mouth in surprise, and asked again: "Then why do you have long mouths?"

"What mouth?" Thetis was a little puzzled, and then suddenly said: "You mean mouthparts? We don't have mouthparts?"

"Let's just use it as mouthparts... Without mouthparts, how did you communicate in the material age?"

"Communicate with thoughts. We were created by Gaia, and Gaia is our mother, so we can communicate and communicate through Gaia from the beginning." Thetis said.

"So, you listen to Gaia so much?"

"Your question is really strange. Gaia is our mother, our creator, and the core of our existence. Of course we have to listen to Gaia and protect Gaia." Thetis said.

Shirou couldn't help complaining: "Human Zerg...?"

Thetis asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

"Wait, wait, Titis. Since you don't have a mouth...then why does the image you manifest now have a mouth?" Shirou discovered the blind spot, "Isn't this what you looked like in the material age?"

"Of course not. The me you see now is the person you want to see."

Shirou thought, no wonder what he saw was the silhouette of Mordred...

Wait a moment!

Why can I see the outline of Mordred on Thetis?

Is it true, as Mordred said, that he is a super pervert for all of Mordred's attempts?

Shirou was flustered.

Of course, he knew that he was unbalanced by a series of cognitive shocks in this era.

As I get older, my acceptance is really getting worse...

"The last question. Did you mention the word offspring just now? You—how did you give birth to offspring?"

"Birth?" Thetis suddenly realized, "Oh, you mean split?"


"Yeah, it's just one individual splitting into two. I was split from Amiya..."

After communicating with Thetis for a while, Shirou finally had some extremely shallow understanding of these origin life forms.

But it was such a shallow understanding that subverted all his understanding.

If we use modern cognition to explain these origin organisms, or the existence form of these information life in the form of material life, then they are the highest level of protozoa!

They do not have cells, but a complete individual.

The energy supplement for life activities comes from the high-energy radiation of the universe. At the same time, they can complete the perfect energy internal circulation and energy adaptation, so they are adaptive eternal ecology, and it can also be said to be the true form of the eternal empire [permanence]. In other words, the [permanence] created by the Emperor of Heaven and the Ideal King is a weakened version of this material life form. The most ideal form of physical life.

And their reproduction method is the same as the original eukaryotic organisms, which divide and reproduce without distinction, so there is no gender.

According to Thetis, this is also the life form of the golden universe, because they are copied from the original Gaia.

At the same time, they do not have words, because they can communicate directly through the origin Gaia, heart-to-heart, so there is no need for words as a medium for message transmission.

Well, no wonder Saturn calls it the civilization development type Aristotle!

Shirou knew it.

And after these perverts became information life, they became even more perverted!

If it is said that these hooligans of origin can barely touch science and materialism when they are in material life, after all, these buildings and Dyson balls are all made of steel. Then after becoming information creatures, these old hooligans have completely turned into idealistic anti-scientific beings.

As we all know, science is not a machine, steel, or a certain technology, but an orderly knowledge system based on testable explanations and predictions on the form and organization of objective things, which has been systematized and formulated. knowledge.

In other words, it is to understand the law and establish a set of cognitive theory.

But these hooligans can tamper with the rules at will!

For example, fire of the same level will be extinguished when it touches water, but these gangsters can directly use their minds to turn water of the same level into fire by interfering with spirits.

Just like civilization-type games, they are not civilization characters controlled by players, but game planners who formulate game rules and control players!

And it is a game plan that completely ignores the opinions of players!

Of course, even such willful "game planning" will eventually be restrained by the "boss" and listen to the "boss".

And their "boss" is the origin Gaia. They listened to Gaia's words very much, and did not disturb the general laws of this star field.

Otherwise, they tampered with the basic element of this star field from [carbon] to [silicon] at the origin of time. Shirou can no longer imagine what he will look like as a later person.

"Huh? Little Shirou, what's the matter with you? You have a strange expression, what's the matter?" Thetis looked at Shirou suspiciously.

"It's nothing... just a little tired."

Shirou shook his head, and said to himself, you existences are too abnormal for us, it's frightening to think about it, can you not feel tired?

Shirou pointed to the door and asked, "Can I go out for a walk?"

"Of course. Although your suspicion has not been cleared, the buildings here are all from the material age, and the real core is all information-based. Of course you can go out for a walk, and I will convey the message to everyone. Oh , By the way, without anyone to accompany you, it is best not to get close to the brain of the star, otherwise we will have to re-evaluate how to treat you."

"I see." Shirou nodded and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I don't know the way."

Titis nodded and held out his hand.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment," Shirou waved his hand quickly when he saw Thetis was about to use the white hole to teleport himself again, and said, "I'm going out by myself, I can't bear that kind of teleportation!"

"All right."

Titis put down his hand, then pointed to the potato chips in Shirou's backpack, and asked, "Can I have a taste of these? They look delicious..."

"Of course. But, don't you have a mouth?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

"I can imitate your organs, Shirou," Titis said.

Shirou: "..."

Shirou covered his face and said to himself, do as the Romans do, and do as the Romans do.

"Then I'm going, Thetis."

Titis said unhappily: "It doesn't matter whether it's big or small, it's Grandma Titis, Xiao Shilang."

Shirou Gon pretended not to hear, and walked out of Thetis' life creation room.

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