I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2237

As a result, as soon as he walked out the door, he found that it was a huge white hole and was sucked in directly.

"Damn! There are still white holes in the end!"

Thetis blinked: "I didn't ask, is it the quantum wormhole that connects the space?"


After a moment of dizziness, Shirou found himself sitting on the steel corridor.

Shirou rubbed his head, and traveled through the white hole one after another. Fortunately, he used [Evil] to put a thin protective cover on himself before entering this era of origin, otherwise he would have been trapped by the space of the white hole. Collapsed and torn to shreds.

After all, although he possesses the Arrow of Akasha, his physical body is still an ordinary human body from a material perspective.

Of course, after his death, that's not necessarily the case.

However, Shirou didn't want to die.

"Where is this place? Is it the earth, or another planet?"

Shirou looked around, these old hooligans are too perverted, the teleportation star field is the same as in the game, although it is certain that this place is still in the star field that originated from Gaia, but it is really impossible to determine his specific position.

It seems to have heard Shirou's question, an extremely huge message, easily passed through the protection of [evil], entered his heart, and answered his question.

[The problem of the guest is detected. Answer -, here is the earth. 】

Shirou found that this huge message was the one that intercepted him in the solar system before, so he couldn't help asking: "Are you Alaya?"

【yes. I am the Alaya system, welcome to the Gaia star field, respected future guests. All facilities are open to the public, please do not enter the brain area of ​​the star without permission, otherwise it will be regarded as a hostile act. If you have any questions, you can consult me. Welcome again. 】

After the words fell, the voice of the cosmic Alaya disappeared from the bottom of his heart, and the huge message also receded from Shirou's mind.

Shirou shook his head, thinking, this is like an amusement park.

He turned around, stood outside the corridor, and looked down.

A cloud.

Can't see anything.

Obviously, this place stands above the sky.

Just like what is written in all myths, this place is like the legendary heaven!

Unlike the myths of the next generation, those gods could be defeated by Attila, the vanguard of the stars, and some of them were even outsiders from other star fields.

But the information life living in this magnificent city of steel is the god who truly amends laws and creates laws at will!

The origin of life is also the real god!

According to Tiamat and the skeleton of the sky, these old rascals defeated the interstellar hegemony and established the law of the universe. It can be said that if it were not for the emergence of root evil, these old hooligans would have changed the entire universe.

And even if it was root evil, even though these old hooligans were destroyed, they were forced into the true door of Jialan Cave by these old hooligans and could not get out.

Shaking his head, Shirou put on [Clairvoyance EX] on himself, glanced at the ground, and couldn't help being taken aback.

What he saw was not a land with lush branches and leaves, but a brownish-yellow, dead, and barren land!

Chapter 9: The Beginning of the Junction

"This is too tragic."

Shirou patrolled the land, and there were no beautiful flowers, tall trees, or even tiny microorganisms in the places he passed.

Yes, it's just a desert.

The volcano in the distance erupted lava, and the smoke filled the air, and the molten flame flowed into the sea water, making a terrible "sizzling" sound.

Shirou covered his nose and moved away a little, seeing a mess of broken walls.

Although Shirou knew that the original creature was the origin of Gaia using the Mooncell Observatory, the existence form of observers from the Golden Universe, and the life created by it inherited the material development level of the Golden Universe. From the very beginning, it stood at the pinnacle of material civilization.

However, such a primitive and desolate appearance on the earth is too appalling.

It’s no wonder that Origin Gaia would ask Thetis to create a new material life system.

However, is there any clue to connect the barren earth, the key to the door of truth, and the answer I'm looking for?

Shirou pressed his palm against a broken wall.

His epidermis is covered with a thin and transparent layer of [evil], which isolates his body from contact with the external environment, so there is no need to worry about the irreversible damage to his body or cells caused by the environment of the origin era.

In fact, before entering Chaldea to meet with the Lord of Relief, Shirou had done this protective work.

Otherwise, when he first passed through the Gate of Truth and entered the Gaia Starfield, the cosmic environment would instantly cause the water in his body to boil and expand, and the gaseous matter in his lungs and cells would directly explode .

Even if they don't die, the body cells will undergo protein distortion or gene sequence mutations under the cosmic high-energy radiation, leaving irreversible dark wounds.

After all, Akasha's Arrow and the spiritual will connected to Uzumaki have changed, but his body is still just a carbon-based human being.

This is the proof of being a human being, but it is also Shirou's weakness.

Therefore, Shirou has already made preparations for protection.

After all, the seat of Heroes cannot connect to the era of origin. If this era of origin behind the gate of truth perishes, who knows what will happen?

Touching the wall with his palm, although Shirou realized that there are no microorganisms on the current origin earth, it is full of known and unknown high-energy cosmic radiation, so he did not cancel the shield of [evil] that is transparent on the surface.

"This is a relic of the material age."

A voice suddenly rang out from Shirou's ear.


Shirou turned his head vigilantly, but he didn't see anyone, and he knew in his heart that another old hooligan was molesting him.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm Moramaya, and I'm currently adjusting the cosmic radiation level of my home planet. Are you what everyone says, a descendant from the future?" the voice asked.

Shirou nodded, "Yes."

"I got the message from everyone that we will be destroyed, the Lord of Relief...it's amazing. The particles in our star field have no fluctuations, and there is no trace of message transmission. The most important thing is, I just asked I didn’t get any information about you in the time domain, let alone traces of you... What kind of future did you come from, and how did you travel through time and space?”

Moramaya asked curiously.

"Sorry. Your common sense is completely incomprehensible to me, so I can't understand it. However, I did not lie, and there is no need to lie. Because, I came to this era to find the way to defeat the relief. The Lord's answer is also to obtain the future." Shirou said.

"I believe in you, I believe in Thetis, everyone, and Gaia believe in you."

"Thank you, but why?"

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