I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2238

Although it is a good thing to be trusted in this way, Shirou always feels that the trust of these information life forms in the era of origin is too easy to obtain.

"Because we in the space-time domain later told us that you can trust it." Moramaya said.


Shirou was taken aback.

"Do you understand the timing?"

"It's time, right?" Shirou asked.

At this point in time, it is a common sense concept, but Shirou is not sure if what Maramaya said is the same thing as what he understands when it is applied to these origins of life.

"That's right. Our beings can transmit information at this moment and us at the next moment."

Shirou asked, "To put it simply, it's a dialogue between the present self and the future self, right?"

"Yes. In simple terms, it is the time vacuum of the spiritual world and the space-time domain of quantum information. However, we can only connect with ourselves in the later time-space domain where the possibility of existence occurs. For example, I did not meet you before , so there is no you in the later space-time domain I connected to. But I met you now, so the previous time-space domain disappeared, and now you are also present in the later time-space domain, and other changes have taken place.”

Moramaya said.

"Sorry... I can't understand your point of view. However, according to what you said, my arrival has created other possibilities, making you connected to a new later world... What about the original world? It has become a parallel time and space right?" Shirou asked.

"Parallel time and space? No, it disappeared. Because I met you, the possibility that I didn't meet you was rejected, so that future disappeared. It's like countless quantum universes fluctuating because of your one thought And disappear."

"I'm really sorry, I don't have your perspective, so I can't understand it. By the way, since you can see the future and get in touch with your future self. So, can you do me a favor?" Shirou asked quickly.

"Looking for the answer to destroying the Lord of Relief, right? You will ask me this question a hundred times. However, in the new later time and space, until your spiritual energy is exhausted, until you don't want to die of old age, and become Our companions have not found the answer you want to find." Moramaya said.

Shirou's complexion changed, and he asked, "I'll never find it, and even become a message lifeform, living with you forever?"

"That's right. Didn't Titis tell you about this result? It's because we were connected to this result that we accepted you so easily." Moramaya said.

Shirou's face was cloudy and uncertain, and then asked: "The future you are connected to will change, right?"

"Yes, the future will change after a possibility beyond the possibility arises, just like when I met you. Just like when the Golden Emperor attacked us who were still material beings, our future changed, put us on this path.”

Shirou glanced at the ruins of the ruins, and then said: "I really can't understand your point of view."

"Are you a material civilization? When you have the ability to go out of the carbon-based universe and explore other universes, you will also have this perspective." Moramaya said.

"Other universes?"

"That's right. The universe is infinite, but the main elements of each region are different, so many life systems different from ours have been born, and we define the boundary of the universe with the basic material elements."

"For example, the basic material element of our universe is [carbon], so we also call it a carbon-based universe. And to the north of the carbon-based universe, there is a universe inhabited by evil gods. The basic material element there is It’s not [Carbon]. And those evil gods are very aggressive. They not only regard the civilization of their universe as playthings, but are also aggressive to the outside world. The first time we explored there, we were attacked mercilessly by them However, after they discovered that we had countermeasures, they shook hands and made peace. The Golden Emperor of the golden universe in the west is the same, but he shook hands with us after we became message beings."

"Of course, after we become information beings, these definitions of the universe are meaningless to us, because we can change the laws of the basic elements of matter according to our wishes, but Gaia does not allow us to do so."

Shirou: "..."

What else can I say?

It can only be said that fortunately, these origin gangsters listened to Origin Gaia.

"However, the concept of parallel time and space you mentioned just now is a bit interesting. I always thought that the disappearance of time and space because of the change of our possibility was really cruel. Parallel time and space... parallel time and space... It would be great if it can survive in a parallel time and space. By the way, I have decided, my new subject is how to make the time and space disappear and become a parallel time and space to survive! Haha... Thank you, Xiao Shirou. You gave me a new Inspiration for the subject!" Moramaya said excitedly.

"You're welcome," Shirou replied with a smile, and then suddenly reacted: "...Parallel time and space? Finite timeline? Connection point? Wait a minute, Moramaya!"

However, no voice responded to him.

Obviously, Maramaya, who got a new subject, has already left here.

Shirou rubbed his head, feeling a little headache.

He squatted by the wall, looking at the primitive volcano erupting in the distance, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

According to Tiamat, the remains of the sky, and the future Gaia, the birth of the connection point is to provide the necessary energy for the original civilization to carry out the interstellar war.

But as far as Shirou saw, the original civilization did not launch a space war. On the contrary, these old hooligans settled in a corner and secretly developed their own idealistic messages.

If the truth of history is that these hooligans launched a war against the outside world, it doesn't look like it, because it is meaningless.

They, who have become information life, have got rid of the shackles of matter, do not need any matter for development, and what do they need for war?

There is also the golden emperor who is known as the God of Destruction of the Universe. According to the origin of life, Tiamat and the future Gaia said that they fought to the death with the origin civilization, forcing the origin civilization to deceive [Akasha Records] and create a connection Point, even the one who created the vortex of mortal nature and the arrow of Akasha, is Him.

However, now the Golden Emperor is shaking hands with the original civilization.

Even if the Golden Emperor has the ambition to dominate the universe, he doesn't have to deliberately provoke these old hooligans, right?

After all, the universe is so big, and there are still so many soft persimmons that can be pinched. Is it necessary to provoke this group of old hooligans who have formed allies with the Transcendence Domain?

And with the nature of these primordial beings, if the Golden Emperor didn't come to provoke them, they wouldn't fight the Golden Emperor to the death.

After all, they were in the physical period, and the Golden Emperor attacked them. After they became the message life, they could also shake hands with him.

"Unless something happened that forced the original civilization to fight the Golden Emperor."

Shirou judged so.

He has made it clear that the time node behind the Gate of Truth should be before the origin civilization deceived [Akasha Records] and created the Mortal Vortex and Akasha Arrow, so there is some logic that Shirou can understand.

"If the original civilization and the Golden Emperor fought to the death, it would trigger a series of problems later, and finally lead to the root evil, the birth of the Lord of Relief...Then, the answer I am looking for is to erase the possibility of the birth of the Lord of Relief Is it? Is it possible to disintegrate the death struggle between the original civilization and the Golden Emperor? If so, what is the key event that leads to the death struggle between the original civilization and the Golden Emperor?"

Shirou recalled the information he had obtained, and raised his eyebrows suddenly: "Could it be the brain of the stars?"

The original civilization is quite similar to the existence of the interstellar Zerg, and they have the original Gaia as the core. What if the original Gaia, or in other words, the brain of the star that maintains the existence of the original Gaia was destroyed by the Golden Emperor?

However, the original civilization has an outer star field fortress, and besides that, there is also the guardian of the cosmic Alaya.

Unlike the future Primate Suppressive Alaya, the cosmic Alaya is like the Reggado in the Ultra series, and it doesn't make people think of a challenge at all.

Although Shirou doesn't know how powerful the Golden Emperor is, he believes that the Golden Emperor can't blow up this cosmic Alaya who is like the protector of the universe.

"If calculated according to this logic, can it be said that the Golden Emperor can bypass the cosmic Alaya and destroy the brain of the star with a sneak attack?"

Thinking of this, Shirou thinks it is very possible, after all, this is to calculate the reason according to the result, unless there is a third group of forces that causes the original civilization to fight desperately with the golden universe of the golden emperor.

But no matter what the reason is, Origin Gaia is quite dangerous!

Just thinking about it, there was a "boom", and there was a rumbling sound in the sky.

When Shirou looked up, he saw countless fireballs falling like a series of meteorites!


Shirou asked in surprise, "Is the Golden Emperor coming to sneak attack?"

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