I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2240

Thetis' voice of astonishment sounded, Shirou put on [Clairvoyance EX] on himself, looked towards the ground, and saw the corpses of giant beasts all over the mountains and plains.

A bruised and bruised Taiti monster gnawed at the corpses, then raised its head and screamed, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, turning into fluid and dying.

"No, why are they all dead? I added the attribute of struggle before, and the observation results will last for 1,300 years. Now that I have strengthened the attribute of struggle, why didn't it survive for a day?" Titis endured Can't help complaining.

Shirou understands that the "year" in Thetis's mouth actually expresses the sidereal day, while "day" expresses the planetary day. However, since it is a message, it is automatically converted into a text meaning that I can understand as soon as it enters my mind.

However, hearing Thetis' depressed tone, Shirou couldn't help asking: "In addition to the previous attributes of struggle, what did you add to them?"

"Energy acquisition system." Thetis said as a matter of course: "I followed you and added mouthparts and a supporting energy supply system to them. They became more aggressive, but they perished quickly instead. Really Strange... by the way, do you have any other suggestions?"

Thetis took human form again, walked around Shirou, looked into Shirou's eyes, and asked.

"Forget it, our ecosystem is completely different from yours, so there is no suggestion." Shirou said.

"What does your ecosystem look like then?"

Shiro said: "Producers, consumers, and decomposers, we are such a ternary structure."

In fact, Shirou couldn't think of an ecosystem outside of this triadic structure, and certainly not even those ecological hypotheticals. Because their cognitive laws cannot get rid of the constraints of the existing environment, but there is no doubt that the demeanor system, viewpoint, and social and humanistic structure of the original life are beyond human cognition.


Shirou thought for a while and said: "Simply speaking, they are plants. Their energy acquisition method is similar to yours. You can absorb all high-energy cosmic radiation in the material period, while they absorb light and nutrients, metabolize, and store energy. , and then eaten by consumers, and then the dead body of the consumer will be decomposed into various substances by the decomposer, and then absorbed by the producer.”

"Oh. I see. It's a three-element ring structure. It's necessary to experiment... However, according to the plant producer you described, it must be suitable for Gaia's environment—"

Thetis thought for a while, his eyes fell on Shirou, and he showed a malicious smile: "Lovely Shirou-kun..."

Together with Shirou Hanmao, he hugged his body tightly, looked at Thetis warily, and asked, "What do you want to do? Even if you are a group of information hooligans, don't even think about my body!"

"What rascal? I just want to ask you to do me a favor, Shirou-kun."

Hearing this, Shirou breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that Thetis wanted to dissect his body in order to investigate the future ecosystem.

"What's the matter? You can't do it yourself, and you still need my help?"

"Others can't do it, only you can do it." Titis smiled maliciously, "Help grandma Titis steal something, little Shirou."



Uranus is the seventh planet from the solar system from the inside out, and its volume ranks third in the solar system. It is an ice giant.

Shirou wrapped himself in mud, floating on a sea of ​​diamond gas composed of hydrogen, helium, methane, deuterium and other elements. Looking around, what he saw was a white mist, just like Skadi's ice world .

——The star king of Uranus is sleeping now, the thing is at the core of Uranus, help me get it.

The message from Thetis sounded in his heart, and Shirou grumbled, "Your message can reach here, why don't you come by yourself?"

--Fool! If I come, Uranus will notice it at once! He will kick me out and sue Gaia!

Hearing this, the corner of Shirou's mouth twitched suddenly: "It seems that you are a habitual offender."

——Stop talking, hurry up and steal it for me. If you help me steal things, I will also help you investigate the Lord of Relief.

"I see, do a good job of direction guidance."

Shirou sighed, the content of the transaction was too tempting, so he fell.

Shirou followed Thetis' message and guided him.

At this time, the sky suddenly flashed and thundered, and a torrential rain mixed with particulate matter whizzed past.


Smiling particles one after another hit the [evil] film outside Shirou's body.

Shirou stretched out his hand to grab it, and saw that those particles were natural diamonds one after another.

Shirou suddenly remembered that Uranus is a diamond planet with the largest diamond-forming system in the solar system.

Seeing a huge diamond vein in the distance, Shirou dug a huge diamond and stuffed it into the imaginary space of [evil], thinking, take a few big ones back to the future, so that his financial crisis That's it.

——What are you grabbing those rocks for? Hurry up!

"I see, don't rush. Be careful that your message will disturb Uranus." Shirou said helplessly.

Following the guidance of Thetis, Shirou passed through the outer layer of the atmosphere of Uranus and came to the inner core of Uranus.

Uranus is an ice giant. Simply put, it is a gas giant composed of gases heavier than hydrogen and helium, such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur. But compared to the outside world, the inner space of Uranus is a solid hollow in the center of the earth.

And in this hollow in the center of the earth, there is a huge and towering giant tree, which connects everything on the planet.

And in the center of that giant tree, there is a shining tree heart.

Shirou's eyes flickered slightly, and he said in his heart, the dragon of Uranus!

--right! This is it! Xiaoshirou, help me take that tree heart away!


Shirou was about to take away a section of the tree trunk of Uranus, and suddenly realized that the relationship between Gaia and Uranus will be very bad in the future. Is it because Titis took a section of the Uranus tree trunk when he created the earth's ecology?

He recalled it immediately and asked, "This won't pose any harm, will it?"

"No, quickly fetch it for me!" Thetis' message fluctuated somewhat.


A startled voice suddenly sounded from the void in the center of Uranus: "Thetis? Are you here to steal my armed core again? Damn it——, don't teach you a lesson, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

As soon as the words fell, the entire space in the center of the earth rioted instantly!


The originally solid topographical space instantly flowed out dense gas.

On the huge tree of Uranus, the endless branches burst out with dazzling light, like nerves that transmit messages.

Under the wrath of the King of Stars, the gigantic Uranus went into a riot in an instant. Even when it was spinning, it couldn't help but stagnate slightly.

"Oh! It's all your fault for being so slow, He has woken up! Quickly steal the tree's heart!" Thetis said hastily.

"You won't be scolded by Gaia, will you?" Shirou hesitated.

Thetis said hastily: "At most, it's just another lawsuit. If you don't help me, I won't help you in the future."

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