I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2241

Shirou hesitated for a moment, thinking that Thetis would not joke about the stability of the Gaia star field, and then realized that he really needed the assistance of Thetis, so he rushed towards the Uranus tree.

"Thetis, you actually let a material life steal my armed core? I said why I didn't notice your message fluctuation at the first time. But it's a pity, you miscalculated! Get ready to let Gaia come to ask for someone !"

As soon as Uranus' words fell, the Uranus tree stretched out endless vines of light, sweeping towards Shirou.

"Oops!" Thetis said hastily, "Little Shirou, be careful. Being entangled in those things is very fatal!"

That's true, Thetis' worries are not unreasonable, and Shirou, who has fought against the Uranus Dragon, knows this well.

It's just a pity that compared to the South American connection point, Shirou, the successor of the vortex, has completely evolved.

Compared to the flustered Thetis, Shirou looked at Uranus calmly, and then a fiery light flashed in his eyes.

——【Mortal Savior A】Activate!

Shirou put on the shirou record, and in an instant, lines that symbolized the roots of the Uranus tree appeared in front of him, and he swiped his hand.

"Boom boom boom—"

The branches rushing towards Shirou burst instantly, turning into nothingness and disappearing.


Such an astonishing scene surprised Uranus.

"Huh?" Thetis couldn't help being a little surprised: "So, are you so good, Shirou?"

"It's average, but I never said I'm weak." Shirou said with a smile.

"I just praised you a little bit, and I took it seriously." Thetis said quickly, "Uranus didn't take it seriously just now. Before he takes it seriously, quickly take the core away!"


Shirou nodded.

However, the awakened Uranus is still fully awake.

He said in a terrified anger, "You have offended me!"

The elements of the entire planet boiled up.

Trees, gas, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur... Whether it is a specific thing, or the elements, molecules, and atoms that make up an object, they all turned into hostile tentacles and attacked Shirou.

There is no doubt that Uranus has been completely angry.

Thetis was suddenly a little afraid that Shirou would die here, and said quickly: "I don't want the things, little Shirou, run!"

"Run what?"

Shirou was full of doubts, then pulled out the sword in the stone, aimed at the root lines and chopped off.

In an instant, the trees collapsed, the elements were annihilated, and the atoms collapsed... All the attacks of Uranus could not come close to Shirou.

Under the bombardment of Uranus, Shirou came to the tree of Uranus lightly like walking alone in a garden, and then took the heart of the tree lightly, and left calmly under Uranus' desperate and helpless eyes.

"Thetis, and that bastard, you two bastard bastards! I'm going to Gaia to sue you—!"

The voice of Uranus' helpless and sad message echoed across the stars.

However, Shirou was out of hearing as he had returned to Earth and handed the core to Thetis.

Chapter 11 Treat me as a fool, but you will suffer~

"Haha! I finally got it!" Thetis laughed as he took the Dryad core from Shirou.

Shirou asked suspiciously, "What do you want this for?"

"Of course it is to create a new ecosystem." Thetis said with a smile: "Although we can create material life, we don't know how to build an orderly ecological world. This is what the King of Stars is good at. Especially His Royal Highness Uranus. The star arm he created is not for the outside world, but for himself. It is used to transform his own planet, to transform his own planet from a heavy gas state to a solid state. However, after so many years of transformation, he has not It’s better to use it for my ecological experiment.”

Thetis smiled and analyzed the tree essence core of the tree of Uranus, and then produced a seed suitable for the environment of the original earth according to the environment of the original earth.

He buried the seeds in the broken earth, and then slipped a partial time.

Soon, a gigantic giant tree rose from the ground, rushed straight to the sky, grew branches, and instantly became luxuriant with branches and leaves, like a dome, covering the world.

Not only that, this giant tree is like a world tree, endless green factors fall from the treetops to the ground, and in an instant, countless green plants cover the ground!

Looking at this giant tree like the world, Shirou subconsciously clenched his fists, and said to himself, Miguel Mill...!

Yes, the giant tree in front of me is no different from the tree at the Nordic junction, Miguel Mill!

It can be said to be the same existence!

"Haha! It succeeded! The environment on the surface has changed! This is the producer of the ternary structure I want to create! Gaia will definitely praise me when I create a new ecological system." Titisle Hehe said.

But soon, Shirou and Thetis realized something was wrong.

As the green factor falling from the world tree covered the earth, all the light in front of it disappeared, and it became an eternal night like the background of the universe.

The rocks and soil attached by the green factor turned into clouds and dissipated as if the spirit energy had been sucked dry.

"It absorbs all the energy from the sun shining on the earth, not only that, it is also absorbing the energy of the earth!" Shirou suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Thetis, and asked: "Should you not take the energy from the earth before?" Is the combativeness and predatoryness added to the titans added to this?"

"Huh? Shouldn't it be added?" Thetis asked suspiciously.

"This... I don't know, after all, I'm not a biologist. But, obviously, you created a star-eating monster!" Shirou pointed to the giant tree of origin that greedily absorbs the energy of the earth and stars , asked suspiciously: "Didn't you observe this future when you created this monster?"

"No!" Thetis said in a panic.

Shirou said, it seems that this matter is beyond the possibility observed by the original life.

At this time, the giant tree created by Titis seemed to have discovered two huge clumps of energy, and stretched out endless vines, like hunting claws, stretched towards Titis and Shirou.

"Isn't it? Isn't it? Do you regard me as food? I am your creator!" Thetis said in a panic.

"You didn't give it intelligence, that guy is simply a planetary hunter subject to hunting instinct." Shirou squinted at Thetis, seeing her flustered face, asked suspiciously: "You What are you doing? You created it, can't you destroy it?"

"Why destroy it? This is my creation!" Titis said.

Shirou: "..."

If this guy is a modern person, he is definitely an inhuman taboo scientist!

Shirou sighed and drew his sword.

It's better to let him tear down this giant tree of origin, otherwise, when Gaia of origin reacts, his trust will be gone.

Shirou switched to the [style] record, and was about to cut down the root line of the giant tree of origin, but at this moment, a huge message flow resounded in this area——

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