I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2242

[Alarm—alert——, detected the existence of alien matter life on the parent star, detected deep-seated hostile behavior, belonged to planetary pests, and wiped it out——]

Thetis' complexion changed suddenly, and he quickly shouted: "Wait a minute, Alaya—"

Before His message was conveyed, Shirou saw a "boom" in the sky, and in an instant, an endless stream of quantum messages rushed down from the sky like a waterfall.

The giant tree of origin, which was still showing off its might, was terrified in an instant, and countless vines and green elements wrapped itself into a ball, but it was useless, when the terrifying quantum flow of information rushed down.

There is no sound.

There are no frightening fluctuations either.

With just a "boo", the giant tree of origin disappeared strangely.

Completely disappeared!

Even atoms, even spirit particles, even information fluctuations...all disappeared!

Shirou's expression was extremely serious.

The cosmic-type Alaya's message quantum flow impact is very similar to the attack effect of [Akasha's Arrow], which fundamentally erases it directly.

[The pests are cleaned up, please forgive me if there is any disturbance——]

"Excuse me!" Thetis said angrily, "That's my creation!"

[The experimental body has already attacked the mother star and must be cleared. 】

"I can perform space cutting and trap it into the quantum space! My creation was destroyed by you just like that! I don't care, you pay me!"


In the dark, Shirou seemed to hear a headache and helpless sigh, and then he saw the void in front of him, and the spirits gathered, and finally formed a branch.

[The spirit particles and information that make up the individual have been completely dispersed, mixed into other spirit particles, and cannot be completely reassembled. The remaining spirit particles can only be restored to this extent. 】

"That's about the same."

Thetis snorted and took the branch.

In the dark, Shirou heard the sigh of the existence with a headache and helplessness, and then the feeling of that existence disappeared.

Obviously, that existence is the cosmic Alaya.

Although it is only the tip of the iceberg, the cosmic Alaya really surprised Shirou.

His attack method is quite peculiar.

Generally speaking, whether it is the light cannon of Star Sword, modern firearms, or [Tianshou] black gun, they are all specific things, or specific phenomena and concepts, that impact and destroy specific objects.

But the attack method of the cosmic Alaya just now is different. He directly disperses the spirit particles and messages that make up the specific object, fills them into other particles, and then destroys the target.

In layman's terms, that is absolute real damage!

This attack method is exactly the same as Ideal King-Bridged's use of the fundamental force of the universe, but it is one dimension higher.

It's no wonder that Gaia will never forget the cosmic Alaya in the future.

If there is a cosmic Alaya, no predators or alien invaders would dare to come.

With such a powerful cosmic Alaya, it is no wonder that the original civilization can seal the Lord of Relief behind the True Gate.

However, after such a brief contact, Shirou also made it clear that the cosmic Alaya is no match for the Lord of Relief.

The absolute real damage of the impact of the quantum information flow is indeed amazing, but it is not as good as the script setting of Shirou's Arrow of Akasha.

But even so, Akasha's Arrow could not do anything to the Lord of Rescue.

Only by finding the answer that Thetis said in the future, as well as the light, can the Lord of Relief be destroyed.

But before that, among the connection points of this era of origin, the cosmic Alaya is indeed an incomparably reliable helper.

Thetis retrieved the branch from Cosmos Alaya, and soon created a giant tree of origin.

Glancing at the giant tree of origin that was isolated in the vacuum domain, Shirou looked at Thetis helplessly and said, "You guy, you really don't remember to eat or fight!"

"Respect your elders, little Shirou!" Thetis glanced at Shirou with displeasure, then happily pointed to the new giant tree of origin, and said proudly: "This time I added the same tree as Alaya. Intellect, it won’t be like last time.”

Shirou glanced at the giant tree of origin that was slowly absorbing the sun's rays, then turned his head to look at Thetis and asked, "Aren't you afraid that it will go berserk like before?"

"Of course I'm not afraid. I made some restrictions on it, and I also made a limiter for total control. If it goes berserk like before, I don't need Alaya to do it. I just need to wave this limiter , the restrictive measures on it will be activated, let it be destroyed, and it will automatically return to the seed state." Thetis took out a sword of fire and said proudly.

Looking at the sword of fire, Shirou's eyes twitched suddenly: "Levatin..."

"What Levatin?" Thetis asked suspiciously.

"No, nothing." Shirou shook his head.

At this time, a timid voice message sounded from the bottom of their hearts.

- Dear Creator, please don't use that sword. I am a good tree, not as greedy and tyrannical as my father.

"If you cooperate with me well, I won't need it." Thetis said, waving the sword of fire.

And as Thetis swung the sword of fire, many dense runes appeared on the body of the giant tree of origin.

Shirou took a look and found that it was the Runas rune that he and Skadi were using to create the original rune.

It's no wonder that the wisdom of Runas can be applied to anything. It turns out that the wisdom of Runas comes from the original life.

Seeing Thetis wielding the sword of fire, the giant tree of origin quickly waved the vines and told Thetis that he would absolutely cooperate and fight wherever he pointed, telling him not to go west.

Thetis is back to his own ecological experiments.

This time, referring to Shirou's opinion, he created an ecological model with a ternary structure.

He let the giant tree of origin absorb the sunlight, then sprinkled the green factor, and then let the giant Taiti eat the green factor. After the death of the giant titan, let some small creatures decompose the corpse of the giant titan and feed back the giant tree of origin.

Shirou watched Thetis carry out creation experiments on the earth, and felt really emotional in his heart. It was unbelievable to see the Creator making creations, and what was even more unbelievable was that he also participated in it, giving the Creator the inspiration for creation.

Of course, Shirou knew in his heart that this was not the real history.

In real history, it was probably after Titis tried countless failures that he created a set of next-generation civilization sparks, right?


Shirou yawned, leaned against the broken wall of the material age, and traversed the sea of ​​stars one after another. He was exhausted both mentally and physically. He planned to sleep for a while, recuperate, and think about his way out after waking up.

As a result, not long after falling asleep, suddenly there was a "snap", and I felt a small, fleshy palm pinching my face.

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