I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2244

Presumably this is also because the origin of life gave other star kings, and also created the brain of the star.

However, Shirou counted, and Gaia and the Moon King who were not there yet, the number of these Star Kings was also wrong. One person is missing.

Shirou looked at the Star Kings curiously, but in the eyes of the Star Kings, this was not the case at all.

This guy looked at us with a "looks interesting" expression as soon as he came, completely ignoring our scale Reiatsu, and actually snatched the armed core from Uranus... Sure enough, Gaia's creatures are not simple...

This is what the Star Kings present thought.

Just when the atmosphere in the door room was a little depressed, another white hole opened beside Shirou, and Origin Gaia walked out of the white hole with the Moon King.

"Oh, oh, isn't Venus here again? Forget it, leave him alone. However, I have already brought people here, why are you so silent?"

As if satisfied with the current atmosphere, Origin Gaia gave Shirou a "good job" look.

The star kings were silent for a while, and then represented the astral body of Saturn, looked at the origin Gaia, and asked, "Is this the future man?"

"Yes, his name is Fujimaru Shiro. Although he is a physical life, he is very strong, even stronger than us who are the king of stars." Genesis Gaia blinked and said.

The Star Kings turned their heads one after another and looked at Uranus.

Uranus glared at Origin Gaia, snorted, and turned his head, as if he didn't hear Origin Gaia's innuendo.

Shirou looked at the origin Gaia and Uranus, which were at odds with each other, and guessed in his heart, in the real history, did Uranus attack the star brain of Origin Gaia?

But after thinking about it, in the future Uranus will fall out with all the star kings, and will also assist the star kings who are shielded outside the solar system to break the [Emperor's Arm], so I understand that this is impossible.

At this moment, Origin Gaia said seriously: "Brothers and sisters, I think you should already know the purpose of my convening this meeting, right?"

Shirou glanced at Origin Gaia. Earlier, Origin Gaia said that Uranus came to sue this meeting of the Star King, but obviously, Origin Gaia was just teasing him. In fact, this Star King meeting was specially made by Origin Gaia held.

"We already know this, Gaia. But, Gaia, are you sure that this material life comes from the future of our star field?" Saturn asked: "The condition of the spirits in our star field is stable. , the total number of spirits is also dynamically constant, and there is no sign of space-time travel."

Hearing this, Origin Gaia smiled and said, "I have to apologize to Shirou first."

Shirou raised an eyebrow.

Origin Gaia looked at Shirou, and said: "Actually, I have always wondered whether Xiaoshilang is the Golden Emperor, or other unknown enemies who analyzed the material life composition of our star field and mixed into our star field. So I first Let Thetis keep him steady while monitoring his every move, and then I will investigate why he appeared. Everyone, please watch this—"

Origin Gaia snapped his fingers, and the starscape under everyone's feet suddenly changed, showing a huge star field composed of dozens of material galaxies.

And at the core of this star field, the core of the Gaia star field—the solar system.

"Xiao Shirou directly passed through Alaya's protection, and suddenly appeared in our core star field. So the first time he appeared, he was captured by Alaya's mobilization of core power. Of course, this is not the point. The point is the cosmic orientation where Shirou appeared." Origin Gaia pointed to Shirou's birth point.

Everyone looked around, and there was a tiny star gate on the star map!

Shirou's eyes suddenly tightened into needles, thinking, this is the door of truth!

"What is this?" Saturn asked suspiciously.

Origin Gaia said: "I don't know, but this is the portal through which Xiao Shirou can break through Alaya's protection and teleport into our core star field."

After a pause, Origin Gaia continued: "The most important thing is that neither I nor Alaya can touch the door, and I can't even observe the world behind the door. But the strange thing is that there are many eyes, passing through that door. The Daoists are observing us. Among them are many of our old friends, the Bodhisattvas of the Whirling Pure Land, and the evil gods of the universe of evil gods. Most importantly, there are also the eyes of my future self and the armed stars that carry your will. Therefore , Alaya and I confirmed that Xiao Shirou is indeed from the future. It is the future that we are not connected to, but we have perished."

The Star Kings looked at each other.

"If you still have doubts, you can feel that Xiao Shirou still has your star blessing." Origin Gaia said.

The eyes of the star kings fell on Shirou one after another.

Shirou instantly felt the blessings of the stars on his body activated, and in an instant, the radiance shone, and phantoms of stars appeared behind Shirou.

"That's my Star Armor!" Mercury said, pointing at Oort.


"Does the blessing of the Moon King exist?"

"Even the ones from Venus are there, but... why aren't the ones from Uranus?"

The Star Kings looked at Uranus with some doubts.

Uranus groaned and said, "There is no best thing. If the future self blesses the tree thief, I will definitely go to the future and teach the future self a lesson!"

"It seems that everyone has no doubts about Shirou's identity." Origin Gaia smiled: "Then, it's time to get down to business."

He looked at Shirou and said, "Little Shirou, please repeat the future."

Shirou nodded, and confessed everything about the Lord of Relief, as well as his previous guesses.

"The root of evil...the Lord of Relief...I've never heard of such a thing!"

"Akasha Records... How come we don't know about this kind of thing?"

The Star Kings looked at each other, compared to the common sense that the future Star Kings would know, they who had never experienced the Lord of Relief really did not understand what the Lord of Relief was.

They don't even know what the Akasha records are.

They even suspected that this was just a story Shirou made up, but when Shirou revealed the Arrow of Akasha, they all believed it.

Because they felt an absolute threat on the Arrow of Akasha.

A more terrifying threat than the cosmic Alaya!

"Xiao Shirou guessed that the Golden Emperor might attack us and destroy my star brain, prompting my children to fight the Golden Universe to the death. I thought it was impossible, but after thinking about it, it is quite possible. The Golden Emperor will The first reason for shaking hands with us is that he cannot underestimate our strength, and the second is the most important thing. His golden universe is still in an internal confrontation, and the power of the Void Lord has not yet been completely defeated."

With the explanation of the origin Gaia, Shirou understood the cause of everything.

As Gaia and Tiamat mentioned in the future, the golden universe that created the star kings, because of internal struggles, allowed the star kings to take a breather, create their own star armies-Aristotle, and stand on their own.

As for the two groups of forces in the Golden Universe, one is the Golden Emperor known as the God of Destruction of the Universe, and the other is the Void Lord.

According to the origin of Gaia, combined with the rhetoric of Gaia and Tiamat in the future, Shirou guessed in his heart that in the real history of origin, the Golden Emperor wanted to quickly defeat and destroy the Gaia star field, but found that these origin life changed suddenly. Become the life of the message.

The Golden Emperor, who found that the original life is not easy to mess with, shook hands with the Gaia star field, and then defeated the Void Lord, and then started a full-scale war with the Gaia star field, which eventually led to the birth of root evil.

"I think Xiao Shilang's reasoning is very reasonable. Once the Golden Emperor defeats the Void Lord, the next one may attack us! Once the Golden Universe goes to war with us, our chances of winning are not high!" Origin Gaia said.

The Star Kings looked at each other and said, "But we are not easy to bully. Why does he have to start a full-scale war with us?"

"Who knows. It's just a possibility. But don't forget that although we originate from the golden universe, the Golden Emperor, no, the existence of the golden universe is a deadly threat to us!"

"Then you mean..."

"Let the golden universe disappear completely!" Origin Gaia said calmly.

It was such an understatement, but it left the Star Kings present speechless in shock.

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