I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2245

The scene was completely silent.

Saturn said blankly: "But, but—"

Before Saturn finished speaking, Origin Gaia scanned around and asked seriously: "This resolution. Who is in favor and who is against?"

Saturn shut his mouth.

There was no sound in the whole room.

The origin Gaia showed a smile again, "Then it's such a happy decision. Although most of the effort is from my side, but on every planet, if there are useful materials, they must be provided. So Well, the core of Uranus that was requisitioned by Thetis and Xiao Shilang will not be returned for the time being. After all, this is not stealing, but requisitioning for the peace of the star field."

Uranus stared wide-eyed: "Gaia!"

"Do you have any objections, Uranus? It's a council resolution."

"You, you——, you robber! I won't talk to you anymore!"

Uranus pointed to Gaia's hand, trembling with anger, and left angrily.

With the departure of Uranus, the other planetary kings also departed.

The Moon King pulled Origin Gaia's leg, and asked timidly: "Gaia, Gaia-sama... Really, do you really want to fight?"

Origin Gaia touched her little head and said gently, "Yes."

"Can't you not fight?"

"No. Now is the best chance to destroy the golden universe, otherwise we will be in danger when the golden emperor recovers. But don't worry. I will protect you, especially you, my Little padded jacket." Origin Gaia said with a smile.

"It's very kind of you, Lady Gaia." The King of the Young Moon stared at the origin Gaia with shining eyes, admiring and looking forward to it very much.

"Who told you that you are my satellite? If I don't protect you, who will protect you?" Origin Gaia said with a smile.

Shirou glanced at Origin Gaia, wondering what expression Gaia would show if he knew that his beloved little padded jacket wanted to make the earth his own territory in the future?

At this time, Origin Gaia turned his head, looked at Shirou, smiled, and said, "Little Shirou, help me with something."

"What is it?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

"Someone doesn't give me face, you help me to teach her a lesson." Origin Gaia narrowed her eyes and said.

The Moon King blinked, and asked in a childish voice, "Is it dead gold, Gaia?"

Origin Gaia nodded and said, "That guy doesn't even come to the Star King Council now. The most important thing is that Mercury told me secretly that that guy was talking bad about me in private!"

"If that's the case, why don't you teach her yourself, instead of me?" Shirou couldn't help complaining.

Origin Gaia rolled his eyes and said, "I'm so partial to you and Thetis, don't you like Uranus? I will spend more time with him now, comfort him, and apologize to him."


"Good boy, definitely next time." Origin Gaia touched the little head of the Moon King.


Looking at this scene, the corner of Shirou's mouth twitched suddenly.

What the hell is this sense of déjà vu that seems to have entered the harem of Gaia?

The evil ball!

"Are you coming too, Shirou?"

Origin Gaia stretched out a sinful hand to Shirou.

"No, no, no!"

Shirou ran away, he didn't want to enter Gaia's harem!

Chapter Thirteen The King of Venus: I am a waste...

"You actually gave me such an errand." Shirou said with a headache.

Although some guessed that Origin Gaia would bring him to the Star King meeting, it was not that simple, but they did not expect that Origin Gaia would throw him such an errand.

——Go and teach the disobedient Jin Xing a lesson.

It's really easy to say, that's the king of stars!

Although it is not a problem for Shirou who has awakened the [mortal savior] to deal with those Aristotle, but the gap in material scale still puts Shirou at a huge risk of overturning.

Moreover, when he was at the connection point in South America, he also took good care of him. You love me very much. Now that you have come to the era of origin, you just lift your pants and deny people?

The most important thing is that, according to the origin Gaia, the future skeletons of the sky are observing them through the gate of truth in the future era.

Is this the one who beat him up in front of the corpse of the sky?

Shirou estimated that if he really did this, after returning to the future, he would be rubbed on the ground by the dead skeleton of the sky.

"It's not easy to handle..."

Shirou sighed, but he could only bite the bullet and do it.

Besides, there is another trouble...

Shirou glanced at the timid little blond loli next to him, feeling a little headache in his heart.

The guy who originated Gaia actually asked the Moon King of this era to join him in crusade against Venus!

"That, that—the well shape is right there." The Moon King stretched out his tiny finger, pointing at Venus not far away, and said timidly.

Her voice was childish and a bit leaky, and even in the exchange of messages, she couldn't express herself clearly.

"I saw it." Shirou said a little distantly.

Although he has a close relationship with Alquette, he has a deep hatred with Zhu Yuena.

Shirou couldn't tell whether the young moon king in front of him was Zhu Yue or Alquite.

Because Alquette and Zhu Yueben are one.

The Moon King can feel that Shirou doesn't like her, and she is also a little afraid of Shirou, but Origin Gaia asked her to take Shirou to Venus, and she still agreed.

Not because it is the order of the original Gaia, but because she is used to being led by the nose, especially by the original Gaia. Because this is what she has been doing since she was created.

It is both longing and admiration. If you don't do this, it will be very strange and uncomfortable.

However, even so, the Moon King still cares about one thing.

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