I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2246

"That..." Moon King hesitated for a moment, looked at Shirou, and asked, "Si-Mr. Shiro, in the future, Haiya and Uzumaki will disappear?"

"It doesn't count. Whether it's Gaia or you, they all exist in a different way. But Thetis and the others have disappeared, the Gaia star field has disappeared, and the earth has become quite fragile. Often There are aliens coming to invade."

Shirou glanced at the Moon King, and said, "In your case, except for your mental condition... it's still intact."

"Is that so? Gaia has always been protecting me. If one day Gaia becomes very weak, I will definitely protect Gaia at that time!" the Moon King said seriously.


Shirou nodded, but said in his heart, Gaia is weak, and you are the first to invade the earth and want to take the earth as your own.

"Well, be careful when you are on Venus. Venus... hates Gaia very much." The Moon King reminded.

Shirou nodded.

Traveling through the universe, the two rushed to Venus.

As soon as he entered the atmosphere of Venus, Shirou felt a strong pressure from the outside to the inside.

This is also inevitable, the atmospheric pressure of Venus is 92 times that of the earth, and because it is too close to the sun, there are scorching solar wind and strong free hydrogen storm.

Fortunately, Shirou's body surface was covered with a layer of [Evil], which protected his body from any dead ends, otherwise, the 92 times atmospheric pressure alone would have collapsed his fragile body.

Sure enough, the first obstacle for human beings to enter the universe is technology, and the second is the body.

It is no wonder that the original life will turn to the information life form.

Landing on this barren land, Shirou looked around, and the surface temperature was as high as 460 degrees, making the surrounding space slightly unstable.

Before Shirou had time to carefully look at the surface environment of Venus, a huge wave of information exploded in the hearts of the two of them.


The Moon King blinked, and said hastily: "Jing, Jing Xing, like, like me."

"The King of the Moon?"

After a period of calm, the entire surface emitted intense starlight, and finally gathered into a starlight giant.

There is no doubt that this starlight giant is Venus.

Venus looked at the Moon King with piercing eyes, and asked, "You Gaia lackey, what are you doing here? Gaia and Gaia's lackeys are not welcome here!"


Facing the piercing gaze of Venus, the Moon King panicked a little, but he still reluctantly said, "Hai, Haiya wants to destroy the Golden Universe, so, so I need your help..."

"Destroy the Golden Universe? So that's the reason, that's why that idiot called the Star King's meeting. It's really thanks to him to say that to destroy the Golden Universe. Does He really think that his Star Armor can defeat the Golden Emperor?"

The King of Venus snorted, then looked at the King of the Moon, and said: "I advise you to stay away from Gaia, King of the Moon. If we really have an enemy, that enemy is not the Golden Emperor, but Gaia! He Sooner or later, we will all be wiped out and His dictatorship will be completed!"

"No, Gai, Gaia won't."

"No? If there is no golden universe, He has already begun to destroy us. If you want to keep yourself, you'd better make your own armament like us, otherwise Gaia will be the first to open the knife at that time, and you will be the first one."

The Moon King waved her hand, it was really difficult to speak, she was not good at words, let alone facing this Venus who had a prejudice against the origin of Gaia.

"Why did you say that, King of Venus?" Shirou asked suddenly.

"Huh?" At this time, the King of Venus noticed Shirou's existence, and asked suspiciously: "Material life forms? Gaia's creations have all been informationized. Except for our creations, there is no longer any space in this star field." Physical life. Are you from outside? Who are you?"

Shirou was about to speak, but at this moment, the Moon King blinked, pointed at Shirou and said, "He, he is Shiro, a man from the future of Earth."

Shirou looked helplessly at the Moon King, since he is the Moon King, please have a bit of Zhu Yue's cunning and sophistication.

"Earthlings from the future? Gaia's running dogs?" The face of the King of Venus suddenly changed, and the surface of Venus, whose average temperature was as high as 450 degrees Celsius, turned out to be a little colder in an instant.

"Yes, I am the Earthling from the future, Fujimaru Shiro." Shirou patted his chest and looked at the King of Venus.

"Your information fluctuations and the time of the spirit particles that make up your body are indeed not at this point in time. That's why I understand. Has Gaia wiped us out in the future and transformed our creation?" King of Venus Gritting teeth: "Damn Gaia!"

"Why would you think that? Actually, you have a pretty close relationship with Gaia in the future."

Shirou looked helplessly at the King of Venus, and then confessed everything about the remains of the sky and Gaia in the future.

"I'm in the future, and I'm very close to Gaia? Just thinking about it makes me sick!" the King of Venus said with disgust.

"If you don't believe me, you can investigate me. I still have the blessing you left on me at that time." Shirou pointed to himself and said.

The King of Venus didn't believe that he would reconcile with Gaia, but when Shirou got the news, he was dumbfounded.

Because Shirou really has his star blessing!

Moreover, the blessing of the star also left sporadic space between the remains of the sky and the intimate message of Gaia in the future.

The future Him is really close to Gaia?

Most importantly, doesn't this mean that his judgment that Gaia is the biggest threat is wrong?

This is absolutely impossible!

He is so sure, but the blessings and messages of that star are not fake.

"In the future, what happened?" the King of Venus muttered to himself.

The future Him is actually so close to Gaia, this, this...

It's really disgusting!

Seeing that the King of Venus was still a little skeptical, Shirou confessed everything about the Lord of Relief, as well as his own guesses.

"If this is the case, it is indeed possible. After all, the golden universe does have the strength to destroy us."

The Moon King's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise, "So, are you willing to help Gaia?"

"Let me help her? Don't even think about it!" The King of Venus looked disgusted, then glanced at Shirou, and said, "Future man, I can probably believe what you said. But let me help Gaia, it's better to avoid it. I am afraid that as soon as I finish assisting him, he will attack me."

Shirou looked at the King of Venus strangely, and really didn't understand why the King of Venus was so wary of Origin Gaia.

"However, if it threatens the entire star field, it is indeed an unavoidable disaster for Venus. Well, if you can defeat my armed forces, I can temporarily put down my guard against him and support him against the Golden Emperor. said the King of Venus.

The Moon King said troubledly: "That, that——, it's not necessary, is it?"

"You are a man-made star master, what do you know?"

The Moon King shrank his head.

The King of Venus continued: "Gaia is an absolute threat to us, and he will definitely attack us. Even if you are all confused by his fake generosity, I will not be confused. Protect yourself under his claws The only way is to do it to him before he does it to me."

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