I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2247


"I admit that with my armed forces, I am definitely not an opponent of his armed forces now. But I can develop dormantly. But if even his successors are not opponents, I can only admit defeat."

The King of Venus is very wary of the origin Gaia, but he also understands that he is definitely not the opponent of the origin life. After all, the origin life is too desperate, but he can develop himself dormantly.

However, if he couldn't even resist the next generation of life on Earth, he could only admit that he would never be as good as Gaia, and resigned himself to fate.

"Okay." Shirou nodded.

In fact, Shirou also wanted Gaia to destroy the Golden Universe.

In the real history, it was the Golden Emperor who unified the Golden Universe, then tore up the peace agreement, and launched a general attack on the Gaia Starfield. In the end, the Gaia star field deceived the Akasha record, created the mortal vortex and the Akasha arrow, and made the birth of root evil.

But if Origin Gaia destroys the Golden Universe while the Golden Emperor and Void Lord are still fighting, then the conditions for the birth of Root Evil will disappear.

Is this the answer to make the root evil disappear?

Don't know, but worth a try.

The King of Venus attacks Shirou.

To be honest, whether it is the King of Venus in the era of origin, or the Aristotle of the future era-the remains of the sky, they are all existences of extraterrestrial level.

It can easily sink the continent and destroy civilization!

It's just a pity that today's Shirou is really too perverted!

He didn't attack either, but switched to the previous record, [killing] the attacks of the King of Venus one by one, and then looked at the King of Venus with those sincere eyes, waiting for the attack of the King of Venus.

The King of Venus used all his magical powers on Shirou, bombing three suns in turn, and finally fell into deep despair.

The most important thing is that the King of Venus discovered that as he attacked Shirou, the blessing of Venus on Shirou's body actually forced Venus to counterattack him.

"Stop fighting?"

Shirou looked at the King of Venus squatting in the corner, drawing circles, and muttering, "I can't even defeat Gaia's next-generation creation... I'm so useless, I'm a waste..."

Shirou felt that he had gone too far, so he asked cautiously: "Do you want to attack again? This time I promise not to hide, let you hit!"

"You go!" The King of Venus roared in grief and anger: "I don't want to see you again!"

Shirou and the Moon King fled in a hurry.

However, in this way, the request of Origin Gaia can be regarded as fulfilled, right?

Shirou returned to the Earth's star brain and told the origin Gaia about the events on Venus.


Origin Gaia patted Shirou on the shoulder carelessly, laughed loudly and said, "Well done, little Shirou. He really deserves to be the man I like!"

Origin Gaia laughed so hard that tears almost came out, and it took a while to recover.

"Oh, it's really detrimental to my image of being wise and powerful." Origin Gaia glanced at Shirou, and asked with a smile: "You shouldn't have seen anything, Xiao Shirou?"

"Of course, I only saw one honorable His Excellency the Star King."

Origin Gaia nodded in satisfaction, then sat on the Throne of the Stars, and said: "However, I was really surprised. I thought that I would have to wait until that idiot sneaked up on me to let that idiot settle down. "

Hearing this, Shirou's heart moved, and he asked, "Did you know from the beginning that the King of Venus wanted to attack you?"

"Isn't this natural?" Origin Gaia said with a smile: "That guy has the best relationship with the King of Mercury, and he has always regarded the King of Mercury as his comrade in arms. In fact, how did He know that the King of Mercury is the most obedient?" My words. His every move, the King of Mercury told me."

Shirou murmured in his heart, no wonder in the future, Oort and the dead bones of the sky are so at odds, it turned out that he was stabbed in the back.

"Then how did you plan to deal with the King of Venus?" Shirou asked.

"Let go of that idiot, wait until that idiot thinks he can defeat me, challenge me, then mercilessly smash his ridiculous self-confidence to pieces, and then imprison him. After that, Mu, It depends on my mood." Origin Gaia tapped on the throne lightly and said.

Hearing this, Shirou hesitated for a moment, then said, "May I ask, why does the King of Venus resist you so much?"

"Of course. That idiot, always thought I would destroy them."

"What's the truth?" Shirou asked.

Origin Gaia's fingers tapping on the throne stopped.

He was silent for a moment, and said flatly: "What he said is not wrong. If there is no golden universe, I would have wiped them out long ago. Because only one star master is enough. However, when the golden emperor attacked the earth After killing my children, I completely changed this idea. I shouldn’t and can’t attack them. On the contrary, I have to be more tolerant and love them.”

"Why?" Shirou asked suspiciously.

Origin Gaia got up and said with a smile: "Because we share the same galaxy, we are brothers and sisters, and we are also the most reliable existence for each other. Even if I am gone in the future, even if this planet falls in the future, they will protect me on my behalf." Good planet."

Chapter 14 Future Progress

future world.

After the seven anchor points were opened, the Lord of Relief opened the door of the last truth.

The huge vortex is the sky that covers the entire planet.

And in that vortex, the phantom of the origin era is reflected.

People living in this next generation don't understand what it means, they just think it's another terrorist attack, and they feel panic and chaos.

In the sea area where Chaldea is located, the Belia species is having a carnival, and the monsters are running around, and it is already chaotic.

Mordred ignored the panicked garrison soldiers and fought his way to the bottom of Chaldea, holding the sword in the stone.

With a bang, the lowest basement of Chaldea was blasted open.

She glanced sharply, but didn't see anyone.

Yes, only a small rag.

She picked it up and took a closer look.

Sesseiin followed closely, took a closer look, and said, "It's Mr. Shiro's clothes."

Mordred turned his head and glared at Sesseiin angrily.

Killing Academy couldn't help shrinking his head.

There is really no way to keep hiding it.

The moment the vortex enveloped the planet, Mordred woke up from the paralysis of this world, quickly figured out everything, and asked everything out.

"That guy, concealed everything, and went to deal with the root evil alone." Mordred clenched the rag in his hand: "To deal with the opponent he can't win at all."

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