I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2248

"Master, Master..." Shashengyuan cautiously probed.

"Shut up."

Killing Yuan quickly closed his mouth, and covered his mouth with his little hand. She knew that at this juncture, Mordred was already on the verge of breaking out, so it was better not to provoke him.

Mordred took out the Star Cup and asked towards the Star Cup, "Satan, is there a way for me to enter that world in the vortex?"

The star cup shook, and the three weird eyes opened at the same time, saying: "That is the first cause domain, there is no way to enter it."

"Isn't it okay to use [law]?" Mordred asked.

"Although the five great laws come from the [root], it is a pity that they can only allow people to travel through the Jialan Cave, which is commonly known as the [root] road, but they cannot pass through the true gate of the Jialan Cave and enter the realm of the first cause. .”

"That is to say, there is no way to support him?" Mordred clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"It may be a good thing to be unable to support."

The star cup-Satan said: "That is already a war of the vortex, and those outside the root are not eligible to participate. This is true even for those who transcend the world. Your father is the only outside the root, and Only by possessing all the units that have initially inherited another vortex, can you enter the gate of truth and start the vortex dispute. If you are by his side now, it is not so much a support as a hindrance."

"I know. I know about this... But. But—" Mordred clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth, "I——, so unwilling!"

"Enduring this unwillingness, accepting this unwillingness, is also the weight of living, Mordred." Star Cup-Satan comforted: "Although you cannot participate in that war. However, you are still alive, and you can Things to do."


Before Mordred finished speaking, there was a "boom", and the island shook violently.

Killing Yuan quickly supported the wall beside him, "What's going on? Wait a minute! This breath... this breath... is very similar to my other breath... this breath is..."

Shashengyuan said with a face full of surprise, "It's a [beast]!"

Mordred also smelled this [beast] breath without needing to be reminded by Saseiin!

However, this is too strange.

So far, all the beasts have manifested. Either disappear, or be absorbed and assimilated.

However, this breath of [beast] is not fake, and it is even bigger than the breath of any [beast] and the wavelength of any [beast] so far!

It's like another great source exists!

What's even more weird is that the source of this wavelength is in Chaldea!

Mordred stared at Shirou's section of fabric for a moment, then stuffed the fabric into his pocket, and rushed towards the source of the wavelength with Seseiin.

There is the control room of Chaldea, with a huge photon message ball.

And that is the core of Chaldea.

The magic dress that replicates the soul of the earth.

——Pseudo-Earth Environment Model Chaldeas!

However, at this time, Chaldeas, who had turned back to blue due to the recovery of human power, had turned red like lava at this moment, and the warnings kept ringing.

In front of Chaldeas, a young man dressed as an English gentleman was holding a sleeping girl, walking towards Chaldeas step by step.

"Professor Rafe!"

Saseiin stared vigilantly at that man, the assistant of Maris Billy, the director of Chaldea, and the wizard genius who developed the Sheba system, Rafe Lenore Floros!

He used to be an extremely reliable and gentle senior Chaldean, but now, the identity of the Lord of Relief has been exposed, and there is no need to doubt his identity and position.

Lefe turned around, looked at Seshoin and Mordred, and said gently: "So, I thought it was some little mouse that broke into Chaldea, so it was Sesshoin and Mordred. .”

Mordred stared at Leif closely, and asked, "Where is the Lord of Relief and my father?"

"Didn't you already see it? You have already gone to the first cause domain." Leif replied with a smile: "However, my Master told me one thing before going to the first cause domain."

Killing Academy looked down, landed on the girl in Leif's hand, and asked, "Who is she?"

"Is she? She is the heir left by His Majesty Maris Billy, carrying the cursed blood of the Animsfia family in her body." Lefe smiled, and then pointed the white-haired girl in his hand towards Caleb Dias threw it over.


Mordred threw his sword towards Rafe, and the killing courtyard also screamed, and quickly used [Wanse Lag] to pick up the white-haired girl.

With a sound of "cha", Mordred's sword pierced into Lefe's body, but [Wanse Sluggish] failed to catch the white-haired girl, and watched the white-haired girl fall into the body like a star. In the scorching heat of Chaldeas.

The physical body, the body, instantly turned into foam.


Shashengyuan slammed his fist on the side wall with self-blame, gritted his teeth and stared at Leif, and asked, "Are you human? Are you a living person? Why—why should you help him, help that root evil?" Ah, Professor Rafe?"

"Do you understand that my whole life is just a joke, Saseiin? For my reason, I forgot to sleep and eat. I reached the altar of the fourth magic ladder at the age of twenty. I became a child prodigy in people's eyes. I I also firmly believe that the principles carried by my family will be fulfilled in my hands. I am so confident, but in the end, I understand that this is just a joke. My family is a joke, and I am also a joke."

Leif looked at the killing courtyard and smiled, and said: "You understand, because you are the container of joy and Buddhism, and I am also the container of Solomon's Demon God Pillar. No matter how much you create and protect, in a certain At the right time and in a special environment, it will also be reincarnated into the Demon God Pillar-Flauros."

Hearing this, Killing Academy's eyes suddenly shrank.

"I was in such pain. It wasn't until I heard the voice of the Lord of Truth that I realized that the truth I pursued, my so-called protection, my so-called good and evil, were so ridiculous. In the face of the ultimate good, it is It's so ridiculous. The end of magic, the end of science, the end of civilization, the true kindness is the Lord of Truth!"

Mordred said with contempt: "Disgusting idea."

"Whatever. You will realize that true goodness, the ultimate of evolution, is unity. You will all be like me in the end, and become one."

Chaldeas behind him became more and more red, red like the doomsday, reflecting Leif's smile, and then the endless heat engulfed Lefe's body and disintegrated.

An incomparably terrifying wavelength emanated from Chaldeas.

That is the beast, and it is also the breath of the end.

Mordred looked serious.

Chaldeas is a small model of the earth, which contains immeasurable energy. Once it explodes, it will be bombed by dozens of hydrogen bombs, and its impact on the planetary environment will be far-reaching. Lydias made a violent attack.

But now, she must pay attention to it.

Although Chaldeas didn't explode, there was a [beast] in it, which was absorbing Chaldeas' information and rapidly expanding and growing.

"Is that the girl from just now?" Asked the Killing Academy.

Mordred said in a deep voice: "The woman just now should be Olga Marie, the real holder of the seventh animal nature that Li Xiang said."

"Be vigilant, Shaseiin! Shoot down the seventh song here!"

"I see, Master."

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