I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2249

Mordred activated the Star Grail and turned into a Star Grail Demon.

And Shashengyuan even used [Wanse Slowness] to circle the surrounding area, forming a foreign world similar to [Desire Realm Heaven-Hehua Freedom Heaven].

This is the ability that [Wanse Lags] only possessed after Sashoin bid farewell to the Demonic Bodhisattva.

Obviously, this is the last legacy that the Demonic Bodhisattva left to the Killing Academy to live independently before he left.

With the cooperation of the perfect Mordred and the Killing Academy, even if the beast of the end cannot be shot down, he can be sealed here!

At this time, Olga Marie, who was sleeping in Chaldea, slowly opened her eyes.

In an instant, the light of the entire Chaldeas condensed into a ball, and then there was a "boom", a doomsday-like beam of light shot up into the sky, and instantly passed through the [Wan Se You Ji] of the Killing Academy, and went straight to the sky , into the vortex above the sky.

And Olga Marie, the beast of the end in Chaldeas, disappeared in an instant.

The killing courtyard was full of surprise: "What's going on? My barrier shows no signs of damage. How did he break through?"

"It's not a breakthrough, but..."

Mordred muttered to himself, and immediately followed Chaldeas' beam of light and rushed straight into the sky.

She looked up at the other end of the light submerged in the vortex, and then looked around. Visible to the naked eye, under the azure sea, in the spiritual veins of the planet, there was a doomsday-like red light shining.

As if thinking of something, a drop of cold sweat dripped from Mordred's forehead, "Satan, could this be..."

"Ah. Yes." Star Cup Satan said: "I have told Revelation, in the first history, I have seen your father use this spell to summon the Enlightened One. But now this spell is better than yours. The one my father used was even bigger, and it should have been implanted into the spiritual veins of the planet and the possibility world developed by the council."

At this time, Shashengyuan rushed up and asked, "Master, what's wrong?"

Mordred pursed his lips and said, "It's the Great Summoning Formation...!"

Hearing this, Killing Academy was startled.

"Father was deceived. This is not the first cause of war at all. That guy deceived my father into the door of truth, and then planned to realize the real world!" Mordred said through gritted teeth.

"how come……"

Star Cup Satan said: "This possibility may exist, but it is not certain, because the first reason is that the breath of war is too strong, and all super-existences are watching. However, all the actions of the root evil so far should be for This super-large summoning array. Using the spiritual power of pan-historical spiritual veins and other spiritual veins of connection points developed by the council, it will definitely summon something that fits this scale. To stop him, Mordred, it is you The only thing we can do now!"

"I know." Mordred nodded, put away his grief and indignation at Shirou leaving without saying goodbye, then looked at the Star Cup, and asked, "Can you feel where the node of this super-large summoning array is?"

"This is the core, which cannot be destroyed. However, the summoning spells on this planet generally use seven nodes as the core of the structure. That is..."

"Where are the seven anchor points?"

Mordred suddenly realized that at this point, the true meaning of the seven anchor points finally emerged.

It turns out that the seven major anchor points that the council focuses on are actually the nodes of this super-large summoning array.

From the seven major anchor points, it is directly injected into the pan-history, and then connected with the vortex.

So far, a super-large summoning array covering a limited world line and crossing the world line has been completed.

"The purpose of the seventh beast is the base of the seven anchors... We must contain her before the nodes of the seven anchors appear! Otherwise, when the super large summoning array is completed, the end of the world will come!"

Mordred gritted her teeth, she wanted to spread the news.

Definitely, must catch up!



"I really didn't expect. You, you would find me to reconcile..."

Alquite looked at the black princess in front of him, Eltruchi, in surprise.

"If it weren't for the king of the stars..." Eltrucci gritted her teeth, then looked at Alquite, and said, "Although you finally inherited the legacy of Zhu Yue. However, your half body is here with me, only the two of us Only a truly complete Moon King can enter the door of the Star King. Come here quickly, don’t make me say it a second time!”

Eltruchi held out her hand to her.


Although Eltruchi was mean, but Airquite did not reject it, but agreed, walked over, and held Erteluchi's hand.

The reconciliation of Eltruchi and Alquite is like a split intellectual existence reunited in the dark, and a door that shuttles between the doors opens in front of the two of them.

Eltruchi rushed in, dragging Alquite.

On the way, Alquite looked at Eltruchi and asked suspiciously: "Didn't you bring the Dead Apostles into the South American connection point? Why did you go back to pan-history?"

Eltruchi said impatiently: "A few years ago, I accepted your suggestion and brought the dead disciples under my control into the South American connection point, treating the South American connection point as our world. If possible, I will I don’t want to come back either, but the Star King is urging me hard. Shaking your hand really makes me sick.”

Alquette smiled and said, "But I'm not sick, I'm still very happy, sister."

Saying that, Alquite still wanted to hug Erte Luqi, Erte Luqi quickly wanted to hold Alquite's head, but now that Erquite was too strong, Erte Luci resisted at all Powerless, she hugged her into her arms and rubbed her face.

As if being rubbed on the face by a prehistoric tyrannosaurus, Eltruchi looked hopeless.

"Here we come, King of the Moon."

A lofty voice resounded in this space.


Alquette asked suspiciously.

She looked around, but couldn't find anyone.

At this time, a dot of light cluster attracted Alquiet's attention.

Alquite hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Are you... Venus?"

"It's me. This is the first time we've met like this, the next generation Moon King. I'm the King of Venus."

Eltruchi took the opportunity to get rid of Alquite, panting, while glaring at Alquette angrily.

However, Alquite looked at the light spot as if no one was there, and asked suspiciously: "Didn't you mean the meeting of the Star King? Why are you the only one?"

"We are all here. However, only I can maintain the existence of this self-awareness, but in about a hundred years, my self-awareness will also dissipate." The King of Venus paused, and said: "You use the touch of the stars , you can see their sense of touch."

Hearing this, Alquite let go of his star sense, only then did he see that in this infinite space, there are actually all planetary senses, and they all simulate the star sense of personality.

Alquite couldn't help asking strangely: "Why is it that only you can maintain this intellectual existence?"

The King of Venus said: "Billions of years ago, the despicable golden universe unilaterally tore up the peace agreement, attacked us, and destroyed our star brain."

"However, I can only say that it is indeed the Gaia of that era. After learning the news of the future, I decided to go to war with the Golden Universe very decisively. It's just...that Fujimaru Shirou dealt with me at that time, and that scene really made me cry People are sad."

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