I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2250

The king of Venus was full of remembrance, and then he seemed to feel the presence of other star kings. He looked at Alquite and said, "But this is not the reason for you to come to this door. Alquite, And Eltruchi, I need you both."

Alquette blinked and asked, "What is it?"

"Not interested." Erte Luqi said angrily.

The King of Venus said seriously and solemnly: "This matter is very important not only for pan-history, but also for other limited world lines! We need you to help Gaia complete the node connection of the cosmic Alaya! This is the only You, you, the only existing star kings who have inherited intelligence, can do it!"

Chapter Fifteen The Calm Before the Rainstorm

"It's really you, Thetis. You have multiplied so much in the blink of an eye..."

Shirou looked at the hundreds of bubbles in front of him with a complicated expression.

These bubbles are not simple bubbles, but worlds of spiritual particles one after another like the meeting room of the Star King.

And in these spiritual worlds, there are hundreds of giant trees of origin.

Apparently, it was created by Titis during Shirou's visit to the Star King meeting.

"Gaia decided to attack the golden universe, of course I have to be prepared, after all, the golden universe is super scary!" Titis said.

Hearing this, Shirou couldn't help but move his heart, and asked, "What kind of world is the Golden Universe, that it deserves such vigilance and tension for existences like you?"

"The golden universe is a material universe that is completely different from ours." Thetis thought for a while and replied: "We will take the path of informatization because we found that no matter how we walk on the path of material life If it continues, it will be impossible to resist the invasion of the golden universe."

Shirou asked, "Are they physical beings?"

"Yes. They are the most powerful material life among the material life known to us. They are stronger than the star armament of the star kings. Even information tampering laws cannot disintegrate their life forms, and their material technology It is the top. Our technological level is inherited from them, so we found that if we followed the inherited path, we would be wiped out by them. Therefore, we created Alaya and moved toward informatization.”

"As for the Golden Emperor..."

Tetis paused, and his tone was unavoidably tinged with fear, and he said, "That God of Destruction... If we can, we don't want to face him at all. It is the ultimate manifestation of matter, and nothing can interfere with him." Little Shirou, although I don't know what the Lord of Relief you are talking about, but, as far as I can remember, there is no existence more terrifying than Him..."

Hearing this, Shirou's eyes flashed a touch of understanding. According to Thetis, the golden universe is actually the pinnacle of material civilization.

And the Golden Emperor is the most perfect material life, ignoring the law, and even any attack can't harm its existence, even the impact of Alaya's quantum information.

If the quantum information impact of the cosmic Alaya is directional and absolutely true damage, then the Golden Emperor is an invincible unit that cannot be selected.

Shirou thought for a while, took out the Arrow of Akasha, looked at Thetis, and asked, "Can't this also destroy the Golden Emperor?"


Thetis was about to answer as a matter of course, but as soon as his eyes fell on Akasha's Arrow, he couldn't move away, and asked in a daze, "This, what is this—?"

"This is Akasha's Arrow." Shirou said.

"It's unbelievable, there is such a thing..." Thetis stared blankly at Arrow of Akasha, then looked at Shirou, and asked, "Can you lend me a look, little Shirou?"

"Of course. This itself is your creation."

Shirou didn't suspect him, and handed the Arrow of Akasha to Thetis.

"It's unbelievable that such a creation actually exists..."

Thetis took Akasha's Arrow, looked at it carefully for a moment, his eyes were full of shock, then he turned his head, looked at Shirou, and asked in disbelief: "Is this really our creation?"

Shirou nodded and asked, "Is there a question?"

"This kind of construction has never been seen before. There is neither the principle of information nor the law, nor is it the structure of matter, but the manifestation of the most fundamental source... However, if it is this arrow, it is considered to be an arrow. The Golden Emperor will also be wiped out! Unfortunately, this arrow can only be used once."

Hearing this, Shirou was taken aback, frowned, and asked, "Use it once?"

Thetis nodded and said, "This Arrow of Akasha should be able to be used three times, but it has been used twice. The source currently stored is only enough to take effect once. As the owner of this arrow, you don't know Right, Shirou?"

Shirou frowned, Akasha's Arrow can only take effect three times, and he didn't know this until now.

Arrow of Akasha has only been effective twice so far.

One is the master of the seal relief used by the origin life in the real history.

The second is that he used the Arrow of Akasha to completely destroy the Apocalypse.

If Akasha's Arrow can only be used three times...

Then this is indeed the last time!

Thetis hesitated for a moment, returned the Arrow of Akasha to Shirou, and said seriously: "You have to keep this arrow safe, little Shirou."

Shirou took back the Arrow of Akasha, looked at Thetis, and asked, "This arrow can destroy the Golden Emperor, don't you want to use it, Thetis?"

Thetis shook his head and said, "You came to this era with your own vision. Therefore, this arrow must have a more important mission than destroying the Golden Emperor."

After a pause, Thetis smiled and said, "What's more, the Golden Emperor is our old enemy. As an elder, how can we borrow the power of our descendants to deal with our old enemy?"

"Also, it can't be big or small. You should call me Grandma Titis."

Thetis sat on Shirou's shoulder, smiling and stroking Shirou's head.

Shirou sighed, he really lost to Thetis.

"By the way, come with me to the moon, Shirou."

Before Shirou asked, the impatient Thetis opened a white hole under Shirou's feet.

Shirou didn't notice it for a while, and fell into it. When he recovered, he had already reached the moon.

Looking at the craters around him and the Earth-Moon Observatory not far away, Shirou turned his head, looked at Thetis helplessly, and said, "Didn't I just say, don't just teleport like this?"

"Forgot. Let's talk about it next time." Thetis said with a smile.

At this time, a stream of light flashed across his head, and Shirou turned his head to look, and saw huge starships rushing out of the star observatory, flying towards the border of the Gaia star field.

Origin Gaia has decided to attack the golden universe, and the starship built in the material age has finally left the cold palace that was put on hold, and was taken out to gather at the border of the Gaia star field.

Perhaps, Tiamat is among them.

Shirou asked again, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Of course it is to collect the astrological coordinate map of the golden universe... eh? Why do you seem to dislike the moon?" Thetis asked with a puzzled face: "Your Excellency the Moon King is very easy to get along with. "

Shirou said in his heart that it is easy to get along now, but it will be troublesome in the future.

"Thetis, this way-"

Suddenly a crisp sound rang in his ear, Shirou turned his head and saw the King of the Young Moon in the Era of Origin waving towards them.

Shirou and Thetis walked over.

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