I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2251

After a few pleasantries, the Moon King took them to the inner core of the moon.

Here, a huge photon crystal that replaced the moon's core is shining brightly.

And this is the Mooncell that will lead Zhu Yue into madness in the future!

Although the original civilization once repelled the attack of the golden universe in the period of material life, it is ridiculous to say that they do not know the specific location of the golden universe, as well as the internal reality.

However, it is different here with Mooncell.

After all, the Star Kings, and their origin, are the Mooncells.

If it weren't for the observers of the golden universe back then, they fell into civil war and killed each other here, let alone the Gaia star field, even the star king would not be able to get rid of the experiment of the golden universe.

In the Mooncell, there is information about the golden universe that the Gaia star field needs.

It’s just that the photon crystals of this Mooncell are many times larger than the Mooncell of the future era, completely filling the inner space of the Moon!

"Mm." Thetis circled the Mooncell a few times, then looked at the Moon King, and asked, "Can you move it, Moon King?"

"Of course it's generous." The King of the Moon smiled and said, "If it's helpful to Gaia, just take it away. But this observatory is connected to the core of the earth, so a part of it should be kept in the Oh, in the core of the earth."

"Of course we know this, that's why I called Xiao Shirou over."

Thetis turned his head, stared at Shirou, and said with a smile: "Little Shirou, you can do it now."

"This observatory belongs to the Golden Universe, right? How can you be sure that I can cut the Mooncell?" Shirou asked with great interest.

"I saw it when you were dealing with the King of Uranus. You have the ability to cut through the origin of reason or matter, right?" Thetis asked, blinking.

Shirou sighed, "My labor remuneration is quite high..."

When he closed his eyes, he had already switched to the recording of the style, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw the root line on the Mooncell.

He aimed at the connection between the photon crystal and the moon's core, and then cut off the root line connecting each other with a sword "咻".


Under the astonished eyes of the Moon King, the huge, indestructible photon crystal was instantly cut open completely.

"Okay, it's amazing... The observation station that Gaia can't do anything about is actually cut open in one fell swoop... that's amazing!"

The Moon King stared at Shirou with sparkling eyes, and there was a hint of admiration in his azure blue pupils.

Shirou put the sword in the stone back into its scabbard, turned to look at Thetis, and asked, "So my work is done, right?"

"Yes." Thetis nodded and said with a smile, "I will send it away next, and then we will analyze all the information about the golden universe in it. In this way, you won't be blind. "

Shirou nodded. Under his reminder, the original life is preparing to attack the golden universe while the golden universe is in turmoil.

To increase the success rate of the attack, an understanding of the golden universe is a must.

At this time, a familiar message voice suddenly resounded here.

"Huh? Thetis, Fujimaru Shiro? Why are you here?"

this voice...

Shirou looked around, but still didn't see anyone, but he asked in a normal way, "You are... Maramaya, aren't you?"

"Yes. It's me," said Moramaya.

Thetis asked strangely: "Moramaya, aren't you investigating the planetary environment level of your home planet? Why did you come to the Moon King?"

"I came to ask His Excellency the King of the Moon to borrow Mooncell." Moramaya replied honestly: "After talking with Fujimaru Shiro, I got a new topic - to revive the possibilities that disappeared due to our changes. And fix it. But I encountered a problem and need to borrow Mooncell’s message storage space.”

"This is really an interesting subject. However, Mooncell can't borrow you. Gaia needs to use it now to analyze the specific situation of the golden universe." Thetis said with a smile.

"That's it...that's a pity." Moramaya said regretfully.

At this time, Shirou asked: "Have you figured out how to revive the disappeared later domain into a parallel world, Maramaya?"

Speaking of this, Moramaya became a little excited: "I already know how to revive those later domains. It's just that there is no way to define and fix them. That's why I borrowed Mooncell. But if Gaia is useful, I will Let’s forget it first.”

As he said that, Moramaya was a little depressed and regretful, but when he thought that Gaia, the origin of Gaia, was used up, he could borrow it, and he felt better. After saying goodbye to Shirou, he left.

Sensing Moramaya's departure, Shirou was silent for a moment, and said, "It may be a good thing that the Mooncell didn't go into the hands of Moramaya..."

Thetis asked suspiciously, "Why do you say that, Shiro?"

Shirou didn't answer, because he really couldn't be sure that the later domain where Maramaya was resurrected and fixed was the prototype of those finite world lines-connecting points.

According to the sayings of Tiamat and the skeleton of the sky in the future, the birth of the limited world line-connection point is also one of the reasons for the birth of the root evil.

It's just that this matter is really impossible to explain clearly, and so far, everything about the Lord of Relief is still very vague, and we can only take one step at a time.

However, if the death struggle between the original civilization and the golden universe is the fundamental reason for the birth of the root evil, then is the destruction of the golden universe by the original Gaia now the answer to destroying the Lord of Relief?

After saying goodbye to the Moon King, Thetis put the cut-off photon crystals into the quantum bubble, and handed them over to other original beings, allowing them to analyze the underlying logic and explore the comprehensive picture of the golden universe.

And it seems that because of the comfort of the origin Gaia, Uranus did not come to the trouble of Thetis, and Thetis was able to continue to study his own ternary ecosystem and copy the tree of origin.

Time passed by like this.

One terrifying starship after another gathered at the border of the Gaia star field, and soon formed a group of starships like a nebula.

Shirou originally thought that Origin Gaia would let him go to crusade against the Golden Universe, but Origin Gaia shook his head: "You can't go."

Shirou asked suspiciously, "Why?"

The root evil was born in the death struggle between the original civilization and the golden universe. He wanted to go to the golden universe to see if there was any clue to destroy the root evil, but Gaia refused.

"You have more important things."

Origin Gaia got up and pointed to the sky of the universe, where was the vortex that Shirou shuttled from.

"Not long ago, a stream of light projected from the opposite side of the vortex. Although it has no substantial impact on us, it may be related to the Lord of Relief you mentioned!"

Hearing this, Shirou frowned.

On the opposite side of the vortex, streamer is projected in?

It's the future, what happened again?

Chapter 16 When everything is over, let's go to see the snow!

One stream after another flashed past the space station in the Gaia star field, rushing towards the boundless universe like a meteor shower.

It was one starship after another equipped with cannons capable of knocking down stars.

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