I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2252

They will straddle the star field, carry the will of the origin Gaia, and rush to the golden universe.

However, Shirou was not among them, but was teleported to the location of the Vortex Gate by the cosmic Alaya.

Using mud to bind the particles of the quantum universe to fix his body, so that Shirou will not be sucked away by the gravity of the planet's rotation.

Looking solemnly at the vortex gate in front of him, hanging on the barrier of the universe like a black hole, Shirou knew in his heart that this was not the real gate that the Lord of Sealed Relief wanted to open, but the vortex gate that he traveled to this era. door.

This vortex gate is both an entrance and an exit.

It connects this era of origin sealed by the gate of truth, and the future world where Shirou lives.

【I will send you here, Your Excellency Shirou. Call me by name if you need my help, I'm within range of my network and I can help you right away. 】

Cosmic Alaya said.

Shirou nodded and said, "I'm sorry."

【Serve Star Domain guests wholeheartedly. 】

The main information fluctuation of the cosmic Alaya has left.

Of course, Gaia, the origin, has already started operations against the golden universe, and he has to guarantee the success of this operation, and most of the quantum information flow will ensure that the assembled starships carry out wormhole transmission.

After sending off the cosmic Alaya, Shirou turned his head, his eyes fell on the Vortex Gate, and his brows frowned.

Opposite the Vortex Gate, there is a deep nothingness, not to mention the future world, no scene can be seen.

It's just that [Flower of Evil] vaguely absorbed dozens of malicious observation eyes from the opposite side of the Vortex Gate.

That kind of malice, when absorbed, is like the smell of Abigail.

Obviously it is from the evil gods outside the territory.

As the original Gaia said, in the future world, the super beings who know the first war are crossing an immeasurable light-year distance, and are observing this era of origin through this vortex gate.

Not only that, fear, fear, anger... all kinds of negative emotions from human beings also overflowed from the vortex gate, absorbed by the [Flower of Evil], and turned into pure magic power.

Reality, what happened.

——This is no longer a question, but an inevitable answer.

Even if the eyes of the Lord of Relief followed him, he entered the vortex of the first cause of war. However, the Lord of Salvation still exists as a minion in this world.

Not to mention, there are those new species-Belia species.

"Do you want to use the backhand?"

Shirou's eyes sparkled with thought.

As cautious as he is, of course he will not meet the Lord of Relief with only his bare hands.

The Lord of Relief, although this root evil has the power of the root, it is extremely cunning.

Moreover, there are many illogical footholds in his behavior.

The most crucial point is that since he has already appeared in the world and forced away the awakened ones, why did he sit back and watch him, the successor of the vortex, fully awaken and inherit the mortal vortex?

Moreover, when Apocalypse was wiped out by Akasha's Arrow, he had no intention of appearing in the world at all.

Although Shirou didn't want to think about it, the answer was already in his heart.

Be it the Apocalypse, or the Demonic Bodhisattva, or Leif... In fact, he doesn't care about the particles.

What He really wants is to borrow them to fully awaken Shirou and become the successor of Uzumaki.

The key to open this era of origin, this vortex door, is actually the collision of the vortex of mortal nature and the vortex of truth!

In this era, there is the answer to eliminate the root evil, and there is even the key to let the root evil come out of the door of truth!

However, the Lord of Relief would never hand over the initiative to him so honestly.

So, he will play tricks!

It is precisely because of such a safe idea that Shirou kept two backup players during the six months of recuperation!

But, should we use those backhands now?

Shirou hesitated.

But at this time, a gleam of light suddenly flickered in the nothingness of the Vortex Gate, and with a sound of "咻", it shot towards him.

Shirou dodged subconsciously, and the gleam of light disappeared into the origin universe.

Shirou looked at Uzumaki Gate in surprise, then gritted his teeth and said, "If the present world disappears, what's the point of winning the future?"

He raised his head and shouted: "Alaya, please protect my body from the influence of the cosmic environment."

【I see. 】

The cosmic Alaya responded instantly, and a huge message shrouded Shirou's body, isolating the interference of the cosmic environment.

Shirou closed his eyes and calmed down his mind.

In an instant, all the mud on his body returned to his body.

Consciousness is gradually separated from the body, and with mud as the core node, it is gradually connected to a part of the infinite.



Nordic Junction.

The blizzards of the past are long gone.

The sun is rising in the east, green leaves are everywhere, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

People all over the land work at sunrise and rest at sunset.

A harmonious scene of Utopia is like a hymn of ancient times.

However, even this Snowy Kingdom, which has survived the catastrophe of giants, is now ushering in an ominous light.

"Lord Skadi, it has been confirmed. That is the light projected from Pan-History." Sigurd, who is now the Nordic envoy, said to the supreme goddess Skadi standing on the top of the temple.

Skadi nodded, looking solemnly at the sky.

I saw a huge and deep vortex spinning above the sky, and a huge beam of light shot out from the vortex, and plunged into the land violently.

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