I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2254

Shirou frowned.

He felt that the technique of the beam of light and the connection method of the nodes were very similar to when he first traveled through time, with the help of Thetis, Old Shan, Old Sword, and Linglongguan Meishaye, he summoned the awakened The big summoning array.

In fact, it was Titis who first proposed the large summoning array to summon the enlightened beings before he was captured by Aige and fed to the Lord of Relief.

is one of the remnants of primordial life.

"Let's go to Pan History to have a look." Shirou said.

"I'll take you there," Skadi said.

"No, I can travel the world by myself now." Shirou said.

Skadi nodded, and withdrew her hand, feeling a little lonely in her heart.

Shirou kicked his feet, got up, and was about to go to Pan History, but found that Skadi hadn't followed, turned his head, and couldn't help asking: "Aren't you going, Skadi?"

Skadi shook her head and said, "I have to appease my world."

Shirou nodded, and then said with a smile: "When everything is over, let's go to see the snow together, Teacher Skadi."

Skadi froze for a moment, then nodded, and said with a smile: "Then I hope that when the time comes, there will be no more giant attacks."

"Will not."

Shirou said with a smile, and then used [Mortal Savior] to switch to the record of [Jewel Man], and directly applied the second method to travel through time and space.

Skadi watched Shirou disappear, then turned her head to look at the envoy behind her, and said seriously: "Go and appease people. And check again to see if there is any abnormality. Please, everyone. For us The world to live on!"

"Yes—— Lady Skadi!"

Skadi turned her head and stared at the vortex in the sky, as if she could see the back of a certain person moving forward, and said silently in her heart, Come on, Shirou!

She turned her back, and the petals hid her back.


Shirou traveled to the end of the world and returned to the present world.

He stood on the clouds in Iceland, staring at the beam of light that soared into the sky.

The beam of light that travels through the world seems to be just a node in a vast network, connected to nodes in other places through spiritual veins.

Staring at this extremely familiar operation, Shirou's face was solemn: "It really is a large summoning array!"

No, it should be said to be a super large summoning array!

At the beginning, Shirou used the large summoning circle to summon the enlightened being, Sakyamuni Bodhisattva.

However, the summoning array now is even bigger than the one Shirou used back then!

This not only makes use of the great source of pan-historical spirit veins, but also connects other connection points, absorbs the great sources of other worlds, and forms a super-large summoning array that spans the multi-dimensional world!

Such a summoning array, what will be summoned, just thinking about it is chilling!

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded behind him——

"Are you late? Has this anchor point been connected?"

Shirou turned his head and saw Aiga standing on the cloud, muttering to himself.

"Sha Tiao Love Song?"

As if hearing Shirou's voice, Aika turned her head, her eyes fell on Shirou, and she frowned involuntarily: "Fujimaru Shirou? Didn't you enter the gate of truth?"

"This is just my avatar." After a pause, Shirou looked at Aika and said, "It's you instead. As the first container, I thought you would also enter the gate of truth, but you are still in this world."

Ai Ge hesitated for a moment, and said, "I temporarily give up entering the realm of the first cause."

Shirou didn't understand Aika's thoughts, but he still said: "Let's not mention that for now. You are not the Aika who has a life and death with me, can we suspend the conflict? Tell me, what happened in this world? And this super big Summoning array, what's going on?"

Aika hesitated for a moment, but still told Shirou the reason of the matter.

"The seventh beast, the root evil really still uses this card."

Shirou frowned, then looked at Aiga, and said, "Then you temporarily gave up entering the Gate of Truth because of my sister, Fujimaru Tachika?"

Favorite Song: "..."

She had to be silent.

Lixiang was the first to admit her and was willing to accept her, this false love song, false doll.

Although Lixiang has no intention of becoming friends with her, but in Aige's heart, she has already regarded her as a friend.

Doll's, first friend.

Shirou shook his head and said, "Let's not talk about this for now. In terms of fighting against the Lord of Relief, we are partners now, right? Then, let's solve this super large summoning array first. Although I don't know what this thing will summon, but It is necessary to use the beast of the end to arrange a summoning array of this scale, and the summoned thing must be able to subvert the existence of this galaxy. We cannot let him succeed!"

Love Song nodded.

The two joined together and then separated.

Shirou flew towards Fuyuki City.

The seven anchor points are the cornerstones for building a super large summoning array.

Ancient Shu, Northern Europe, South America, Romania, Britain...

Why are the anchor points these seven connection points.

Not to mention Shirou, he doesn't know even Genshi, who is the chairman of the council.

However, since it has already happened, it must be stopped!

The super large summoning array doesn't know what to summon, but that thing must not be summoned by the Lord of Relief in this world!

Shirou flew back to Fuyuki City.

The clay figurine can't exert much power, so he must prepare in advance in Fuyuki City!

Because, among the seven anchor points, the original anchor point was invaded by the false god seat,

Fuyuki City!

Chapter 17 The last gift from the Eternal Dynasty!

As the beast of the end activated the anchor points of the super-large summoning array one after another, in various regions of the planet, one after another, strange beams of light crossed the dimensional barriers separating the worlds, projected into pan-history, and finally submerged into the vortex on the sky.

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