I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2255

Like the nodes of the network, a network with the Vortex Gate as its core is slowly taking shape, covering the planet.

No one knows what the intention of the super large summoning array established by the Lord of Relief is to summon.

But it is obvious that before the establishment of this super large summoning array, this planet has already fallen into a world-shaking change.


The pitch-black dark thunder flickered in the dark nebula shrouded by the vortex.

Dozens of ten-meter-tall giant birds of the Belia species, surrounded by thunder, flew past in groups. Wherever they passed, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. Before ordinary birds could dodge, they were caught Thunder turned into dust.

At this time, a square team of jet fighters galloped from the sky and bombarded this group of giant birds of the Belle species.


Flames spewed out, and countless bullets mixed with missiles turned into a torrential rain and bombarded the group of Beli subspecies.


One, two... This group of giant birds, the Belia species, didn't notice for a while, and several of them were instantly blown up by the missile.

However, before the pilots of this group of phalanx cheered for joy, the group of giant birds, the Beli subspecies, let out a long howl and turned to attack them.

The dense mine nets all over their bodies paralyzed the fighter's system, and the fighter suddenly became inoperable, and then flew towards the fighter, while the pilots screamed in horror, they tore open the steel cockpit with their sharp beaks , tore up the driver and swallowed it.

Bright red flesh smeared on the steel wings.

Such a terrifying scene fell into the eyes of other drivers, and the fear in their hearts suddenly magnified.

Even modern soldiers with excellent qualities can't help but feel fear in the face of these new generation of alien creatures.

However, the failure of the control system has already made them fish on the anvil, unable to resist.

Just when they were in despair, a starlight flashed and destroyed Belle, the strongest bird among them.

The rest of the giant bird, Belle, came to her senses immediately, and looked towards the place where the starlight emerged with angry eyes.

The drivers followed suit, and they saw a clay figurine.


The angry giant birds, as if they sensed an extremely terrifying danger from the clay figurine, fluttered their wings in fright and flew away quickly.

However, the clay figurine was not ready to let them go, so he raised his hand and just waved it.

I saw a thin line of light flickering past.

At that moment, time froze.


"Boom, boom, boom!"

All the giant bird Belles became explosive fireworks.

Flesh and blood, annihilated in the light.

"Okay, that's amazing..." A driver murmured, "Is it a god?"

The clay figurine flew towards them.

A driver asked timidly, "Are you an enemy or a friend?"

The clay figurine didn't answer him, but differentiated into several huge clay palms, picked up their out-of-control fighter jets, slowly placed them on the ground, and left at random.

It was as if he had just done a trivial thing.

However, this shocked the souls of those rescued drivers!

"Captain, go back to the base first. It's not safe here!"

"Is the base safe? Now, the whole world is not safe!" The captain clenched his fists, fearful and unwilling, "What's going on in this world?"

Yes, what happened to this world?

This is not only a question in the hearts of these drivers, but also a common question in the hearts of the high-level executives in the watch world and the magicians in the inner world!

Belle species!

Since the return of humanism, this new species born out of distortion has started to subvert the human world in just half a year!

Huge sea beasts engulfed aircraft carriers and warships, huge birds preyed on fighter jets and aircraft, and hideous beasts spread all over the land, tearing apart tanks and armored vehicles, and began to overthrow human cities.

The whole world is in a mess!

At least, on the way Shirou flew from Iceland to Fuyuki City, none of the cities he passed or the countries he saw was peaceful.

This is simply like the planet's revenge on mankind!

However, this is not right.

Because those Belle species are not life naturally bred on the planet.

It is the distortion of the root evil and the apocalypse!

Apocalypse once dematerialized the planet before being wiped out by Akasha's Arrow, which provided a seedbed for the distortion of life.

And after that, the disappearance of Ideal King Bridged and Heavenly Emperor, and the completion of the seven anchor points made the aura of root evil leaked from the door of truth, which completely led to the birth of these deformed beings of the Belle subspecies.

The Belle subspecies, these deformed beings will definitely compete with humans for the dominance of the world, but that is no longer Shirou's concern.

——Super Summoning Array!

Origin Gaia has begun to attack the golden universe. Once the Gaia star field destroys the golden universe in the era of origin, the reason for the birth of root evil will disappear.

Perhaps, that is the answer to eliminate the root evil!

Therefore, the matter of the origin era can be ignored for the time being, but in this world——

Be sure to disarm this huge summoning array first!

Otherwise, if this huge summoning array really works, who knows what terrifying things will be summoned?

Shirou flew back to Fuyuki City.

Fuyuki City at this moment is relatively stable compared to other cities.

After all, Artoria, Scathach, and Kama are all in this city.

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