I Will Eventually Become a Partner of Justice

I will eventually become a partner of justice Chapter 2256

However, even so, in some areas of the city, there are still traces of the invasion of the Belle species.


A cry sounded in the corner of the city.

Shirou, who flew over here, suddenly stabilized his body, looked around, and saw a giant ghost-faced spider as big as a man, attacking a mother and daughter.

Shirou recognized that girl as Mordred's classmate, and Shirou had seen it at the parent meeting before.


The ghost-faced spider Belle hissed, and slowly walked towards the mother and daughter.



A palm-sized spider is enough to scare people to death, not to mention this Cretaceous ghost-faced spider that seems to span time and space.

The mother turned pale with fright, and finally couldn't bear the fear in her heart, left the girl and fled in panic.

The girl was terrified, crying, runny, and incontinent.

Then, in desperation, Belle, the giant ghost-faced spider, swooped towards her.

Shirou frowned, and when he was about to make a move, he heard the girl yell in collapse, and then with a "swoosh", a cold light shot out from the girl's palm, piercing through the body of the Ghost Face Spider, and piercing through it. The subsequent tall buildings.

"what is that?"

Shirou couldn't help being startled, and then fell down.

The girl saw another clay figurine falling in front of her, and broke down and cried out loudly. The previous ray of light in the palm of her hand continued to flicker and was about to shoot towards Shirou.

However, Shirou is no longer the weak person he was back then. Before the ray of light was emitted, he grabbed the girl's wrist, forcibly sealed the girl's palm with mud, and then directly made a [hint] to hypnotize the girl into a deep sleep.

He hugged the unconscious girl in his arms, and then looked down at her palm, only to see a tiny, extremely tiny, seed-like black particle condensed between her palms.

"Magic sword?"

Shirou was puzzled.

so similar!

It is too similar to those desperate knights fighting against Aristotle in "The Earth of Steel", the life sword species-SIN magic sword wielding with life.

"Could it be... will this world develop in the direction of the land of steel?"

Shirou clenched his fists.

Aristotle and Gaia have already terminated the agreement, and will lead the world to the "Steel Earth", and the only one who will destroy the world in the end is the Lord of Relief!

And the signs of disillusionment have appeared!

Shirou carefully stared at the seed in the girl's palm, and could not distinguish between the myriad phenomena of [Eternal King] and the all-knowing and omnipotent star of [Gilgamesh], but the root connection of [Shiki] recognized the truth of this particle.

This is not the sword type of the magic sword, and it is not the ultimate and strongest sword that killed Aristotle in Shirou's impression - Slashing the Emperor, but a distortion!

The adaptive distortion of human beings to the environmental changes caused by the apocalypse and root evil!

It can also be said to be the germination of the SIN magic sword species, or the primary form.

Shirou stood up and stared at the whirlpool in the sky.

The world is about to change.

Not only the Belle species, but also humans—primates—have also changed.

Is this evolution or destruction?

Shirou didn't know, he only knew what he should do.

Shirou sent the girl to the shelter, and soon contacted Artoria who was staying in Fuyuki City.

When Artoria saw him, she couldn't help being taken aback, and asked, "So soon, are you going to use this?"

"There is no way to delay. Because the light of the summoning array has already been projected into the inner part of the vortex. Even I in that world can see it!"

Without exchanging too many pleasantries, Shirou directly asked Artoria about the situation.

And the situation in this world is a little worse than Shirou expected.

The awakening of the real beast of the end - Olga Marie, followed by the deployment of a super large summoning array with seven anchor points.

Mordred and Shashengyuan discovered this matter in advance and told everyone about it.

The heroic spirits who are still alive, as well as the people from the other world with powerful fighting power, all started to rescue and rescue them.

It's just that the speed of the beast of the end is too fast.

Before everyone reacted, the Olympic, South American, Romania and other anchor points had already been opened.

"A bad news. The Nordic side has also been opened up. What else has not been conquered?" Shirou asked in a deep voice.

"Then there are only ancient Shu, Britain...and here!" Artoria said with a frown.

"But Scathach has already gone to Britain, and Merlin and the others are also there, and Vivienne is also in Xing Nei Hai. As for Gu Shu, Mustard and sister are already in place. They said that the Spiral Pavilion over there will help, except In addition, a reclusive fairy friend of Mustako is also willing to help. As for us, Mordred and Saseiin are rushing back, and Kama is also here." Artoria said.

"Based on this, the three anchor points should not be missing. However, if the summoning array is really established and something terrible is summoned, it will be over."

After a pause, Shirou's eyes fell on the wooden bracelet on Artoria's wrist, and he said seriously: "Use [The Arm of the Emperor of Heaven]."

Hearing this, Arturia was taken aback, and asked, "Should I use it now? Isn't that used to prevent the Lord of Relief from successfully appearing?"

Shirou nodded: "Seal the planet first. In this way, even if the summoning array succeeds, at least it will still be our home field."

"I see."

Artoria nodded, then sank her mind, and poured magic power into the wooden bracelet on her wrist.

In an instant, the wooden bracelet shined brilliantly, and the name "Bridged" on it was filled with a faint light. In an instant, like a galaxy, it surrounded the planets.

People raised their heads in amazement, only to see that on top of the vortex-shrouded dark nebula, there was a layer of light band like a barrier of heaven, enveloping the sky.

what is that?

People couldn't help being surprised.

But people who know what this thing is, can't help but say in astonishment:

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